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Talk about bad rep.

Guest Jon

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I don't see it any different than revoking ones drivers license. Granted the constitution does not gives use the right to drive, I feel its more of a privilege than a right, but that may be because most states make it more of a privilege than a right.

Either way if your that careless with a firearm you have no business carrying it in public where you could do harm to others.

If I had been walking past that guy with my daughter the gun shot wound he received from himself would be the least of the injury I would have inflected on him with my bare hands.

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I don't see it any different than revoking ones drivers license.

You scare me more than the guy who shot himself.

He's working on taking himself out of the equation... your mentality works on taking us all out of the equation ;)

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You scare me more than the guy who shot himself.

He's working on taking himself out of the equation... your mentality works on taking us all out of the equation ;)

I think everyone is capable of doing something stupid. I'm pretty experienced and comfortable with firearms, so if I accidentally shoot myself while holstering my pistol I'll look pretty stupid, but not incapable of owning a firearm or carrying it safely. However, if I shoot myself or someone else while doing something inherently unsafe, that indicates that I'm not capable of safely operating a firearm. So in this case, accidentally discharging a firearm in a public place because he was doing something unsafe (putting himself and others at risk) may demostrate his inability to safely handle firearms. I don't think taking away his right to possess a firearm is a second amendment issue at all. Felons can't have them because they have demonstrated a danger to society. The mentally challenged and some with a history of mental illness can't own a firearm. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to say that someone that has shown that they are a significant threat to others when in possession of a firearm should have that right curtailed. I don't think that puts anyone at risk of having their rights taken away that hasn't put themselves in that situation. If you're standing in front of a judge because you did something incredibly stupid with your firearm that put others in danger, then I have no problem with that judge taking your rights away. If the founding fathers meant for that right to be so strictly followed, then none of us should have any problem with handing Charles Manson a loaded AK-47 if he's ever released from prison.

Now, I wasn't there to see what this guy did, but I'm assuming he had poor trigger finger placement during reholstering, so he simply got a lesson in humility and will be more careful next time, so maybe not completely incompetent, but the idea of whipping it out in such a public place/unloading/reloading shows a general lack of tact and common sense. Sounds to me like the idiot types at the range who thinks he's a scubagreenberetninjarangersealrambodelta operator, and makes me nervous to know they're carrying. Kinda the same way the 16 year old girl who's driving in the lane next to me, texting and driving at 70 mph on the interstate, making me concerned about getting my young children to where they're going in one peice. Certainly some idiot fingerf*cking his gun in the parking lot is gonna make me feel the same way.

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I think everyone is capable of doing something stupid. I'm pretty experienced and comfortable with firearms, so if I accidentally shoot myself while holstering my pistol I'll look pretty stupid, but not incapable of owning a firearm or carrying it safely. However, if I shoot myself or someone else while doing something inherently unsafe, that indicates that I'm not capable of safely operating a firearm. So in this case, accidentally discharging a firearm in a public place because he was doing something unsafe (putting himself and others at risk) may demostrate his inability to safely handle firearms. I don't think taking away his right to possess a firearm is a second amendment issue at all. Felons can't have them because they have demonstrated a danger to society. The mentally challenged and some with a history of mental illness can't own a firearm. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to say that someone that has shown that they are a significant threat to others when in possession of a firearm should have that right curtailed. I don't think that puts anyone at risk of having their rights taken away that hasn't put themselves in that situation. If you're standing in front of a judge because you did something incredibly stupid with your firearm that put others in danger, then I have no problem with that judge taking your rights away. If the founding fathers meant for that right to be so strictly followed, then none of us should have any problem with handing Charles Manson a loaded AK-47 if he's ever released from prison.

Now, I wasn't there to see what this guy did, but I'm assuming he had poor trigger finger placement during reholstering, so he simply got a lesson in humility and will be more careful next time, so maybe not completely incompetent, but the idea of whipping it out in such a public place/unloading/reloading shows a general lack of tact and common sense. Sounds to me like the idiot types at the range who thinks he's a scubagreenberetninjarangersealrambodelta operator, and makes me nervous to know they're carrying. Kinda the same way the 16 year old girl who's driving in the lane next to me, texting and driving at 70 mph on the interstate, making me concerned about getting my young children to where they're going in one peice. Certainly some idiot fingerf*cking his gun in the parking lot is gonna make me feel the same way.

Very well said.

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You're either full of **** or are the real life Martin Riggs...

Today I was taking my bi-monthly trip to Academy Sports in Chattanooga. As I got out of my truck I noticed two individuals about four spaces down. One guy was OC'ing, the other just looked curious like he was asking about the guys firearm. I went in the store got my items and left.

As I walked out I noticed the "curious" guy handing the firearm back to the HCP holder. He then re-inserted his mag and chambered a round. At this point im thinking the guy is a complete idiot for handing someone his firearm in public and a bigger idiot for loaded and chambering a round in such a public place. Then I notice he is holding the firearm with a finger in the trigger guard to his side. A few moments later he goes to re-holster the firearm and BAM. The idiot never removed his finger from the trigger so as he reholstered he pulled off a round into his own leg.

The idiot got in his car and im assuming drove himself to the hospital. The guy who had just been talking to him called the police and made a report.

I'm hoping this guy has his HCP takin away for good.

my wife said the same thing until we had a string of break-ins in our neighborhood. They all happened in the middle of the day just like this one did. The guys was targeting houses that they believed all occupants would be at work.

Unfortunately for these guys they broke into the constables house who happen to be home on lunch. He shot em both as they came into his window. How they missed the cop car in the driveway I cant figure out.

My parents live about 20 miles out a county road in a nice neighborhood, if you can call 3 houses on 30 acres a neighborhood, and have had someone try to gain entry twice.

Robbers also hit the other two houses so it was obvious that they was not from the area. Those guys drove a long long way to hit 3 houses.

I had a guy break in my house about a year ago. When My Colt M4A1 with tac light raised up on him he froze. Then got the nerve to tell me when I got my flashlight out of his eyes he was gonna beat me to a pulp. Wife flicked the light on in the hall and he realized it was no flashlight lol. Didn't shoot him, but from the amount of shock he was under when the police arrived you thought I had.
I have once about a month ago. I walk out of the walmart to find a bummish looking man trying to jimmy the lock on my truck. My first reaction was to asking what the H@LL he was doing and before I knew what hit me he had clocked me right in the mouth. Next thing I remember I was looking down my front sight ordering him to the ground and kept him there till the police arrived.
I have took a couple bullets to my vest but luckily none made it through. Sure was sore though
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I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought the same thing.

Maybe next week he'll tell us the story of his trailer being shot up by machine gun fire that was shot out of a helicopter. Or how he had to draw his weapon while buying a Christmas tree :)

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Dear Lord,

We thank you for gift of natural selection.

We ask that continue to bless the system of natural selection that you have set in place.

...and Lord, I ask you ask to favor natural selection and increase the severity for infractions, if it is right that you should do so.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti

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Maybe next week he'll tell us the story of his trailer being shot up by machine gun fire that was shot out of a helicopter. Or how he had to draw his weapon while buying a Christmas tree :)

I read this while at work in the middle of a meeting and almost had coffee come out my nose I was laughing so hard! Never mind all the strange looks that I was getting.

Thanks for that one!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought the same thing.

I was also skeptical. I was too polite to say anything last night when I was reading the thread. Oh well, it doesn't really matter. It's all for entertainment purposes anyway.

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Maybe next week he'll tell us the story of his trailer being shot up by machine gun fire that was shot out of a helicopter. Or how he had to draw his weapon while buying a Christmas tree :)

Maybe he'll get tortured by a guy with jumper cables.

Edited by tommy62
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Whoa... just saw all the other posts from this guy. My dad has been a police officer for 30 years and can count on one hand the number of times he's pulled his firearm. This guy sounds like he's surpassed that number in less than a year just walkin' around.

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