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Good zombie movies?

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Guest Lester Weevils
Undead Or Alive. It is available for instant view. It's mo better because it co-stars a Chattanooga native :)

Thanks strickj

Watched that today. Beautiful scenery and it is much more realistic than most zombie flicks. Lots of fun.

Which one is the Chatt native?

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  • 4 months later...

Ya know, somebody ought to just make a list and make this a sticky.

So just caught Mutants, on Sundance (I think, I have them all cept TMC).

2009 French flick (subtitles, but not too distracting, dialogue relatively minimize).

REALLY good. Liked it better than [REC] or the US remake, can't think of the name of with Dexter's sister Quarantine

Mutants (2009) - IMDb

I agree with most of the more detailed reviews rather than the overall too low rating.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Last Man on Earth on TCM in a few min (1964). Never have gotten to see it before.

Its the first version of Mathesons "I Am Legend" before Heston in Omega Man and Wil Smith. The hordes are vampire zombies instead of plain zombies, though. Kind of makes sense to change them to that, since in all three filmed versions they don't come out in the daytime, and we all know that normal zombies are good to go 24/7!

Interestingly, Matheson wrote screenplay for Last Man on Earth from his own short story, but was unhappy with the flick, had his name changed on credits. But movie is still pretty highly rated, we'll see.

- OS

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  • 4 months later...

"The Return of the Living Dead". One of the best.

I first saw that one back when I was in high school. I now own it on DVD. The scene where Trash (Linnea Quigley) dances on the crypt had a...ummm...profound effect on a lad in high school. In fact, that remains one of my favorite pieces of cinematography of all time.

And the classic line, "...but I don't care, darlin', because I love you. You've got to let me eat your braaaaiiiiinnnns!"



Along the same lines of a horror movie with some dark humor from about the same time period, I liked the movie 'House'. Richard Moll (who played the character 'Bull' on the television show 'Night Court') plays a zombie/ghost out of the main character's past in Viet Nam who has come seeking vengeance. Not really a zombie outbreak movie but I'd still call the Moll character a zombie, more or less.

I also recently saw a movie called The Zombie Diaries (apparently from 2006.) It was done sort of mockumentary/Blair Witch style and I thought it was pretty interesting although not so much a full-tilt zombie fighting movie as a humans trying to survive the zombies (and each other) movie. Heck, in some ways the zombies weren't even the worst thing in the movie.

Edited by JAB
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I also recently saw a movie called The Zombie Diaries (apparently from 2006.) It was done sort of mockumentary/Blair Witch style and I thought it was pretty interesting although not so much a full-tilt zombie fighting movie as a humans trying to survive the zombies (and each other) movie. Heck, in some ways the zombies weren't even the worst thing in the movie.

Are you sure of that title? Was it Diary of the Dead? Diary of the Dead was an atrocious film that I regret to say I watched on opening day because it was a return of a real Romero film.

However, if was Zombie Diaries, I have another film to add to my list.

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I personally love all of the resident evil movies. they have gotten a lot of mixed reviews. I am a huge fan of the resident evil series from the video games, even though the movies arent like the games. I think the films are for the die hard RE fans out there, like me. I generally find that if a person has never played any of the games or ever heard of the RE franchise before, they typically dont like the films. I have all on dvd and still watch them periodically to this day.

Also liked I am Legend alot as well.

Slightly off topic here, but a film I think everybody in this thread should watch is The Road. Its a awesome post-apocalyptic movie (no zombies, just post-apocalyptic survival) I read the book and watched the film and both were awesome, highly recommended.

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Guest morghealbot

I think so, but I didn't reread the whole thread. But regardless of that, both are good movies.

28 days/28 weeks

It's the most "realistic" of all the zombie movies,if there is such a thing.The rage virus zombies would be the scariest of all,but at least you wouldn't need to rely only on headshots.

Edited by morghealbot
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