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Flying Squirrels


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Anyone out there have a solution for flying squirrels chewing on the side of your house? I live in a log house and we have had an issue with this. I had them in the attic, but I dispatched those and blocked their entry point. Now they chew on the outside of the house at night. I killed one over the weekend in the middle of the night hoping that would solve the problem, but one was back last night. As fun as jumping up in the middle of the night and shooting something may be, I think it is time to open myself up to other options. Anyone know of a spray repellent or something like that for treating the wood?

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Naphthalene (moth balls) temporarily can discourage squirrels from entering attics and other enclosed spaces. A repellent can be made by combining one pound of copper naphthenate with 2 1/2 quarts of either mineral spirits, linseed oil or shingle stain. If color is unimportant, two pounds of copper carbonate and three pounds of asphalt emulsion create a good repellent. A rain shower will easily wash away the cayenne pepper mixes, retail sprays or predator urine that will work temporarily.

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