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Vehicle accident while carrying

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I got into an accident in Knoxville last Friday on my way home. Five car pile upon 40 right in front of me, car swerves into my lane to avoid the one in front of him. I swerved to median and hit a truck who had done the same. Cracked my radiator, otherwise I could have driven home. Anyway, once officer arrives (took awhile due to clearing bigger accident that caused mine), my wife and I both discretly handed him our licenses and HCP. He handed the HCPs back and said "I'm glad to see that." Never asked where the weapons were or anything. Honestly, about as uneventful as I could have imagined.

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That's good to hear. Love cops who just do their job, God bless them all.

I've often wondered about this though. What would happen in a serious crash. You're injured, possibly unconscious. Will you ever see your weapon again? No way of knowing.

AMSting, glad you weren't hurt.

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Guest bkelm18

I've often wondered about this though. What would happen in a serious crash. You're injured, possibly unconscious. Will you ever see your weapon again? No way of knowing.

This question comes up once in a blue moon. My personal opinion, I don't care really. If I'm seriously injured to the point I'm incapacitated, I don't give a flip about my gun. Just get me to the hospital. I'll worry about that later after I pay off the thousands of dollars of medical bills. :)

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EMTs and Paramedics I have talked to say they would just give it to the closest LEO.

After you were discharged there shouldn't be a big problem getting it back.

If no one knows anything about it, then I'd report it stolen assuming someone made off with it. But considering by firearm is on my person 99.99999% of the time when I'm in a vehicle, short of someone patting me down I'm not sure how they'd see it to take it.

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If you are incapacitated and the weapon is taken from you at scene I take it to the police department and lock it up in the armory for sake keeping. When you get ready stop by and sign the property release and you got your gun back. If you make it to the hospital they have safes and will probably have their hospital security lock it up. I have had to secure weapons from a crash scene and have had my weapon secured by hospital staff while being treated either one worked like it should.

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If you are incapacitated and the weapon is taken from you at scene I take it to the police department and lock it up in the armory for sake keeping. When you get ready stop by and sign the property release and you got your gun back. If you make it to the hospital they have safes and will probably have their hospital security lock it up. I have had to secure weapons from a crash scene and have had my weapon secured by hospital staff while being treated either one worked like it should.

This. I work in hospital security and we get people in from time to time in various situations and we just secure it for them same as we would cash or other valuables.

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Pain,Punisher,that is good to know.Thanks for the info. Last time I went to the hospital I was able to give my wife my pistol and she stopped by the house to put it away(It was on the way to the hospital).

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If you are incapacitated and the weapon is taken from you at scene I take it to the police department and lock it up in the armory for sake keeping. When you get ready stop by and sign the property release and you got your gun back.

Yep, we do the same thing (a Rutherford Co PD). No big deal as it happens from time to time.

If the EMTs find it, they give it to us. Local hospital, same thing.

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