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Talk about bad rep.

Guest Jon

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Well, is that not truthful either? You won't back anything up, so how do I know you just didn't pull that pic off of facebook?

bahahaha that pic has been up since I created this account in Oct. 2009, but sure I can humor that.

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So technically you are an entry level discharge. Your contract doesnt mean jack ****.

lol I love how people know how im discharged just by 2 sentences on a forum! You internet guys are freakin smart!

I said I Enlisted 11X. I never said I left 11X

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Technically I enlisted 11X. With an Airborne Ranger contract.

Technically? WTF does that mean? I don't give a flying f*ck what you enlisted to be. What did you do?? I started college majoring in quantum physics, but I'm not a damn scientist because I flunked outa English 101 first year... get me? I met plenty of people in basic that signed Ranger contracts that didn't even make it through p*ssy ass Airborne School! The fact that you chose those words in the manner tells me you're being deceptive, unless you originally signed up for 11X and later opted into an 18X contract (to which if you did I REALLY am curious to hear more b*ll**** lies because I will expose you to everyone here for the fraud you are in a very comprehensive way). You and I both know you're full of sh*t. I didn't care when you were telling tall tales. I found it amusing and maybe a little sad. I've known people like you all through life. What gives me the ass is lying about military service which, without doubt, you have done. People like you disgust me beyond what I can put into words. If your life is so sad you need to steal other peoples stories you should go ahead and suck start your pistol before you do something like procreate.

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"No sh*t, there I was, in the Vally of Nodangtwat surrounded by 3,000 Taliban fighters and all I had left was an MRE spoon. Was I scared? You're damn right I was scared... scared one of those little bastards would get away!"

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Technically? WTF does that mean? I don't give a flying f*ck what you enlisted to be. What did you do?? I started college majoring in quantum physics, but I'm not a damn scientist because I flunked outa English 101 first year... get me? I met plenty of people in basic that signed Ranger contracts that didn't even make it through p*ssy ass Airborne School! The fact that you chose those words in the manner tells me you're being deceptive, unless you originally signed up for 11X and later opted into an 18X contract (to which if you did I REALLY am curious to hear more b*ll**** lies because I will expose you to everyone here for the fraud you are in a very comprehensive way). You and I both know you're full of sh*t. I didn't care when you were telling tall tales. I found it amusing and maybe a little sad. I've known people like you all through life. What gives me the ass is lying about military service which, without doubt, you have done. People like you disgust me beyond what I can put into words. If your life is so sad you need to steal other peoples stories you should go ahead and suck start your pistol before you do something like procreate.

Well your right I did enlist 11X with the hope of 18X, but your also right I wasn't 18X.

I'm not trying to be deceptive at all. I'm just letting the smoke roll wondering how far this thread will actually go. as of now its over 100 replies and somewhere around 2200 views. which is more than 90% of this sub-section. I'm pretty pleased. LMAO

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So what is it, huh? There aren't many MOS's you can laterally go to straight from OSUT other than the Qcourse for 18 series. We both know you're a fraud and we both know you're going to continue to dodge REAL questions and focus on the irrelevant. FRAUD! Let's start simple:

Unit, deployment dates, AOR in theatre. I can prove to all these people you're a fraud, but I don't think there are any believers of your bullsh*t left. Yeah, I'm taking this one personally, and if you were the person you're trying to portray you would understand why. I promise to let up when you figure out how to commit Seppuku with a frisbee. I can give you some hints if you would like.

Edited by TMF 18B
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Let me clear this up for the people reading this: the OP is now suggesting he moved onto something so secret that he's being evasive with his answer... such as "I can't tell you because it's like, super secret". This would also be bullsh*t and is the common theme amongst people that are full of sh*t. You're not the first person I've called out and you won't be the last. Please go on Jon.... what did you "leave" as??

****, now you blew my cover. Gonna have to have a meeting with the DOD about this.

lol but I left 11B

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lmao why would I give out any of my information to a bunch of people I don't know.

Has it not occured to you yet that I really do not like this forum and that I could give a rats ass about what the people on it think? Has it been made obvious that I just really don't feel the need to prove myself to a bunch of people on the internet?

This forum is about as friendly as Pirate4X4 lol. When I joined this forum in 2009 I needed help identifying a shotgun. Then I kinda just left it be, dropped in from time to time to read some but never post much. When I started looking into getting my HCP is when I really got into the forum and found out that its not the friendly informative site I had imagined.

I'll give it to the site, its well structured and full of very good info. But the people that make up the forum just seem to have some kind of beef with younger members on the forum.

I am only still on this site for the laughs im getting out of this thread. You people are ridiculous. There is 12 pages of bull**** here to prove it.

When and if this thread ever ends, my time on this forum will also.

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Jon post it up and make them eat crow.

FWIW I find most here very friendly regardless of age. I have made friends here from several different age groups

and you for one are among the short list of people I have not felt any hostility from over the past months. There is really only a handful of people on here I just can't stand. But none of it really matters its the interwebs.

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My PM box is open. Send me a police report of one of your many encounters and I'll post here that you are legit.

Your identity, nor any identifiable details about the events, will ever be shared with the forum.

And I'm sure Daniel and TMF are both willing to accept proof of your service via PM, too, without disclosing your identity.


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My PM box is open. Send me a police report of one of your many encounters and I'll post here that you are legit.

Your identity, nor any identifiable details about the events, will ever be shared with the forum.

And I'm sure Daniel and TMF are both willing to accept proof of your service via PM, too, without disclosing your identity.


...........is everyone on this site mentally challenged? Hold on let me put this in understandable terms.

I do not wish to try and prove anything to anyone on this site or on any other web based forums.........I know where I have been what I have done and seen......Thats enough for me.

Now I know someone out there is going to play the whole "he's not proving it because he cant card" I could I chose not too, just like the idiots who think they shouldn't inform an officer of their HCP.

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I don't see what the big deal about posting up a unit or dates of service or where you were deployed to.

It's not a national secret or gonna give up your real identity.

Heck if someone wanted to I am guessing they could post up your name address and phone number here in not a lot of time.

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  • Administrator
"No sh*t, there I was, in the Vally of Nodangtwat surrounded by 3,000 Taliban fighters and all I had left was an MRE spoon. Was I scared? You're damn right I was scared... scared one of those little bastards would get away!"

...and this is where I spit my drink. :P

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Jon, you are wrong. I haven't been here long and haven't posted much, but I've felt nothing but respect from the people on the board. I've already met a few in real life, and so far they are great, honest people. I have also read quite a bit and find that everyone tries to be helpful and courteous.

When I read the postings that you made, it honestly raised the BS flag in my head. The stories you told just don't sound true, and to have so many "use of force" situations in so little time is pretty uncommon. Not impossible, but uncommon. Still I could go along with it if you could substantiate it in some way. The problem is in the way you tell the stories. They sound like stories told by some people I've know to be habitual liars.

This alone isn't what really has made me doubt so deeply. A person of integrity will care about their reputation in the eyes of their peers. You don't seem to care that your reputation is going down the toilet. Sometimes you have to show your bona fides in order to prove what kind of man you are. It seems like providing a little info that is not OPSEC would have cleared this all up, restored your reputation, and earned you a little respect. All I've seen is an FU approach which leads me to believe that these guys have hit the nail on the head. It isn't a big deal to show your pedigree, so to speak, to guys that you seem to have tried to build a rapport with over the last couple of years.

I served eight years in law enforcement in the AF, with multiple overseas deployments and an overseas long tour. I've got a commendation medal, an achievement medal with cluster, and a number of other medals. I don't tell many of my stories, but if I did and someone wanted to know if it was BS, I could put up. This is a case of put up or shut up. If you are the man of your stories, let us know so we can give you the respect you deserve. If, however, you are full of crap, then don't act like a little b@tch with your feelings hurt, and just stop. Have some self respect and respect the community by just letting us know what kind of man you really are.

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Jon, you are wrong. I haven't been here long and haven't posted much, but I've felt nothing but respect from the people on the board. I've already met a few in real life, and so far they are great, honest people. I have also read quite a bit and find that everyone tries to be helpful and courteous.

When I read the postings that you made, it honestly raised the BS flag in my head. The stories you told just don't sound true, and to have so many "use of force" situations in so little time is pretty uncommon. Not impossible, but uncommon. Still I could go along with it if you could substantiate it in some way. The problem is in the way you tell the stories. They sound like stories told by some people I've know to be habitual liars.

This alone isn't what really has made me doubt so deeply. A person of integrity will care about their reputation in the eyes of their peers. You don't seem to care that your reputation is going down the toilet. Sometimes you have to show your bona fides in order to prove what kind of man you are. It seems like providing a little info that is not OPSEC would have cleared this all up, restored your reputation, and earned you a little respect. All I've seen is an FU approach which leads me to believe that these guys have hit the nail on the head. It isn't a big deal to show your pedigree, so to speak, to guys that you seem to have tried to build a rapport with over the last couple of years.

I served eight years in law enforcement in the AF, with multiple overseas deployments and an overseas long tour. I've got a commendation medal, an achievement medal with cluster, and a number of other medals. I don't tell many of my stories, but if I did and someone wanted to know if it was BS, I could put up. This is a case of put up or shut up. If you are the man of your stories, let us know so we can give you the respect you deserve. If, however, you are full of crap, then don't act like a little b@tch with your feelings hurt, and just stop. Have some self respect and respect the community by just letting us know what kind of man you really are.


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