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Tonight's Debate

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Guest TresOsos
I wasted no time watching it. It matters not who won it. They will all sell us out ( with the exception of Ron Paul) and I could care less who the candidates end up being.

meant to add Herman Cain. I trust him too.

Mike I pretty much agree with the exception of Cain. He is a big Bankster insider who will continue to allow the Fed to print money and bail out the too big to fail boys with taxpayer money. In other words he will continue to prop up the people who created this crisis instead of letting them go bankrupt and sending their fraudulent butts to jail.

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  • 2 months later...
Nope, don't care. I am done with the debates. If anybody doesn't know what the candidate's views are by now then they will never know.

Fox and WSJ is hosting this one, may be different, I'm interested in who they will target and who can explain their positions the best. Romy will most likely repeat what he's been saying in every debate, getting real tired of him.

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Well, I enjoyed it, had a few laughs with a bit of inspiration.

Newt may gain some ground and maybe Perry. Probably' Perry's best effort yet.

It seems there is always an answer that Romy can't answer clearly. Newt tells it like it is and got the best applause responses. Paul had his moments and it was obvious to me that he was trying to control his excitement to keep from coming unglued. RS also did well.

All of the Fox debates have been good ones, the aftermath might calm down some of the attacks...might.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gotta admit, Romney has impressed the hell outta me tonight. None of the stuttering, great blend of forcefulness, fact, and humanity. That new debate coach is worth the bucks, whatever he's getting. God help me, he's actually acting presidential!

Gingrich's been on the verge of being Resentful Crybaby Newt tonight a few times.

- OS

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Yep, I don't think Newt did all that well in this debate. I thought he got hit pretty hard by Romney and Santorum, and is caused him to stumble a little bit. I also thought he defense of colonizing the moon was very weak. Also, his attack on Romney's portfolio backfired big time. Newt was the big loser of this debate.

In regards to Mitt, he did well attacking Newt. He was doing fantastic until he got absolutely hammered, and rightfully so, by Santorum on Romneycare. I was totally impressed with Santorum's ability to really stick it to Mitt. Mitt didn't not like it at all and actually got upset.

Santorum did well as ususal, but he is just too interventionist for my taste. He did a great job pointing out how difficult it is going to be for either Gingrich or Romney to beat Obama. If Paul wasn't in the race I would probably vote for Santorum in the primary.

I thought Paul was really good tonight. I am thankful that the moderator wasn't antagonistic with Paul on foreign policy. I know I am biased, but I think Paul won this debate followed close by Santorum. Paul was great on fiscal policy, healthcare, and came across with some great lines.

Overall, I really enjoyed this debate, and I really have to hand it to CNN. The last couple of debates they have moderated have been really good, and have blown away Fox. The last Fox debate seemed to me to be a cross between the WWE and American Idol; it was a total joke.

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Yep, I don't think Newt did all that well in this debate. I thought he got hit pretty hard by Romney and Santorum, and is caused him to stumble a little bit. I also thought he defense of colonizing the moon was very weak. Also, his attack on Romney's portfolio backfired big time. Newt was the big loser of this debate.

In regards to Mitt, he did well attacking Newt. He was doing fantastic until he got absolutely hammered, and rightfully so, by Santorum on Romneycare. I was totally impressed with Santorum's ability to really stick it to Mitt. Mitt didn't not like it at all and actually got upset.

Santorum did well as ususal, but he is just too interventionist for my taste. He did a great job pointing out how difficult it is going to be for either Gingrich or Romney to beat Obama. If Paul wasn't in the race I would probably vote for Santorum in the primary.

I thought Paul was really good tonight. I am thankful that the moderator wasn't antagonistic with Paul on foreign policy. I know I am biased, but I think Paul won this debate followed close by Santorum. Paul was great on fiscal policy, healthcare, and came across with some great lines.

Overall, I really enjoyed this debate, and I really have to hand it to CNN. The last couple of debates they have moderated have been really good, and have blown away Fox. The last Fox debate seemed to me to be a cross between the WWE and American Idol; it was a total joke.

Well doggone B), my sentiments almost to a tee. :up:

I was almost placing RP in first place but Rick stood out among all of them. He's still my favorite.:usa:

Did you notice how Mitt basically repeated what RP said about religion and government? Pandering to Paul voters no doubt.:koolaid:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now 2/22/12, the Arizona debate on CNN.

During "bailout" part of debate.

I just gotta say, Mitt showed some balls in dissing the UAW right before the Michigan primary!

Newt hit them even harder, if anything.

Santorum kept mum on UAW.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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