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New guy in Memphis area

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Hi all - moved to the Memphis area a little over a month ago, have been reading a few of the threads and thought it was time to join in. Originally from Philly, though I've lived in Virginia, and most recently Connecticut. Ironically, Memphis is slightly safer than the last city I was living in according to the latest FBI's statistics.

I've been hunting and shooting all of my life;

Hunting - grew up chasing Whitetails in the woods of upstate PA, and got quite a few deer over the years. Later, I moved on to hunting them in the Adirondacks. Fairly recently I retired from hunting Whitetails as I never really enjoyed it like I did with my grandfather. A favorite summer activity for many years was hunting groundhogs in the huge dairy fields in PA, and I didn't realize that there aren't any of them here in West TN. I guess armadillos are the stand-in. The type of hunting that I really enjoy the most and find the most challenging is predator hunting. I've got quite a a few stories from chasing the big coyotes in PA and NY and I'd like to keep up the habit here in TN. If anyone is in need of a caller/shooter with some blood on their rifles, let me know. I use FoxPro callers and 223, 22-250, or 243 depending on the scenario.

Shooting - I'm exclusively interested in defensive pistol and carbine. A few years ago, I got the training bug and progressively advanced to a level where all of my shooting is with this mindset. What I've found disappointing so far is that I haven't been able to locate a club or range in the area that allows for the type of carbine shooting that has been commonplace for me - all of the ranges seem to be dedicated to off-the-bench shooters or gamers. Hoping someone on TGO can point me in the right direction. My standard CCW is a G19.

Looking forward to interacting with you all... errr... y'all! :D

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I grew up around Memphis as the son of a gun dealer. I've been shooting most of my life, and am similarly frustrated by the lack of public ranges for carbine training. That said, when time allows, I'll trek over to Natchez Trace State Park (2 hour drive) for a public outdoor range. If you're ever up for a trip, we'll get our carbine fix together, along with anyone else willing to meet up. Welcome aboard!

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