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Talk about bad rep.

Guest Jon

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...........is everyone on this site mentally challenged? Hold on let me put this in understandable terms.

Well, I can not speak for everyone, but yes, I am.

I would still be in the mental institution if I hadn't broken out.

I captured a janitor and threatened him with a syringe filled with Windex, which allowed me to gain access to the guard shack and unlock the doors. About that time, my cyborg friend broke into the institution to help me escape.

I took one bullet to the shoulder in the process.

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Well, I can not speak for everyone, but yes, I am.

I would still be in the mental institution if I hadn't broken out.

I captured a janitor and threatened him with a syringe filled with Windex, which allowed me to gain access to the guard shack and unlock the doors. About that time, my cyborg friend broke into the institution to help me escape.

I took one bullet to the shoulder in the process.

OMG on no you just didn't go there.

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  • Administrator
Well, I can not speak for everyone, but yes, I am.

I would still be in the mental institution if I hadn't broken out.

I captured a janitor and threatened him with a syringe filled with Windex, which allowed me to gain access to the guard shack and unlock the doors. About that time, my cyborg friend broke into the institution to help me escape.

I took one bullet to the shoulder in the process.

Come with me if you want to live!

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Jon, you keep talking about how you're only here for your own amusement. Imagine the irony here:

The only reason I haven't banned you yet is because you're here for OUR amusement at this point. :P

Dance, monkey.

Awesome, looks like we have somewhat of a mutual agreement here.

Jon, you are wrong. I haven't been here long and haven't posted much, but I've felt nothing but respect from the people on the board. I've already met a few in real life, and so far they are great, honest people. I have also read quite a bit and find that everyone tries to be helpful and courteous.

Im glade you had that experience so far.

A person of integrity will care about their reputation in the eyes of their peers.

This statement is very true, the one thing you failed to notice is I do not see any person on this forum as one of my peers. Hence the reason I had just decided in the beginning to let this thread spiral out of control. Do I have the proof that could have stopped this? Yes, do I really care? Not at all.

All I've seen is an FU approach which leads me to believe that these guys have hit the nail on the head. It isn't a big deal to show your pedigree, so to speak, to guys that you seem to have tried to build a rapport with over the last couple of years.

To the FU approach theory, I dont really believe thats what I was trying to convey. More of a "Ok, so thats how it is." As far as trying to build any kind of "Rapport" eh not something that was ever on the top of my list. Like I have said I came to this site for the information and nothing more. I don't need the respect of the people of the internet to feel good about myself. The fact that my rep went to the crapper doesn't bother me a bit. This isn't a real world situation you people need to understand that. This would all be different if we was all face to face.

I served eight years in law enforcement in the AF, with multiple overseas deployments and an overseas long tour. I've got a commendation medal, an achievement medal with cluster, and a number of other medals. I don't tell many of my stories, but if I did and someone wanted to know if it was BS, I could put up. This is a case of put up or shut up. If you are the man of your stories, let us know so we can give you the respect you deserve. If, however, you are full of crap, then don't act like a little b@tch with your feelings hurt, and just stop. Have some self respect and respect the community by just letting us know what kind of man you really are.

My feelings have not been hurt, lol I can't see a post of mine that could indicate that. If anything I have taken this with a tiny grain of salt and its lead into a hell of an interesting read for many people.

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Okay dip****, we know you're a stolen valor peice of garbage. You won't admit it but we all know it's true. So I'm going to give you some advice. I have no issue calling people like you out, whether it be over the internet or in person. This is the first one on the internet. I'm going to give you advice that I never gave to your types before, for when you aren't protected by anonymity. Here are some facts:

1. There are people like me everywhere who can sense bullsh*t combat exploits because they have actually been there and done that.

2. We take it personal to the point of making it a physical altercation with the proper amount of bullsh*t mixed with consumption of adequate amounts of alcohol.

3. Someday you will spout your bullsh*t in front of someone like me and it will not end well for you. You will be made to look stupid VERY PUBLICALLY... in front of as many people as possible and may get hurt in the process.

Take this advice, it may change your life.

I'm out.

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I have ousted a lot of phonies on the internet as well as in real life. I can honestly say I have a knack for calling BS as a lot of service members can. It does upset me knowing we have heroes that have died to protect these phonies. It also cheapens the awards those heroes receive when every Tom, Dick and Harry claim to have the same thing. It seems like you never hear of the cooks, truck drivers or supply clearks. I only hear of the SEAL's, snipers, rangers or airborne. All the cool guy jobs.

I can pull service records to verify people's stories without much effort. I can use the FOIA and get everything minus their social security number. Their deployments, training records and in some cases their enlistment contract(s). It goes a lot deeper than just a DD214. A DD214 is just a snapshot of service and with the other records it paints a more complete picture.

I have done this on plenty of people in the past.

Jon I have nothing to gain and have nothing against you. If you want PM me your name (if it is a common name your DOB would help), branch of service, service dates and what city you enlisted in. I will pull your records and post my findings. I won't post the actual records. It generally takes a few weeks to a month to get them back.

So what you say?


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Are we done with this guy yet? My ban finger needs some target practice. :D

I for one would like to give him the chance to give the whole story.

I understand he wants to make it seem like what he did was some big secret but it isn't. There isn't a job in the military that is classified, now what they did might be but no job. Also, class dates are not classified nor are any ASI's he may have.

Jon you can smear egg on everyone's face if you have been speaking the truth. Trust me, I want what you said to be true.


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I for one would like to give him the chance to give the whole story.

I understand he wants to make it seem like what he did was some big secret but it isn't. There isn't a job in the military that is classified, now what they did might be but no job. Also, class dates are not classified nor are any ASI's he may have.

Jon you can smear egg on everyone's face if you have been speaking the truth. Trust me, I want what you said to be true.


Well, since he has now pulled his real name from his profile, I don't think he has any intention of telling the "truth". He was most likely a victim of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. :D I think the fun is probably over.

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Guest 808-South
Now why would I waste my time trying to prove my authenticity to a bunch of people I don't know and probably will never meet in my life.

There is alot of good people on here & alot of knowledge. Also awesome deals on firearms. "Never burn bridges"

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