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Talk about bad rep.

Guest Jon

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Today I was taking my bi-monthly trip to Academy Sports in Chattanooga. As I got out of my truck I noticed two individuals about four spaces down. One guy was OC'ing, the other just looked curious like he was asking about the guys firearm. I went in the store got my items and left.

As I walked out I noticed the "curious" guy handing the firearm back to the HCP holder. He then re-inserted his mag and chambered a round. At this point im thinking the guy is a complete idiot for handing someone his firearm in public and a bigger idiot for loaded and chambering a round in such a public place. Then I notice he is holding the firearm with a finger in the trigger guard to his side. A few moments later he goes to re-holster the firearm and BAM. The idiot never removed his finger from the trigger so as he reholstered he pulled off a round into his own leg.

The idiot got in his car and im assuming drove himself to the hospital. The guy who had just been talking to him called the police and made a report.

I'm hoping this guy has his HCP takin away for good.

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I'm not gonna lie after I noticed he had shot himself and himself only, I kinda chuckled at the stupidity he displayed. I don't even let close friends hold my firearms. Hell I won't chat with my friends about my firearm in public. Just because I don't want the little old lady at the grocery store scared silly.

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Guest Victor9er
Today I was taking my bi-monthly trip to Academy Sports in Chattanooga. As I got out of my truck I noticed two individuals about four spaces down. One guy was OC'ing, the other just looked curious like he was asking about the guys firearm. I went in the store got my items and left.

As I walked out I noticed the "curious" guy handing the firearm back to the HCP holder. He then re-inserted his mag and chambered a round. At this point im thinking the guy is a complete idiot for handing someone his firearm in public and a bigger idiot for loaded and chambering a round in such a public place. Then I notice he is holding the firearm with a finger in the trigger guard to his side. A few moments later he goes to re-holster the firearm and BAM. The idiot never removed his finger from the trigger so as he reholstered he pulled off a round into his own leg.

The idiot got in his car and im assuming drove himself to the hospital. The guy who had just been talking to him called the police and made a report.

I'm hoping this guy has his HCP takin away for good.

Another reason for me to avoid Academy then....out of curiosity which location was it?

Well, he just did what open-carry supporters want, he made someone curious enough to ask. :stare:

Just imagine what the "curious" guy was thinking....

"Man, I was seriously going to buy a gun and apply for a carry permit, but while I was talking to this guy about guns he let me look at his and when I handed it back he shot himself in the leg with it! Forget that man, I'm not getting a gun just to shoot myself with it."


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Disservice to the cause for surely. I've conducted extensive conversations with a couple non-HCP friends about carrying and my guns. Demonstrations and handling occur only at the range or in private out of view of *mmmbaah* sheep. woops that bit slipped out

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I'm jealous. Free entertainment of that quality is hard to come by. I'd have paid for that show.

Seriously, THIS is the reason the sheeple are terrified of guns. I hope this guy gets his permit revoked for discharging a firearm inside the city limits, in addition to the cool new scar he has to show his friends.

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Another reason for me to avoid Academy then....out of curiosity which location was it?


Why do you avoid them?

I have been hoping they would come to Knoxville and now they are. I watch their sales flyers and they do have some amazing deals from time to time. Can't beat Stevens (Savage) 200's for under $200 out the door in most of the popular calibers. I seem to recall Ruger LCP's with lasers for $349 as well.


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Guys like that are the reason loaded guns aren’t allowed at guns shows. You let people handled loaded guns and someone is going to crank a round off.

Depending on how many people were standing around there are a few people that now have a very valid reason for being against HCP’s. That guy put the lives of everyone around him in danger. He obviously didn’t have the experience or knowledge to handle a gun safely.

I checked Google news and didn’t see anything yet, but I doubt this will make it past the press. :rock:

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I checked Google news and didn’t see anything yet, but I doubt this will make it past the press. :rock:

There was nothing on the news last night or this morning. Local news are usually pretty good at reporting stuff like this.

There was a story just a day or three back of some guy driving himself to the ER with a gunshot wound. It was aired even before the "story" was known.

Makes one wonder the validity of the OP....

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There was nothing on the news last night or this morning. Local news are usually pretty good at reporting stuff like this.

There was a story just a day or three back of some guy driving himself to the ER with a gunshot wound. It was aired even before the "story" was known.

Makes one wonder the validity of the OP....

There is a lot of things that fly under the radar simply because the news never hears about it. I went to a call where a guy shot himself in the thigh with an XD and it never made it to the news .

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The only way I see this getting to the press would be if the curious george reports it. I'm sure not going too because I dont want the public seeing anymore bad publicity for HCP.

I'm sure the guy didn't tell the ER the truth about what happen either. To save himself from any kind of legal hassle.

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The only way I see this getting to the press would be if the curious george reports it. I'm sure not going too because I dont want the public seeing anymore bad publicity for HCP.

I'm sure the guy didn't tell the ER the truth about what happen either. To save himself from any kind of legal hassle.

All he had to say was, "I was holstering my pistol, and shot myself". Bullet trajectory should make that obvious. Would that even require a police report? It's also possible that he didn't even require medical attention.

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All he had to say was, "I was holstering my pistol, and shot myself". Bullet trajectory should make that obvious. Would that even require a police report? It's also possible that he didn't even require medical attention.

True, but adding the fact that it was in a public parking lot probably would throw some red flags.

You may be right, the way he got back in his car he didn't appear to have a bad limp or anything. Maybe for his sake it was just a graze.

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There is a lot of things that fly under the radar simply because the news never hears about it. I went to a call where a guy shot himself in the thigh with an XD and it never made it to the news .

I've seen tons of crazy things in my work that never make it into the news and tons of things that are on the news that I think, "I've seen that happen 100 times." I'm not going to doubt the validity of something I hear just because it isn't on the news. Then again, I'm probably not going to be surprised if someone is mistaken or exaggerating either. When I say "someone", that includes the media. Don't get me wrong here, I not saying:

"don't believe anyone, it's all lies.":tinfoil:

What I'm really saying is "don't believe everything you hear in the media, they often make mistakes and get details wrong." ;)

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True, but adding the fact that it was in a public parking lot probably would throw some red flags.

You may be right, the way he got back in his car he didn't appear to have a bad limp or anything. Maybe for his sake it was just a graze.

One of out TGO brothers did the same thing awhile back, just not in a public parking lot. Shot a hole in his britches, but didn't break the skin.

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"I'm hoping this guy has his HCP takin away for good."

Why are you in favor of taking away his Second Amendment rights? It says everybody can bear arms, not just smart people. Bearing arms means more than carrying arms it also includes the use of arms. This guy had a Second Amendment right to shoot himself. I think we all need to write the NRA and make sure that all the states pass laws enabling us to shoot ourselves in the leg.

Another reason I don't buy into straight Constitutional (permitless) handgun carry, there are too many idiots out there who are too unstable or stupid to be carrying guns!

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Another reason I don't buy into straight Constitutional (permitless) handgun carry, there are too many idiots out there who are too unstable or stupid to be carrying guns!

The problem with that standpoint is that rights generally are not or even cannot be taken away until and unless an individual has done something to warrant having his or her rights curtailed. Curtailing the rights of all citizens in order to prevent a few morons from abusing said rights or doing something stupid does not jibe with the idea of real liberty.

For instance, our own state constitution gives the legislature the authority to regulate the wearing of arms 'with a view to prevent crime'. That should be a very narrow scope wherein, for instance, people with a criminal history would have their right to carry firearms curtailed. Instead, it has been 'interpreted' to mean that they should make the carry of firearms completely illegal and that having an HCP or being on one's own property is merely a 'defense' to the application of the charge of illegally carrying/possessing a firearm.

Edited by JAB
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