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Herman Cain the Black Walnut

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  sigmtnman said:
So little to add to the discussion?

I don't care who can "get elected", I care about voting for the best candidate.

Reading the quote in your signature by John Adams, I'm curious if you understand the difference between Austrian economics and keynesian economics?

With a new member signing on in your defense I assumed the ron voters were going to storm the forum like they did at the Value Voters Straw poll :P

There is nothing I, or apparently anyone else can say to open your mind to reality. The main objective of this coming election is to get this idiot out of office, IF Ron is the one I will be voting for him despite my disagreements with him.

So far most of the polls have Cain ahead of Paul and even RinoRomney, this may change but Cain has the most conservative views over RinoRom and WE don't want Romney, I'm sorry you can't accept that.

Paul on the ticket will be the same as Ross Perot, he'll be giving votes to BHO.

Today Rick Perry handed out his Economic plan that implements the Flat Tax plan. He also wants to drill baby drill so my support may change, I'm flexible, not single minded on one candidate.

I will never get all of my principles and values in one person, obviously RonPaul has all of yours.

Good luck.

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  kieefer said:
With a new member signing on in your defense I assumed the ron voters were going to storm the forum like they did at the Value Voters Straw poll ;)

There is nothing I, or apparently anyone else can say to open your mind to reality. The main objective of this coming election is to get this idiot out of office, IF Ron is the one I will be voting for him despite my disagreements with him.

So far most of the polls have Cain ahead of Paul and even RinoRomney, this may change but Cain has the most conservative views over RinoRom and WE don't want Romney, I'm sorry you can't accept that.

Paul on the ticket will be the same as Ross Perot, he'll be giving votes to BHO.

Today Rick Perry handed out his Economic plan that implements the Flat Tax plan. He also wants to drill baby drill so my support may change, I'm flexible, not single minded on one candidate.

I will never get all of my principles and values in one person, obviously RonPaul has all of yours.

Good luck.

I really have to wonder if you behave the same in person.

Guest President Fernatt
  kieefer said:
With a new member signing on in your defense I assumed the ron voters were going to storm the forum like they did at the Value Voters Straw poll :)

There is nothing I, or apparently anyone else can say to open your mind to reality. The main objective of this coming election is to get this idiot out of office, IF Ron is the one I will be voting for him despite my disagreements with him.

So far most of the polls have Cain ahead of Paul and even RinoRomney, this may change but Cain has the most conservative views over RinoRom and WE don't want Romney, I'm sorry you can't accept that.

Paul on the ticket will be the same as Ross Perot, he'll be giving votes to BHO.

Today Rick Perry handed out his Economic plan that implements the Flat Tax plan. He also wants to drill baby drill so my support may change, I'm flexible, not single minded on one candidate.

I will never get all of my principles and values in one person, obviously RonPaul has all of yours.

Good luck.

Rick Perry did submit a plan. The flaw is that it allows you to either pay the new flat tax or opt for the current system. You can guarantee that the rich folks using loopholes and the "poor" 45+% not paying taxes now will not opt for the 20% flat tax. That would mean that the tax system would remain virtually unchanged. It's not a flat tax if others have the option to use the tax system we have now. He is a bit misguided and I think that his efforts are sincere...he simply should have thought this out a bit more. I'm still on for Cain's plan at this point.

  sigmtnman said:
I really have to wonder if you behave the same in person.



That's funny Mr. Fernatt. If you would like to have a legitimate discussion about the views put forth and policies supported by the candidates, that would be great and I am open to that. If you would like to make judgments and assumptions about folks with different perceptions then just pass me by.

FWIW, I was open to Herman Cain before I realized he appears to worship mammon, does not appear genuine in his values and changes his mind depending on the occasion and audience. Cain supports a debt based society (usury) which is what the Federal Reserve is about and he has no issues with it as he he continues to state. He made the National Restaurant Association one of the top lobby groups in the country to the detriment of individual citizens representation. While he has been very successfully while working at some of the top multi-national corporations, it would appear with further investigation that he is an insider. Not to mention, he is named Cain...

Here is a video of him claiming one thing to only later change his mind to support the killing as we all know.

As you point out, there is a problem with Perry's tax plan, but there are also issues with Cain's plan. When the corporations are forced to pay a 9% flat tax, they will pass that along to the consumers in the form of price increases and thusly we will really have an 18% national sales tax. Many folks make the majority/all of their money through capital gains and they would pay nothing. The burden is being shifted entirely to the wage workers, though it could be argued it is done so now through the many loopholes which are capitalized on by many folks. Consider as well, that we will no longer be able to deduct the 9% TN sales tax or dependents and many will be paying much more. It is estimated that Cain's plan will bring in more taxes than is currently collected and is similar to trying to fix a problem by throwing more money at it. Without a reduction in overspending and the bloated government, the private sector will never recover as the money will continue to be siphoned to an central authority. There are better options, but at least it is being discussed.

What did the .gov do for $ before the enactment of the Federal reserve and IRS in 1913?

Furthermore, I support Garry Johnson as well as Ron Paul and while neither satisfy all of my desires in a candidate they are closer and have actually lived the lives that they purport to represent.

Guest President Fernatt

I'll explain the tax plan for those who may struggle to understand it...

...No, our sales tax will remain at 9.25% but 999 will replace the 5 main taxes our government currently uses. There will be a 9% federal sales tax, a 9% income tax, and a 9% business tax. In our current system we have capital gains tax, payroll tax, income tax, death tax, etc. Today, if you make between 34,500 and 83,600 a year, your federal income tax bracket is 25%. That will be lowered to only 9% under Cain's plan. All income brackets will be the same...9%. This allows you to save money...especially since you wont have to pay someone to fill out tax returns in April...999 does away with all that paperwork. Under Cain's plan, the average family making 50k a year with 2 kids will save in taxes alone a little over $2,000 a year...even with the introduction of the 9% federal sales tax. In addition to that, the business tax will be lowered from 35% to only 9%. That helps small businesses and large ones because it puts them on a level playing field to allow more investment.

Cain's plan also eliminates ALL the tax loopholes for corporations which currently pay little (1%) or no income taxes like GE, Exxon, Chevron, Boeing, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. Cain's tax plan ensure they will have to pay the appropriate amount of 9%. You may think that hurts their growth but I believe they should have to pay the same as everyone else. Cain's plan also cuts capital gains tax allowing companies to have more money to re-invest and it will cut payroll taxes which allow small and large companies to hire more employees. In his plan, he also calls for stimulating America's productivity. This means our exports will have no export tax which makes our USA goods become competitive with exporters like China.

Herman also vows to demand for China to stop their currency manipulation so the American dollar can rise back up near the top where it belongs. Cain also says that companies who make products can deduct their materials but ONLY if those materials were purchased from American companies. You will pay more sales tax but all of your other taxes become lower, competition will lower prices, and everyone will begin paying an equal amount to drive down our debt. His plan STIMULATES the PANTS off America! Our economy will boom, our products will become demanded on a global scale, and the everyday American will save money.

Especially because of his 9% sales tax exemption for used goods. You only pay that sales tax on NEW things. If you buy used cars, campers, boats, laptops, cameras, tvs, furniture, construction equipment, tools, appliances or anything else....You DON'T have to pay the 9% sales tax. It will be pretty sweet! PLUS, this is a "transitionary" tax plan. Cain's ultimate goal is the AMAZING fair tax. Once America transitions into the 999 limited tax plan, things become simpler and some of the tax burden is shifted to the 46% of Americans who don't pay taxes so it broadens the base. ( this is where you hear all the whining, liberals don't want the 46% of "poor" Americans who don't pay taxes to have to start joining in on helpig out the country...plus Cain plans to end most entitlement programs and use job oriented tactics to put government dependent people back to work if they are abusing government aid...liberals hate that too)

All this while increasing federal revenue, paying down federal debt and cutting federal spending. Once America is stable with the simple tax plan, Cain will transition into the final phase, phase 2...the Fair Tax. Once that occurs, the 16th ammendment will be repealed and the Fair Tax will be our one and only tax structure. It will be incredible!

and buddy, lighten up a bit

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for posting this. I'm watching it, now.

Guest President Fernatt

THAT is a ticket! I love Herman but I'm not opposed to Newt having his name first. Newt could absolutely shred Obama in a debate. Cain could as well but he would certainly have to study up a bit more. Geez, I can't wait til 2012!

  • 3 weeks later...
  mikegideon said:
That's what I'm thinkin'. Just reading some of the stuff now.

I absolutely believe he's gotten the Clarence Thomas treatment, in spades (oops, sorry).

Seriously, I think he, as a conservative black and a non-political outsider, was a threat in various ways to both parties, and they done him in. And if this doesn't do it, they'll "find" more.

- OS

  OhShoot said:
I absolutely believe he's gotten the Clarence Thomas treatment, in spades (oops, sorry).

Seriously, I think he, as a conservative black and a non-political outsider, was a threat in various ways to both parties, and they done him in. And if this doesn't do it, they'll "find" more.

- OS

Could be. It would be hard to believe that a politician is lying his ass off. B) Maybe he should just play it like Newt... Yeah, I f****d her.

Guest jackdm3

Like a predator to the prey, when it appears the prey is damaged, then the attacks really get fierce. And he sees that he'll hardly defend a barage of accusations far greater than that of Clarence. So with him out, Perry all but out, Paul's forgotten and Michelle wasting campaign funds too, who's left? Romney and Newt? Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. Trump's BS'ing about another "run."


Yeh, it's bad when both sides are against you. I heard he was going to be on Cavuto, today, and may

have something to say about the future of his campaign.


It surprises me that he would attempt to run for President IF he had this much trash in his background, maybe he thought they wouldn't vet him like they didn't BHO, who knows?

I don't care what he did in his private life but it's really looking bad for him. If he can't prove all these allegations are untrue just stick a fork in him, he's done. Between the ladies and his knowledge of foreign affairs it's a shame the media can destroy a person like this.

Now we can look forward to all of Newt's laundry being rehashed.

They already have Romney's religion described as a cult but they prefer him over all of 'em, Perry is another dumb Texan, they ignore Santorum and Bachmann. R.Paul is too old with wacky ideas so that leaves Huntsman who really should be on the democratic ticket, he's the most leftist out of all of them.

God help us.

  kieefer said:
It surprises me that he would attempt to run for President IF he had this much trash in his background, maybe he thought they wouldn't vet him like they didn't BHO, who knows?

I am not surprised in the least. I think it was nothing but pure egotism that guided him to declare his candidacy. While I disagree with OhShoot's suggestion of this being a Clarence Thomas in spades, I do however, believe that Cain had been planning on using Thomas' strategy. Remember, before all of these women came out Cain had predicted a "high-tech lynching." Interesting choice of words considering those were the same words Clarence Thomas used in his defense. If it was one or maybe two women that came out with these allegations, I would suspect some chicanery. However, with this many women coming forth? Come on. Anyway, his campaign is over. There is no way he will get the nomination.

On a personal note, I couldn't care less about his extramartial activites. If I thought he was the best candidate with the best ideas then I would still support him.

I like Paul, and I will vote for him in the primary, but I just don't see him getting the nomination. I hope I am wrong, but it looks like it will be either Romney or Gingrich. While either are better than Obama, I cringe at the thought of voting for either of them in the general. I don't think either of them will do anything meaningful in regards to fixing our biggest problem, our colossal federal government that spends too much.

It looks like OhShoot was correct when he predicted that this will be a hold your nose and vote election.

Posted (edited)
  kieefer said:
,,,I don't care what he did in his private life but it's really looking bad for him. If he can't prove all these allegations are untrue just stick a fork in him, he's done. ..

How do you disprove an unsubstantiated allegation?

Hell, looks like at worst he had a mistress for a while. Small change compared to MLK or JFK, eh? And a little of the old in out in out is sooo much worse than hatching your presidential run among self avowed revolutionary terrorists (and later adding them to your staff even), eh? What a wacky country, eh?

  mav said:
...It looks like OhShoot was correct when he predicted that this will be a hold your nose and vote election [again]

Pardon my additional word to your sentence, but I believe that's all the GOP is ever gonna muster from now on. I did indeed predict that the Tea Party will be diluted and absorbed.

Then again, look at the bright side -- maybe we won't be voting at all -- I ain't predicting it, but perhaps there's still that possibility. :)

- OS

Edited by OhShoot

it will be a hold your nose and vote, or don't vote, or vote for Obama election

Nothing is going to change and it matters not who is elected anymore.

I wish Cain would come clean if he is guilty of all these accusations, and just say he is not quitting over it. I would still vote for him. If he bails I have no candidate.

I am not going to vote for Romney or Gingrich.


Cain is a :poop:box mf'er. I am glad that his self righteous behind got caught. He had nothing to offer. Americans, we must demand more from our leaders.

  LINKS2K said:
Cain is a :poop:box mf'er. I am glad that his self righteous behind got caught. He had nothing to offer. Americans, we must demand more from our leaders.

Well, you know, Tom Jefferson's self-righteous behind got caught too, just took longer. And gasp, with a Negress.

"Ask not what your country can do for you..." Oh, him too.

"I have a dream ..." Oops, yep.

Did Reagan slip around on Jane before Nancy? Can't remember.

If every otherwise great American figure who did the nasty out of wedlock were cast aside, not sure that Declaration of Independence thing would have ever gotten off the ground.

- OS

  OhShoot said:
Well, you know, Tom Jefferson's self-righteous behind got caught too, just took longer. And gasp, with a Negress.

"Ask not what your country can do for you..." Oh, him too.

"I have a dream ..." Oops, yep.

Did Reagan slip around on Jane before Nancy? Can't remember.

If every otherwise great American figure who did the nasty out of wedlock were cast aside, not sure that Declaration of Independence thing would have ever gotten off the ground.

- OS

The biggest problem I have with that statement is you are listing great American figures. Outside of not being dead, I don't think Cain qualifies to be listed among those you posted. Anyway, it is moot point. He is finished. I guess we just have to wait for the book or made for tv movie.

  mav said:
The biggest problem I have with that statement is you are listing great American figures. Outside of not being dead, I don't think Cain qualifies to be listed among those you posted. ...

Didn't mean to "equate" him with the aforementioned. Then again, the Ole Walnut might have been among the greatest presidents in history sans the sabotage for his (let's assume true) peccadilloes, who knows.

- OS


He doesn't appear to be a quitter so maybe Cain needs to put things on hold and spend his wealth clearing his name? Surely he has someone who can come to his defense and one who can expose these women's lies?

That would be my only solution to defending his reputation against "unsubstantiated allegations".

Guest BungieCord

You can't prove a negative.

Regardless who the candidate is, if the press keeps giving publicity to these women without first vetting their stories, eventually it will bring them down.

But they wouldn't be giving these women the press if they were accusing a Kennedy or a Klinton or Edwards.

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