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Michael Vick cry baby


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I hate to start another football thread but did anybody see Mick Vick crying about the refs were letting him get hit more than the other quarterback what BS. He first had broken hand and it now turns out to be just bruised. I guess he thought he was going to sit and count his $$. Talking about entitlement. He's a POS always was and always will be.

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Vick is definitely "soft" this year, but I then take a look at Chris Johnson, and think the same thing.

as soon as these guys were given large contracts, they stopped working hard, plain & simple.

CJ - less than 100 yards on the ground in 3 games with 2.1 avg yards per carry = disgrace

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Guest WyattEarp

yep, I saw it. pretty sickening. the QB gets more protection than any other player. next thing he'll want is a Secret Service agent out there on the field to protect him at all times.

If ya can't take the heat, keep your ass out the kitchen!

Guys like Marino, Elway, Kelly, Bradshaw, Simms and other legends of that era are laughing so hard at Vick right now. He's a sissy.

I literally busted out laughing last night when Trent Dilfer (of all people) called him out on ESPN and said he had no basis for his complaints....i was lawling for a good 20 minutes. If you're getting called out by Trent Dilfer, you done screwed up bad.


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For the most part, they are a bunch of overpaid thugs (Vick more so than a lot of others).

I don't understand why, as a society, we idolize these people.

The same people moaning and complaining about CEOs and Wall Street banker's incomes have no problem with a running back making $55 million. There was a lot of "He's really worth it" talk from fans during CJ's negotiations.

2009 CJ 2k

2010 CJ 2.5k

2011 CJ .5k

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I don't think CJ should've gotten all that money. But in a little defense for him, that one year, he was still kinda new. Ever since that year, he has been on everyone's radar. So I am not sure if he is not trying as hard, or they are paying more attention to him.

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Guest WyattEarp
I don't think CJ should've gotten all that money. But in a little defense for him, that one year, he was still kinda new. Ever since that year, he has been on everyone's radar. So I am not sure if he is not trying as hard, or they are paying more attention to him.

history has shown that when you pay a RB big money, they don't produce as much as they used to, and they don't meet expectations.

Throw in the fact that he's rushed for 2000 yards a few seasons ago, no RB has ever done it twice to my knowledge. Usually after a 2000 yard season, they either have a serious injury or they just don't produce as they used to and are never the same.

I think it's a mix of defenses stacking the box with 8 or 9 guys, and a part of the fact that he missed so much training camp because he held out to get paid. They can't just throw him right back in there because he's not in game condition, otherwise he'll get hurt, and they still owe him the money. Right now they're trying to ease him back in to the game plan, but they definitely need to use the play action pass to keep opposing defenses honest as that's the only way to keep them from stacking 8 or 9 in the box to come after him and that will open up the running lanes for hiim. I would look for him to get the ball some more when they play teams with poor rush defenses, quite frankly, I'm surprised he didn't run up Denver's ass yesterday, considering the fact that we gave up 200 yards to the Raiders on the ground, but Tennessee's line is a bit like Denver's, still being developed and still needs some work.

Kinda surprised neither team really utilized the play action pass yesterday, thought that was interesting.

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Vick isn't getting those same calls. He is right. They aren't throwing flags when he gets hit as they would when one of the pretty boys gets hit.

They just need to call em all the same and I'm fine with that.

You are right. The refs will flag you if you look at Brady or Manning too long.

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Guest Victor9er
You are right. The refs will flag you if you look at Brady or Manning too long.

It does seem like they get extra special treatment, so in a way he's got a point... but I wouldn't put Vick in the same class as those two either, so by that basis I don't think the "other" QBs are getting treated any differently than Vick is. (I believe Brees even recieved a hit to the head that wasn't called yesterday, and I didn't hear him complaining about it)

My opinion is that Vick is in the same boat as Cutler, they're both getting beat up and are both frustrated. They are also both looking to place the blame on someone, Cutler decided to blame the coaching staff, Vick decided to blame the refs. Other than that I don't see any difference.

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i like pitbulls. id like to take the refs flags away when vick plays. he's a criminal and drug user. he shouldn't be allowed to play. he should be in prison for much longer than he was. the nfl shouldn't have allowed him to play again. nike shouldn't have resigned him in july for endorsements. he should be on t.v. for children to see and idolize.

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I hate to start another football thread but did anybody see Mick Vick crying about the refs were letting him get hit more than the other quarterback what BS. He first had broken hand and it now turns out to be just bruised. I guess he thought he was going to sit and count his $$. Talking about entitlement. He's a POS always was and always will be.

I'll have to agree that he is a crybaby and POS.

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Guest WyattEarp
i like pitbulls. id like to take the refs flags away when vick plays. he's a criminal and drug user. he shouldn't be allowed to play. he should be in prison for much longer than he was. the nfl shouldn't have allowed him to play again. nike shouldn't have resigned him in july for endorsements. he should be on t.v. for children to see and idolize.

tell us how you really feel...lol. I agree that the NFL is a privilege, and not a right, and he shouldn't be allowed to play again, shoulda had to go out and get a real job and make an honest living.

but what a story he is, from $130 million contract, to prison, to bankruptcy and millions owed in debt, and back to $100 million contract and being the starting QB for the Philadelphia Eagles. Only in America. The land of Opportunity. You couldn't write fiction like that if you tried to.

Hopefully he's counting his blessings, and not taking things for granted this time around, and I hope he's taking the time to do some good things with his life, and giving some of his spare time to helping others out and being a positive role model for kids. So far, he's stayed clean, made a few questionable decisions 2 years ago when he signed with the Eagles, but nothing major, and he's kept clean so far, so i'll give him props in that aspect. No news is good news. Outta sight, outta mind.

Life is about second chances, and everyone screws up to some degree, some more so than others. Lord knows I've made my share of mistakes, and gotten more than a few second chances. America loves the underdog and the comeback kid.

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i like pitbulls. id like to take the refs flags away when vick plays. he's a criminal and drug user. he shouldn't be allowed to play. he should be in prison for much longer than he was. the nfl shouldn't have allowed him to play again. nike shouldn't have resigned him in july for endorsements. he should be on t.v. for children to see and idolize.

I think you mean shouldn't. Anyway I like pit bulls too but I think that the refs actually give Vick a harder time due to what he did to dogs. (Remember I said I am a Vick fan so think of where I am coming from as I am doing with others opinions). Yes Vick was wrong and yes it made him look like a piece of ****. However people can repent and like I said I love dogs but he got made an example of. I think it was unfair to him. I know life isn't fair but let me tell why I think it's B.S. Donte Stallworth killed a man. A human being. 30 days in jail, 1000 community service hours, 2 years house arrest, 8 years probation yet allowed to play football on house arrest (only suspended for part of the 2009 season).

Rant off. I don't care if anybody likes/dislikes him. I do, he was my neighbor, and a nice guy. Sucks to be him.

Back on subject. The need to give everybody Brady/Manning treatment or let defensive players knock the chocolate out of QBs.

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