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Honda Accord Seatbelt Reminder


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I bought a new Accord this morning, and I can't figure out how to turn off the incessant dinging produced by the seat belt reminder. On a lot of cars, there is a procedure for disableing this lovely feature, but for this car I cannot find one. Please don't give me the old "wear the seatbelt" speil, I've heard it already. If you do know a way to disable this, I'd be very appreciative if you'd share the information.

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Look under the seat for a wire leading to the seat belt buckle and unhook it. If unhooking the wire doesn't work, then jump the wire connector.

May have to pull the carpet back a little to find it.

And you should really wear your seat belt! :)

Edited by strickj
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Guest coldblackwind

Buckle the seatbelt, and just sit on it. Quick, simple, and you don't notice it behind you. Has the added bonus that it looks like you have it on to any passing law enforcement!

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Folks, I'd be dead right now if I were in the habit of wearing a seatbelt. I choose not to wear one. It isn't any of anyone else's concern whether or not I do. Especially not the government. I did not intend for this thread to become a safety campaign. I just requested a bit of technical knowledge. I just want to drive my car in peace and quiet qithout a freaking bell ringing.

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Guest WyattEarp

read your owners manual. there's a section in it that speaks specifically about how to disable the Belt Minder feature. usually it's something along the lines of pull the e-brake, turn your headlights on, turn the key from off to acc 8 times, and unbuckle the seat belt or something to complete the process.

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Guest WyattEarp
Is it appropriate to start a thread asking for help on how to break the law?

turning off the seatbelt minder is not breaking the law. if he wants to turn the chime off, that's his business. I've always turned mine off in all of my vehicles, and in my opinion it's very annoying and distracting.

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read your owners manual. there's a section in it that speaks specifically about how to disable the Belt Minder feature. usually it's something along the lines of pull the e-brake, turn your headlights on, turn the key from off to acc 8 times, and unbuckle the seat belt or something to complete the process.

It isn't there. I looked.

Is it appropriate to start a thread asking for help on how to break the law?

What law does turning off a beeper violate?

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Guest kirkosaurus
Folks, I'd be dead right now if I were in the habit of wearing a seatbelt.

I'd be dead now if I hadn't have been in the habit if wearing my seatbelt. My step brother is dead now because he didn't wear his seatbelt. You are much safer statistically by wearing your seatbelt. Just wear the seatbelt.

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I'd be dead now if I hadn't have been in the habit if wearing my seatbelt. My step brother is dead now because he didn't wear his seatbelt. You are much safer statistically by wearing your seatbelt. Just wear the seatbelt.

same here. Seatbelt saved my life for sure. Pretty stupid not to wear one honestly.

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We've certainly become a nation of candies haven't we? I asked in the original post for you to avoid the wear your seatbelt lecture, but some of you just couldn't stand it. My first two cars weren't even equipped with seatbelts. Somehow I managed to survive. If you don't know how to turn off the beeper, please refrain from responding.

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A quick search on Google indicates that StrickJ was correct. Find the plug under the seat, disconnect it and short it out by placing a short piece of wire into both sides of the connector. Should fool the circuit into thinking the buckle is snapped in. You could probably just cut the wires, strip them and twist them together too, but that would be more permanent.

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While you're at it, you should probably disable the front and side curtain airbags. Most likely your first two cars weren't even equipped with them, and you somehow managed to survive.

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