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For Sale ads that won't accept cash


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Not necessarially on this forum, but on several forums and other sites I frequent, I've noticed a recent trend of people posting items in the classifieds in which they say they want to trade, but don't want cash. A lot of times, they don't even specify what they are looking to trade for. I understand a person can do as they wish, but I wonder how successful these ads are, and why they won't sell and just buy whatever they are looking for. What am I missing?

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Guest bkelm18

I've listed numerous "For Trade" ads here in my time. Almost never have I gotten exactly what I was wanting to trade for. Most times I end up taking cash by the end of it. I think only one or two actually went through with a straight trade.

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Every time I respond to the "for Trade" ads they want to trade there 200 gun for my 900 gun. I also know you can do what you want but some people have to be realistic and keep an open mind about cash offers because most of the time there trade stipulations will never be met.

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You are missing the fact that they can trade for a gun of equal value they want. But if they put a cash price on it they will be accused of trying to rip people off. Or, someone interested in trading wants to bicker around about $50 bucks because they want $50 more for their gun than the cash price you put on yours.

The best way to do it is put what you want to trade for and tell people if they want to buy it outright; they can make an offer. Then just don’t respond to those that that send the “What’s your bottom dollar†emails.

If you see a gun you want and you make a cash offer that the buyer is willing to accept; he will probably agree and sell you the gun.

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Let’s say I have a like new pistol that I bought new and have $750 in. I want to trade it for a rifle that would cost 750 new. If I can find someone that has the rifle I want that is like new, we don’t have to worry about price difference; put whatever prices you want on them, it doesn’t matter if we trade.

Now let’s say you want to buy my pistol, but because it’s used you want to pay $600 cash. If I accept that I need to find the rifle I want for $600 or spend $750 for new. I may not be able to find it used for $600.

If you emailed me a cash offer of somewhere around $700, you would own it. But of course you aren’t going to do that if you can buy it new for $750.

People holding out for a trade are usually not motivated sellers.

It seems I have a gift for insulting people, so I don't feel comfortable placing a value on other peoples' stuff.

I don’t know why anyone would be insulted unless you made the offer in an open forum. I just don’t respond; but I don’t hold it against anyone doing it in an email or PM.

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In my case a guy local listed a CS9 on GOC for trade. I emailed him about asking price. "just want to try". My response "Ok what are you looking for" ? response "a gun" I saw where this was going I really didn't have anything I wanted to part with, anyway. as someone said He probably wanted to trade for something far more valuable than his. If they don't kick out some kind of price you have no idea what his expectations are.

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If I throw one out there FOR TRADE ONLY then that usually means I paid too much originally and I am likely

to come out ahead if I just throw it up without a $$$ price. Besides that if I post a CASH/TRADE people

automatically affix that amount to the piece and their trade piece becomes worth that much regardless

if its worth that much or not.

And I was fortunate enough to have been taught to always keep my priorities in line and put life (bills, food, gas,etc) in front

of my hobbies.

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Guest GunTroll

I like the idea of a gun for a gun trade. Its more difficult to pull off but cash always goes in directions you may or may not have planned for it to go to, like gas for the auto you drove to get to the sale location, -$60 of my transaction (sucks!). Also cash is on the decline. Gun prices are climbing up, generally. I like holding a physical item in my hands vs. paper.

And on a somewhat of topic note... My wife has lost count of my firearms or has just quite caring. She can somehow smell out money and transactions made with it if its a card purchase (thanks online banking). I can walk in and out of the house with different firearms and she doesn't ever seem to care. I walk in with cash and suggest I will be buying a new firearm with it since I parted with a firearm I previously owned, I get guilted into submission and fork it over. She is frugal, and I am not. We are perfect together :D !

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