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set up camp or retreat??

Guest JeremyD901

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Guest JeremyD901

What would you do?? Find a fort to stay in and set up camp or leave and stay on the run?? I hear a lot of good reasons why to set up camp however my thing is eventually don't u think your camp would get over run? I think on the run you have less chance of being surrounded, downside is hauling all your luggage. I don't know what's best but I'd go with stay on the go.

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Guest capt usa
Posted (edited)

Set up camp and guard it like the last water hole. If I can hold out for a few weeks, the unprepared will kill each other off. Although I would have a backup plan to run like a hound chased rabbit.

Edited by capt usa

I have to agree with Capt USA. I will bunker in place as long as possible. I'll board up my house, as good as I can and ride it out as long as I can. I have a family and I think it will be safer to for everyone in a small secure area. You can't watch all directions while your running around. Some yahoo might get a lucky shot and take out a loved one. Once a few weeks goes by, I might go foraging in the darkness where I have the advantage (night vision). All this, of course, is dependant on what happens. I have a bug out bag at the ready.


Guest bemills86

Find a secure place and a prepare numerous contingencies..... "What if" yourself to sleep every night! lol


My food is at home. If I'm going to be facing zombies, I ain't doing it on an empty stomach. My guns are at home. If I am going to be facing zombies, I ain't choosing just one gun and a few rounds to do it. My bed is at home. If I am facing the likelihood of eventual death, I ain't spending my last, few days or weeks sleeping in the mud or under a lean-to made of branches. My meds are at home. Sure, I could take them with me but after I run out my time may not be long on this earth, anyhow - especially not while running around trying to avoid zombies. My booze is at home. I haven't drank more than a beer here and there for the past year or so due to some health issues I had last year but if the end is nigh, anyhow, I'm meeting it with a good buzz. My wife will be at home. Although we aren't very old, she has had nearly life-long issues with arthritis and joint pain in her knees, ankles and hips. She wouldn't be running very much for very long and I'm not leaving without her. Therefore, I am staying at home.

Okay, I might be convinced to load up all of the above and go to my mom's house or load up the campers, some family members and a few vehicles then head for a good camping spot in the Tellico Mountains (as a very, very last resort) but that's about as far as I am going to run. Running around on foot, trying to survive for weeks or even months just on what I can carry in a BOB? No, thanks. I live in a rural area and I sure am not running to the city and certainly not to any government 'relief' areas if I can avoid it.


+1 JAB

When the meds run out, I think I got 3months, tops.

  • 2 weeks later...

definately gonna be holed up somewhere...I figure I can survive better in my natural surrounding than out running around where I may not know...


Hold out for at least 60 days in order for the chaos of the living dies down. After that, wait for cold weather (below freezing). Begin to make way north, establishing temporary secure locations whenever the temperature rises above freezing with the final destination being in Alaska. Zombies are at ambient temperature, so they should freeze solid or become sluggish in cold weather. This makes many parts of Alaska safe for most of the year. The land is still virgin enough that there is plenty of food provided by the landscape but not that many people populating the area.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest FiddleDog

Being in Nashville, setting up camp is a no go for me. I'd head out to less densely populated area. Best plan for staying dry during a storm is to get out of the rain. My wife and I will rendezvous with some good friends who all live within 2 miles of us. I don't have a ton of ammo and guns, so mobility won't be a factor. Once we're in a more defensible location, then we harden the fort.

  • 1 month later...
  TMF 18B said:
Hold out for at least 60 days in order for the chaos of the living dies down. After that, wait for cold weather (below freezing). Begin to make way north, establishing temporary secure locations whenever the temperature rises above freezing with the final destination being in Alaska. Zombies are at ambient temperature, so they should freeze solid or become sluggish in cold weather. This makes many parts of Alaska safe for most of the year. The land is still virgin enough that there is plenty of food provided by the landscape but not that many people populating the area.

Good plan right there. I hadn't thought about the freezing issue.


I'm heading for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park..... Lots of elevated easily fortified position and all the food you can kill, catch or grow..... Also I'm betting zombies aren't good rock climbers.....

Guest lostpass

Alaska or the Smokies is a hard way to live. You want somewhere with abundant food that is easily obtained. I'd head to the gulf. Lots of marshland, plenty of food sources and zombies can't work a boat. I'd set up camp on somewhere surrounded by water and paddle the john boat around to get a deer or something. In the meantime I'd seine shrimp and fish. Easy living, at least until the malaria returns.

  • 2 weeks later...
  lostpass said:
Easy living, at least until the malaria returns.

I wonder if mosquitos would bite zombies. If so, the gulf might not be the best place - imagine getting infected with the zombie virus without ever even seeing a zombie because a mosquito bites one of them then bites you.


+1 On what poak said. The situation will dictate what is needed.

With that in mind, stay prepared with enough provisions to ride out the initial chaos. Have a plan to get mobile in a hurry, and a couple of specific familiar places to go. Places that are familiar to you, and not a whole lot of other people. Parks are out, everyone else knows them just as well as you.

Pack light and move fast when needed. I've got a wife and a little one to protect and provide for too, so that's a consideration as well. They may not be able to tough it out as long as I can or move as quick.

As long as we can stay hidden in the wilderness, we'll be fine. Cause I can catch, kill, and cook anything with hair, legs, or fins.

So a country boy can survive. ;)

Guest bkelm18
  Smiddy said:
I'm heading for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park..... Lots of elevated easily fortified position and all the food you can kill, catch or grow..... Also I'm betting zombies aren't good rock climbers.....

Yep. Every Bear Grylls wannabe survival expert is going to think the exact same thing. So you'll have lots of company. ;)

  TMF 18B said:
Hold out for at least 60 days in order for the chaos of the living dies down. After that, wait for cold weather (below freezing). Begin to make way north, establishing temporary secure locations whenever the temperature rises above freezing with the final destination being in Alaska. Zombies are at ambient temperature, so they should freeze solid or become sluggish in cold weather. This makes many parts of Alaska safe for most of the year. The land is still virgin enough that there is plenty of food provided by the landscape but not that many people populating the area.

that would be a good idea if everyone else didnt have the same idea haha. id probably build some kind of underground structure, I dont know how many of you have read the book or seen the movie "The Road" (very good book and film BTW) but it would be similar to what they find. Nothing too big, just somewhere to hole up underground for awhile, stocked plenty with non perishables. After that, the first thing I would do is go find a military base (thats been overun of course) and steal a hummer with a mounted Dillan Aero minigun, and a truck full of ammo to feed it haha. That would be the ultimate zombie killing machine in my book.

Guest FC Zach

This one is simple for me. Based the idea off the book "Dead Sea" by Brian Keene, just get on a big boat and wait it out on the water till all the chaos dies down.


Well, here's something I was kicking around with the wife a while back when "The Walking Dead" first started: If I gotta place out in the country why not just take the backhoe and dig out a 8 ft trench around the perimeter and make it a little wide? Zombies ain't great problem solvers so I'd probably take them a while to stack up enough undead in my trench before they could climb out and get some tasty flesh. I figured I'd just have a ready made slurry of some kinda napalm substance to burn 'em up while they aimlessly wandered around my trench. This way you don't have to put up triple strand concertina wire and ruin the view, ya know?


I'm thinking houseboat on the lake, or if I can find a small island on the lake with enough deep water around it to build a small structure to call home for the time being.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cwotnman

I am the FNG here and I hope my response is welcome on this topic;

As someone mentioned above, the situation should dictate the tactics. I and a small group of friends often discuss TSHTF scenerios and what we will do. I am somewhat of a survivalist and definitely have that mindset. A few years ago I was discussing this type stuff witha friend and he asked me about my BOB (bug out bag). I told him "yes, I have one". He then asked me what it contained and what I would use it for. I answered all questions and then he asked me where I was going with my BOB. While I was in the battlefields...I carried a BOB that contained all the things I needed to keep ME alive while I awaited an egress or made my way back to the safety of my firebase. Hummmmmm......homebase might not be safe...in that type of situation. Had to re-think my tactics! All this being said: In a situation as spoken of here there are many varibles that must be taken into consideration, Will you be alone or with family members? Are you in good enought physical condition that you could survive in the boonies with the barest of necessities? What about those that are with you? What time of year? Most of my supplies/necessities are at my home....can that be easily and safely defended? In my opinion....If that type of situation should arise...I would hold out at my home as long as safely possible ....with "safely" being the biggest factor. As for me...I know that should I have to flee...I know that I could hold out BY MYSELF or with those that were also prepared and physically capable. Even at that....hacking out survival away from any civilization will be tough....very tough...and potentially life-threatening and could only be done for a little while with out supplies

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