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Springfield XD 40 sub-compact

Guest bhoneycutt

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Guest bhoneycutt

Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had or used the new xd 40 sc handgun. I like the looks of it by looking at their website. i guess the 08 model has the external saftey which at times could be usual for me. Any comments would be fine about it. I like the 3" barrel on it but is it still pretty accurate? I have been debating between that and the service model which i think has the 4" barrel. Also was seeing somewhere about people saying some of the XD's rust or something. Is that because they werent taking care of them?

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I own one and love it. It is my main carry gun and it is as accurate as can be expected from a 3" barrel. For a concealed carry gun it is hard to beat. I actually have a Tactical I have just ordered coming in early next week, but that is going to be for the range and to carry when i hunt or hike, when concealment does not really matter.

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Guest db99wj
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had or used the new xd 40 sc handgun. I like the looks of it by looking at their website. i guess the 08 model has the external saftey which at times could be usual for me. Any comments would be fine about it. I like the 3" barrel on it but is it still pretty accurate? I have been debating between that and the service model which i think has the 4" barrel. Also was seeing somewhere about people saying some of the XD's rust or something. Is that because they werent taking care of them?

Have not shot the SC40 (shot the 9). Have only seen pictures of the new ones with the external safety(not sure what to think about that yet, need to see one in person before I make a judgement on that). Accuracy will be fine, my XD40 service shoots better than me for sure.:lol: Rust issues are with old models because of the type of finish used on early models. Springfield corrected that, new ones will not have a problem. I have over 2K rounds through mine with no gun related issues.

Edited by db99wj
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Guest GT_Rat

I have an XD40SC. Shoots well and is pretty accurate. (more accurate than I am anyway) Recoil is pretty snappy and there is a bit of barrel flip when you fire as well. The trigger action is kind of long but you get used to it. It's small enough to conceal well on a medium build IWB which is how I carry. Overall I am happy with it.

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I believe the only XD that I have seen an external safety slated for is the XD45 ... and that is primarily because Springfield is hoping that they will somehow be able to get it in the running for the next US Military joint forces duty sidearm.

If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me.

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Guest bhoneycutt

Maybe im wrong about the external saftey. I thought I saw it in a picture off their website. I cant get to their website from work because they blocked it :lol: but also isnt a deal breaker. I just thought it would be nice to have that in some occassions. I like to have the option if i want it there. and I figured just because its there doesnt mean I have to use it.

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Guest srromine

I ave both the XD9 & the XD40 subcompacts, I love them. They are both accurate and the recoil is not to bad. If they come out with a 45 in thesubcompact I will be buying it also.

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Guest db99wj
I have the xd9,and never any rust,or any kind of problems what so ever out of the two xd9's I have had.

As far as I know(now correct me if wrong)they use gap not acp

The PDF is direct from Springfields site.

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Guest Bronker

I also have the XD40 SubCompact, and it is my second-most favorite pistol ever. It is my daily carry, and I do not leave home without it. As for accuracy, it is also the most accurate pistol I have ever owned. I have modified it 0%. At 30 feet, I can shoot 2.5" groups one-handed. And the gun's quality is credited with that, because I'm not as good a shot as it makes me. It is easy to clean, easy to field-strip, and is just a well-made machine. SA got it as right as rain as far as I am concerned.

I've always been a S&W man with autos and revolvers both, and this is the only non-Smith auto I have. And certainly not the last. It's easy to conceal also. Accessories are easy to find, and I love it from top to bottom.

I guess the best endorsement I can give the XD40SC is that when I leave the house with my wife and two children, the XD is first at bat as my go-to-guy. I trust it with my life.

And no, I don't work for Springfield Armory!!!

By the way, it is correct...the thumb safety will initially only be for the .45, and it is the ACP, not GAP. Just as has already been said. My two pennies...

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Guest db99wj
I ave both the XD9 & the XD40 subcompacts, I love them. They are both accurate and the recoil is not to bad. If they come out with a 45 in thesubcompact I will be buying it also.

They do have a compact in 45acp. They come in Service (4") and Tactical (5") That has the grip of a subcompact (with the standard magazine in) or the grip of a regular service model (with the extension which is a standard service model magazine with a sleeve over it) So not truely a subcompact, you can get the benefit of a subcompact grip when you are in deep concealment.

I probably would have bought this version if they had them out a year and half ago.

I like it because you can use the longer magazines, shoot at the range and be comfortable, have the accuaracy and control, but then when you leave, throw in the short magazine with your personal defense ammo and conceal nicely.

Disclaimer: I do not work for Springfield but if they are watching and reading, I can be bought. I like 1911's too.:lol:

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Well I feel like an idiot :lol:

I did not look at the link because I have seen the pictures before.Have they always been acp?I could almost swear I was looking at a gap at Carters a while back:confused: I guess I had Glock on the brain

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Guest db99wj

Springfield still makes a 45 gap, used as show above and new, but the one with the new external safety is only available so far in 45 acp from what I have been able to find. Don't feel like an idiot, it's ok.:rofl:

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