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Kia soul ???


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My wife is looking to trade cars. She now 2004 murano with 100,00 miles and feels its time. She has taken an interest in the Kia soul. She kinda likes the trendy look and the pricing. I think it may be a little much "go-carty ?" for my taste, I think I prefer something closer to murano, rogue juke, kia sportage,seranto, etc. I've just started the research and dread the car lot hassle, I know go look and drive. Anybody out there have any experience or opinions on these. I wonder how my two great danes would look in one instead of the hamsters "or whatever they are" that are in the commercials.

Edited by laktrash
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Guest mn32768

I test drove the 2010 model when it first came out. It had a ton of space, drove well (not "go-karty" at all) but felt grossly underpowered. Supposedly the 2012 model is has a more powerful 2.0 liter engine available, and with that it should be a neat little vehicle.

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I test drove the 2010 model when it first came out. It had a ton of space, drove well (not "go-karty" at all) but felt grossly underpowered. Supposedly the 2012 model is has a more powerful 2.0 liter engine available, and with that it should be a neat little vehicle.


I think engine power is one of their shortcomings, shouldn't be an issue with her most of her driving is local in town. She's the one you get behind going too slow in the left lane. Drives me crazy.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Daughter is moderately rough on cars and she's had a Kia Sportage several years, which still looks and runs fine. She doesn't abuse cars, but a shoddy car doesn't last long in her hands. Just sayin it seems that for people who have "benign neglect" of their cars-- A badly-built car starts looking rough on the outside and interior even if it is not from obvious scratches and dents. Because daughter hasn't managed to ruin that Kia yet I assume it must be pretty well made. :screwy:

Last year wife was looking for a car. Her final choices may not seem to fit in exactly the same niche but guess it is always a combination of preference factors. She looked at several models wanting something big enough to carry lots of groceries or garden supplies, handles well, looks good, and does not cost a fortune. Finalists included Subaru Forester, Toyota Matrix, Kia Soul, Scion xB (a toyota company), Nissan Cube.

Accompanying her shopping, my fav was the Forester. It is a tight built good handling vehicle with lots of pep. Wife liked it but thought it was a little too expensive and a little too big (though it ain't a big vehicle). She didn't like the Nissan Cube after driving it and thought the bigger Nissan SUV's were too spensive. She didn't care for the Soul after driving it. We visited the american big-three dealers, but everything she could afford she didn't like, and everything she liked she couldn't afford. Well, she could afford them but doesn't like paying that kind of money for a car.

She really liked the Scion xB and the Matrix. Both have pretty good acceleration if you stomp it, decent-enough ride, nimble handling with small turning radius, and carry a surprising amount of cargo. She ended up getting a Matrix and has been happy with it so far. Sister has had a Scion xB a couple of years and been happy with it.

Another real nice vehicle in that general size ballpark is the Honda Element but it is a little more on the higher price side. I bought old dad a Honda Element when they got too feeble to climb up into their big pickup truck and it is a great little tiny van. Some models have all wheel drive. Am pretty sure great danes would fit just fine in an Element and it is low enough to the ground that it wouldn't be a big jump for old dogs with arthritis. It has very generous front-door openings and the side door opens real wide.

My main issue if I was to get an Element for myself is that it sits a little low on the ground. Not real low but I like something higher. The seats are neither too high or too low however. The seats are about even with an average person's derrier standing alongside the car. You neither have to stoop down or climb up to enter the car. Which was what made it attractive for Dad's situation. Also the interior trim around the windows makes it a little hard for a one-eyed driver to swivel his head around and get a good look thru the side windows. But its a pretty nice little vehicle overall. Old Dad's wife does most of the driving nowadays. She's never been mistaken as an expert driver but she is comfortable driving that Element and manages to keep it between the lines and make it in and out of parking spaces just fine.

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My wife is looking to trade cars. She now 2004 murano with 100,00 miles and feels its time.

Since cars are more reliable now, on some models 100K is just getting broken in good. :)

I despise buying cars so I've taken the stance of running them until their broke and can't be reasonably fixed.

Kia makes a decent vehicle for the money from what I've seen. The Soul does have interesting styling.

Edited by Trekbike
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When we were replacing the wifes car we drove the Soul as it had just hit the market.

The biggest issue was the previous mentioned underpowered engine. Other than that I was impressed for the $15k sticker.

But I can't justify buying new when it depreciates so much after driving off the lot so we ended up

buying a used hhr. Pleasantly surprised with it after a year and mpg is insane.

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One of my former employees purchased one, and I drove it several times to lunch, as well as riding in it several times. As far as little foreign cars go - it's not bad. Seating is a bit firm, but there's plenty of room in the front seats for my 6'2" 215# self (sorry, I never sat in the rear). Controls were adequate, and power/braking seemed ok - again - for the type of vehicle it is. Kinda fun to drive, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well wife and I stopped to "look" at kia's today. So she's the proud owners of a new Kia soul. It drove alright like as mn32768 said not really as go carty as I would think up graded power was ample for her "and my" use Rode alot better than expected, and she's in "hog heaven" Glad to see her so happy . Car dealership wasn't such a bad trip. Salesmas was ex LEO who trained K9's pretty nice guy. Full 10 yr 100,000 mile warranty. These things must be hot right now "not good for buyer" because they go pretty guick because shes 'been watching. They wouldn't throw in a free hamster tho

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