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Pricing questions

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I have listed paracord slings on almost every other site for $45.00. I have even lowered the price to try and get some sales to get word of mouth out there. I was wondering what a price is that you would pay for one. I have about $15-$20 in supplies in every sling. It just depends on the cost of the uncle mikes adapters at the time of ordering my supplies. They do take a decent amount of time to make. I am basically paying myself 10/hr per sling. So I feel I am pricing them fairly. I will paste my ad and let you give me ideas on what I can do. If an Idea given on here drums up sales I will reward that suggestion with a sling. I am not trying to become a self made billionaire off these, just fund my gun habit and have some fun.

Here is my ad

The slings are made of 1 strand of 60 ft of 550 paracord. I get the paracord from one of the same companies that supplies the military. I make them in several different lengths, if I don't have the right length in the color you want I will make it for you. The hardware is uncle mikes sling adapters so they are made to last. I will also honor the same type of replacement that other places have. If you have to use the paracord save the sling adapters and I will make you a new one free of charge. I currently have OD,tan, desert camo, black and green camo. I can get other colors but cannot guarantee that the cord will be the same quality as having to use a different supplier. I also have keychains available for $5 with the colors listed above most color combos are pictured below


Thanks for the help

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Guest Plainsman

It may be that there are simply so many good slings in the market, many of which are right there in the $45 price range. In this economy, when folks spend their money on a sling, they are most likely going to go for the one that offers them the most bang for their buck and offers them some versatility, comfort, etc. In my opinion, when I read your add, the first thing I think of is 'novelty'. Although I certainly understand the use of paracord, I don't understand why I would need 60ft of it woven in my rifle sling, instead of just taking along a roll or using the 8ft in my keychain. Maybe it would be in your best interest in the long run to send a few out to folks in exchange for getting some posted feedback on their application.

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You might be able to bring down your cost per sling by out sourcing to China.:D

Seriously though, does seem like something of a novelty item. You might try other items like wrist watch bands, bracelets, etc and have slings as one item you make. You certainly have some skill to make a piece of rope into that. I saw an entire family at the gun show in Nashville making stuff on site with people watching how them. Might be worth $50 for a table to get the word out. Seems like the kind of item someone would need to hold and feel to really appreciate the time and craftsmanship.

Edited by bigwakes
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Guest lostpass

The slings are made of 1 strand of 60 ft of 550 paracord. I get the paracord from one of the same companies that supplies the military.

Should say " I use military grade paracord, the best there is"

I make them in several different lengths, if I don't have the right length in the color you want I will make it for you.

"We do custom work, we aren;t just cranking something for everyone, let us know what you want and we'll get it to you"

The hardware is uncle mikes sling adapters so they are made to last.

"Aour slings are warrantied forever. If our slings break before the adapters (uncle mikes) we'll send you a new one. No questions asked"

We exist to make you happy, if you don't like our products lets know how to make it better.

You are selling customer satisfaction, not utility. Focus on that.

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Plainsman- I agree on the economy being an issue, but what does not make sense to me is that I tried to sell them at material cost of $20 to get the word out and no one bought any but at the shows the guy selling bracelets for $15 could not keep people away. If you send me your sling adapters, I will make you one free of charge for your good word.

Bigwakes-I do make everything everyone else makes at much less than everyone else sells them. Most of my other items cost $5. I am thinking about getting a table at a show but not sure when.

Lostpass- I will change that wording, thanks a lot for the suggestions. I hope they help.

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A belt would be a nice item, if the material does not stretch over time (does it?). My first thought at looking at your work is "that weave is going to change size and require constant readjustment if actually USED". That may not be true, but from experience with woven goods, it is what my gut says. My 2 cents on the ad: that color in your ad is not really attractive. Bright colors sell, black sells as well, and multi color attracts the eye. Show one black and maybe the camo in the image, and put them on a gun, and put that gun in the hands of an attractive female.

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Jonnin the stretch factor is minamal, I made belt for a friend a while ago and he said it still fits great and with all of the buckle options out there pulling the belt a little tighter would be easy. I hung the sling up with 20 pounds hanging from it for a couple of weeks to test that as well. It needed no adjustment, I guess the magic of paracord prevails again. I will work on the photo, I will have to wait until my wife has the baby for the attractive female photo.

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A belt would be a nice item, if the material does not stretch over time (does it?). My first thought at looking at your work is "that weave is going to change size and require constant readjustment if actually USED". That may not be true, but from experience with woven goods, it is what my gut says. My 2 cents on the ad: that color in your ad is not really attractive. Bright colors sell, black sells as well, and multi color attracts the eye. Show one black and maybe the camo in the image, and put them on a gun, and put that gun in the hands of an attractive female.

Now this is the guy you need to listen too. Clearly understands marketing. Seriously, all products look better when associated with other high end products. I'd say take a picture with the most expensive weapon you can find.

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