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Is a MAC reall worth it?

Guest tnfireman

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Guest Lester Weevils

as a Digital media Comm major, I heartily disagree with that statement. I could put a person who knows PC on a PC in a classroom with the standard Windows software that comes loaded on a new machine, and I could put a person who knows MAC on a MAC machine that's freshly loaded with it's standard MAC OS X software right next to them, give them the following assignments.

1.) Design a 2 page webpage

Hi WyattEarp

Are you sure a purchaser of a new mac will have iWeb? I don't keep up with it, but is the following thread inaccurate? Apparently iWeb is an orphan product and the last version was released in 2009?

Apple orphans many products/technologies over the years.


It is now apparent that iWeb, and iDVD, will no longer be supported by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD. iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:

Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:

◼ Password protection

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RSS Feeds and Slideshow Subscriptions will continue to work if the site is published from iWeb to the FTP server. If the site is published to a folder on the hard drive and uploaded using a 3rd party FTP client those two features will not work.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest WyattEarp
Hi WyattEarp

Are you sure a purchaser of a new mac will have iWeb? I don't keep up with it, but is the following thread inaccurate? Apparently iWeb is an orphan product and the last version was released in 2009?

Apple orphans many products over the years.


I don't know Lester, I know it's on the iMAC i just bought in April, I was running 10.6.7, upgraded to 10.6.8, then to Lion 10.7, and now sitting at 10.7.1.

so even thought it may have been abandoned and they aren't updating it anymore, apparently they were still including it with MAC OS X discs as of April 2011. Probably still good to use and learn from is my guess why it's still on there. but PC/Windows doesn't even come with a Wysiwyg and has never come with one. The only way you could get one was to download one, or buy one, or get the MS OFFICE XP Professional that had FrontPage...and that was pretty pricey at $399 at the time.

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GET THE MAC!!! If you want to use your computer and not have to constantly deal with maintenance go MAC. I use a Macbook Pro and use it extensively all day long. No crashes, no hang-ups, it just works. My wife has an ASUS laptop with Vista that I have to maintain. I would rather take a beating than touch that computer. Yesterday, I had to delete a bunch of programs for her to regain disc space, update the OS and run a backup. It took 6 HOURS!!!! INSANE!!!

On the MAC, I could have done the same task in 30 minutes and don't have to make hundreds of mouse clicks in the process. It's not that I'm a Mac fanboy, I just don't want to spend hours tinkering with my computer just to keep it humming and avoiding viruses and malware.

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Guest Lester Weevils
I don't know Lester, I know it's on the iMAC i just bought in April, I was running 10.6.7, upgraded to 10.6.8, then to Lion 10.7, and now sitting at 10.7.1.

so even thought it may have been abandoned and they aren't updating it anymore, apparently they were still including it with MAC OS X discs as of April 2011. Probably still good to use and learn from is my guess why it's still on there. but PC/Windows doesn't even come with a Wysiwyg and has never come with one. The only way you could get one was to download one, or buy one, or get the MS OFFICE XP Professional that had FrontPage...and that was pretty pricey at $399 at the time.

Hi WyattEarp

A wild guess is that you received iWeb 09 bundled on your MacOS 10.6 iMac.

I don't use the iLife programs very often and hadn't paid attention to the versions lately, but apparently we don't get updates to any iLife programs along with OS install discs. Have to buy new versions of retail iLife to get version upgrades. My Mac Pro was bought in 2008 and all the iLife components are dated 2008, though the Mac Pro came with either MacOS 10.4 or 10.5. I think it came with 10.4 and I've updated it twice to get to 10.6.8, but perhaps it came with 10.5 and I've only updated it once. Can't recall.

Am not complaining. Just discussing. I wouldn't mind buying iLife upgrades if I used the programs often. The iLife programs are very good if you only need to do the limited number of things of which they are capable and perhaps most people only need to do that extremely limited number of tricks.

Most "name brand" PC's people buy from stores are bundled with the typical goodies you mention, from the PC seller rather than from Microsoft. If you buy an HP or Sony then you will virtually always get a third party DVD player or quick'n'dirty photo editor bundled in. The bundled programs usually work as good or better than the iLife programs. Often the PC-bundled programs have lots more features. Jobs likes everything simple with limited features and big buttons. Which is fine until simple won't do and you need complex! :D

Am not slamming Macs. I like Mac and Winders about the same. One way to look at it, unless you are a granny or school kid who never needs any more than iLife capabilities-- If you buy a $500 PC rather than a $1500 Mac, then you have a $1000 budget left over to buy some fancy software with much better features than in iLife or whatever HP can bundle cheap.

That is just one way to look at it.

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Guest WyattEarp

i don't use any of the iLife software anyhow, so it doesn't matter to me either way, i was just stating that if you took a barebones pc and a barebones mac with the software in the OS discs, that a mac user would accomplish the tasks I listed much quicker and efficiently than a pc user.

I'm into advanced portions of my major at MTSU, and we're using Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere, Final Cut Studio 3 (Final Cut 7...since Final Cut X is such a dog and doesn't support broadcast quality output, doesn't allow import of video cassette tapes from tape cassette video recorders, and doesn't allow you to use FCP 7 files), Illustrator and Fireworks, and InDesign to develop and program websites and do graphics with. So iLife programs for me, are the equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle lol.

none of the bundled software on any pc i've ever bought have come with a wysiwyg web page design program though. I have gotten the PowerDVD discs basic edition with all four of the brand new dell's I've purchased, but Windows for all it's alleged glory, was supposed to have included the drivers, software and codecs to play DVD's in it's OS, so you didn't have to to that, and to this day it still doesn't work when you install a fresh copy of Windows 7, Vista, or XP. but anyhow, this is a good debate, everyone's got perspective, and difference of opinion, and we all like what we like for different reasons.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone one way or another. A year ago I hated MAC with a passion because of cross platform homework, and limited lab times and the fact I didn't understand MAC's or how to use one, and it made college life a living hell for me. Made the switch, and couldn't be happier. Don't knock a MAC though, until you actually sit down, learn one, and become comfortable with it and get familiar with it and take the time to form an educated opinion about it, otherwise people are just talking out their ass, because they have a pre-determined opinion of something before they ever actually use it.

I still use Windows 7 via VMFusion to run my winamp mp3 player while I'm working on my computer, because so far I haven't found any MAC mp3 player program that works like Winamp for PC does or even comes close (itunes makes me wanna gag)., i just wish someone would program winamp in MAC code, so there could be a MAC version.

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your exact words are and I quote "For example; if you are a heavy graphics user you might want a MAC, if you are a heavy CAD/CAM user you can’t use a MAC. "

obviously this is just flat out wrong. Maybe you intended to say "if you're an engineer and you use AutoCad, you might find it difficult to work for a company in the engineering sector since most prefer PC applications in terms of engineering and design software" then your point would have been very valid. but to say you "can't use a MAC if you use CAD/CAM" is just ignorant, cause I'd invite you over and start working in CAD the minute you got here just to prove you wrong.

No I don't work in Engineering, yes I use Autodesk AutoCad 2012, yes I use it on a MAC.

No, I said exactly what I meant to say. Did I say or mention AutoCAD? NO, I said CAD/CAM, do you know the difference?

Ignorant is calling out people that have been in their respective businesses longer than you have been alive on a topic you know nothing about.

I could probably find a CAD program that would run on my DROID or on an iPad; that doesn’t mean it’s being used in the Engineering or manufacturing world. rollfloor.gif

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Am not slamming Macs. I like Mac and Winders about the same. One way to look at it, unless you are a granny or school kid who never needs any more than iLife capabilities-- If you buy a $500 PC rather than a $1500 Mac, then you have a $1000 budget left over to buy some fancy software with much better features than in iLife or whatever HP can bundle cheap.

That is just one way to look at it.

The point of entry of the Mac is not $1,500. The newest Mac Mini can be bought for $568.95.

Amazon.com: Apple Mac Mini MC815LL/A Desktop (NEWEST VERSION): Computers & Accessories

It will cost you a lot more than $68.95 to get the functionality of iLife and anti-virus and malware software for that pc. And it will still be a pc, stuck with Windows. If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

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Guest Lester Weevils
The point of entry of the Mac is not $1,500. The newest Mac Mini can be bought for $568.95.

Amazon.com: Apple Mac Mini MC815LL/A Desktop (NEWEST VERSION): Computers & Accessories

It will cost you a lot more than $68.95 to get the functionality of iLife and anti-virus and malware software for that pc. And it will still be a pc, stuck with Windows. If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

Hi Nicemac

Have thought about buying a Mac Mini a couple of times. Have thought about buying an iMac a couple of times. Was dissuaded on Mac Mini because it is too much trouble dissasembling them for upgrade and the basic unit as shipped from apple isn't powerful enough for my liking regardless of the price. What is the point of buying a new gadget then dissecting it and discarding stuff you paid good money for, then paying more money to install better stuff in the case? That is no way to save money, fer sure.

Same deal with an iMac. They seem nice enough but if the puter and monitor are in different boxes then obviously either the computer will live longer than the monitor or vice-versa. If they are both in the same box, then whichever one dies first, mostly dooms the other component in the box, unless you ascribe to the notion of paying money to repair old hardware. I have NEVER got my money back from repairs/upgrades of either Macs or PC's after they get older than about 3 or 4 years. Maybe I'll foolishly do it again in the future, but in the past it never worked out well.

For years I had an AVG site license for antivirus but nowadays just use the free MS anti-virus. So far, the free MS anti-virus has turned out just as good elephant repellant as the nearly-free AVG.

I honestly don't mind Windows. Don't think it is any more of a pig than Mac. I bought my first Mac in 1986 and didn't even have a PC until 1996 so its not like I'm unfamiliar with the relative merits of the platforms. Over the years I've had and worn out at least 15 Macs. Maybe more. Its hard to remember them all. Got good use out of all the Macs. Have had lots of PCs which also gave good use.

Because I make money programming, I have to keep Macs and PC's and stay kinda somewhat familiar with them. I enjoy programming PC generally a lot more than programming Mac. In the past I preferred Mac, but over the years have changed my mind.

If I quit programming for money, dunno what platform I'd prefer. Maybe I'd just go unix/linux. Am very ignorant of unix because I don't make money from the platform and don't have time to learn. Can barely keep up with what I need to know for biz.

Maybe I'd only have Macs and no PC's. Some depends on if I had some other job interest depending on puters. If I got back into music and recording would pick whatever platform looked best for application-specific purposes. Would love to play with cad/cam/cnc given the money and time. Probably PC for cnc. Because I'd probably continue to write some of my music tools, probably PC for music as well, because PC is easier and more pleasant to program.

Calling Winders a pig don't make it a pig, any more than calling Mac a unicorn makes it a unicorn. It is entirely possible to be very familiar with both platforms and prefer PC. If you have a favorite anything but are confronted by its flaws, you just say, "I like it anyway, bless its pointy little head." ;) Everything is a mix of good and bad.

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(sigh) I never bother defending Macs or attacking PC's. Mac's will sell themselves to people they are suited for just as PC's will attract people who are more suited for it's design. However, I encourage everyone to at least give Mac a try and if they're not sold than so be it. No hard feelings, no uppity comments. They tried it, didn't like it, moving on.

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(sigh) I never bother defending Macs or attacking PC's. Mac's will sell themselves to people they are suited for just as PC's will attract people who are more suited for it's design. However, I encourage everyone to at least give Mac a try and if they're not sold than so be it. No hard feelings, no uppity comments. They tried it, didn't like it, moving on.

Just joking around. If somebody buys a Mac for what it really is, then they done good. It's a good enough platform that I stuck with it for 10 years. It's just a different world, and is a superior platform if you can live in that world.

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Desktop OS market share...

Windows: 92.9% (idiots)

Mac: 6% (smart people)

So there, Lester ;)

That leaves 1.1% for the Linux crowd. Uh oh, I'm part of a minority! Quick, Congress needs to pass some feel-good laws to make sure I'm not discriminated against.

OP, good luck with your computer shopping.

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That leaves 1.1% for the Linux crowd. Uh oh, I'm part of a minority! Quick, Congress needs to pass some feel-good laws to make sure I'm not discriminated against.

OP, good luck with your computer shopping.

We have quite a few boxes running Linux, just not in a desktop roll. It's a real stable OS.

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