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Surefire 60rd Mag ... Are they out of their minds?!

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This from a guy who dedicates space on his forum for Zombies. :screwy:

Of course they are silly for 99.9% of us but you are going to want one when the zombies come after you. But at that price, I guess I'll be swapping out 30 rounders as fast as I can.

You laugh now, but when a zombie is eating your kidneys I'll have the last chuckle.

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I'll tell a funny story about gear whores.

I was on a trip overseas and we had a guy who was on his first trip. Prior to getting where we were going to be for a bit he tried to talk as though he was the expert on all things tactical, a know it all kind of guy. He would make gear suggestions to the rest of us based on his readings and videos he had watched. The first time he came out wearing all of his gear nearly all of us shook our heads and chuckled at each other at the sight of him.

He had his body armor which was covered in molle, a seperate padded molle belt, a drop leg holster on one leg and a drop leg molle panel on the other. That would be so bad but you couldn't see any of the molle because of all the stuff he had hanging off of him. Everything had to match and it must be the new, at the time, crye style of camouflage or the bad guys would be able to see you.

I mean he had molle gear stacked on top of molle gear to a point that he looked and walked like a tactical Stay Puft Marshmellow Man.

When he asked what we were laughing about we just asked if he thought he was going to need all the stuff on him. He said you never know. For us that had been doing it for a while we knew that he probably never would and even though we had similar gear most people used a bag to carry the items he felt the need to hang off his body. I told him the 80 pounds of gear would get old very quick and he disagreed. He would struggle to get in and out of vehicles and would get caught on every door knob he passed.

As time went on the gear began to thin and we began to see glimpses of empty molle. The leg panels went missing one day and by the time his trip ended 90 or so days later he was like the rest of us, carrying the bare minimum on our person and a bag.


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I've had gear chub for these since I first saw the ad in American Rifleman. The painted rifle beat and scratched all to ugly helped too. I don't have anything in 5.56 right now, so I will have to trust other opinions on these. I think they best c mags, just because they're flat.

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