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SHTF - What are you going to do with your sh*! ? Outhouse anyone?

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  • 1 month later...

That is a major issue. I tried one of these on a camping trip last year and it worked quite will, not a great long term solution but acceptable. Biodegradable bags (or not) and cat litter. This effectively handled (not literally) two person solid wast for three days before the bag was changed out and buried. I bought the bio bags for camping.

Amazon.com: Reliance Products Fold-To-Go Collapsible Portable Toilet: Sports & Outdoors


Reliance fold to go toilet. It handled my 190 lb ass. A little low for a 6 footer but it beat the heck out of hanging over a downed


I'm cosidering a second one. I now have 40lbs of cat litter but need about 5 times that. We just got another 100 rolls of TP at Sam's on the last run.

Lime sounds like a good idea too.

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That is a major issue. I tried one of these on a camping trip last year and it worked quite will, not a great long term solution but acceptable. Biodegradable bags (or not) and cat litter. This effectively handled (not literally) two persons solid waste for three days before the bag was changed out and buried. I bought the bio bags for camping. 31pzGAE9pWL__SL500_AA300_.jpgIt handled my 190 lb ass. A little low for a 6 footer but it beat the heck out of hanging over a downed tree. I'm cosidering a second one. I now have 40lbs of cat litter but need about 5 times that. We just got another 100 rolls of TP at Sam's on the last run. Lime sounds like a good idea too.

You could actually use this same concept in your standard home toilet in a pinch.

Edited by DAdams
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What are you going to do about disposing of toliet paper? Burn it? If you are like normal people, you could build up a large pile of used toliet paper rather quickly, unless you are like Sheryl Crow and others who only use one square at a time. I guess you could always rig up a poor man's bidet with a garden hose.

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In the long term what will you wipe your ass with when the TP runs out. Everyone always says leaves but evergreen needles would make for a long winter. My first thought was the neighbors dog. That rotty is almost as big as me though.

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  • 1 month later...

Hydrated lime, the white powder (calcium hydroxide), not agricultural lime, the gray pellets (calcium carbonate).

At least that's what my grandparents provided a bucket of in their outhouse. That and wasps. And a Sears catalog.

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I think people are missing the point of the OP's original question. If the infrastructure collapses, there will not be any sort of viable sewage treatment available so the toilet will be useless. No amount of filling the tank with creek water and flushing will solve this (unless you are on a septic and even then, you'll have to figure out how to keep it maintained). If it's bad, the last thing you'll want to do is waste any water at all on dealing with your body waste. Your camping porta-john won't hold up forever and you will run out of liners eventually plus there won't be a WalMart to grab more. I interpreted the question as one of a more long-term scenario. Even in the short-term, toting around bags of waste and figuring out what to do with it will get to be a pain in short order.

It seems that the question is one of short-term vs. long-term and how bad the critical infrastructure in society has collapsed. I think for long-term needs, the outhouse is the best option if you have a place to put it. I try to consider how our ancestors dealt with these problems and that's the route they chose. It's simple, doesn't require any other action than to keep the building up, and does the job. Convenience is secondary in a SHTF situation, but it's always a nice thing. My suspicion is that in a real SHTF scenario, the conveniences people will really be focused on will be related to shelter, warmth, food storage and prep, and water. I know that taking a convenient and comfy dump will be lower on my list of concerns.

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Well, since this old thread has been revived,:) I'll put the post hole digger on the Deere and punch a four feet deep hole. When that hole is full, I'll punch another. Big advantage to living in the country with no close neighbors. Think I have my ducks in a row on most all this SHTF stuff but it helps to keep running the plans.


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