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Obama and gun control

Guest GothicGlocks

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Guest GothicGlocks

No body seemed to understand my post and there are more Obama supporters here than I thought. So I just deleted my question. Thanks anyway.

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I don't believe it is he accepts their use of guns. It is that he is able to say he has help free oppressive people across the globe. To his supporters helping the oppressed outweighs their hatred of guns.

We are going to see a lot of gun banning craziness come November. If Obama doesn't get elected he will try to do it as a last FU to the nation. If he wins he will do it as well but it will be more drawn out. He definitely has a plan it is just a matter of time before it starts. Our only hope is the Democrats do not gain control of Congress again. If that happens we are going to be getting screwed on numerous fronts.

It all comes down to the lesser of all evils. Nearly all politicians are lying crooks and their only goal is control. Why else would a person spend millions of dollars on an election campaign when the winning salary couldn't pay it back in a lifetime(Jon Corzine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). It is all about control and backroom deals. Both sides do it and there is no end in sight.


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Guest lostpass
I just wanted to know if anyone else out there has noticed something. President Obama is well known by everyone, especially gun owners, that he is anti-gun.

Everyone says that but I have seen little evidence of this position. That could be political expediency or whatever but I rate this charge as untrue in general.

You can pretty much tell when folks are making stuff up when a post starts out with "Everyone knows..." If they had actual facts the intro would be different.

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Guest bkelm18
Everyone says that but I have seen little evidence of this position. That could be political expediency or whatever but I rate this charge as untrue in general.

You can pretty much tell when folks are making stuff up when a post starts out with "Everyone knows..." If they had actual facts the intro would be different.

You must not have followed Obama's career. At all.


Plenty of evidence out there.

Edited by bkelm18
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Guest Revelator

It's all about jobs, jobs and jobs. Everyone knows this. Obama knows it. Gun control is a non-issue over the next 15 months, probably for longer.

If the President has a secret plan for gun control, what's he been waiting for? For unemployment to go above 10%? Another round of government asset purchases? Perhaps a default on U.S. treasuries? We'll see at least one of those three before we see any federal attempt at gun legislation. And if you're thinking of an executive order...please. That would be legal Armegeddon for the White House.

Also, don't forget that gun rights supporters are 2-0 in the Supreme Court. Obama isn't touching gun control, just like he didn't in 2009. The issues that were so pressing then are even more so now.

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Guest bkelm18
It's all about jobs, jobs and jobs. Everyone knows this. Obama knows it. Gun control is a non-issue over the next 15 months, probably for longer.

If the President has a secret plan for gun control, what's he been waiting for? For unemployment to go above 10%? Another round of government asset purchases? Perhaps a default on U.S. treasuries? We'll see at least one of those three before we see any federal attempt at gun legislation. And if you're thinking of an executive order...please. That would be legal Armegeddon for the White House.

Also, don't forget that gun rights supporters are 2-0 in the Supreme Court. Obama isn't touching gun control, just like he didn't in 2009. The issues that were so pressing then are even more so now.

Just because it hasn't been brought up yet doesn't mean he supports the 2A. His track record clearly speaks for itself and given the right circumstances you better believe he'd do something about it. Of course he's not going to touch it right now, he knows it wouldn't have a chance. However, if he is re-elected and the Dems regain control of Congress, I guarantee you'd see something, especially when (not if) we have another high profile shooting.

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It all comes down to the lesser of all evils. Nearly all politicians are lying crooks and their only goal is control. Why else would a person spend millions of dollars on an election campaign when the winning salary couldn't pay it back in a lifetime(Jon Corzine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). It is all about control and backroom deals. Both sides do it and there is no end in sight.


100 percent right.

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Just because it hasn't been brought up yet doesn't mean he supports the 2A. His track record clearly speaks for itself and given the right circumstances you better believe he'd do something about it. Of course he's not going to touch it right now, he knows it wouldn't have a chance. However, if he is re-elected and the Dems regain control of Congress, I guarantee you'd see something, especially when (not if) we have another high profile shooting.

I keep waiting for a media case where there is a high profile "attempted" shooting or shooting spree and a permit holder stops them in their tracks. I'm wondering if the media would even run that story. It would give way too much credibility to the gun lobby and would make this type of legislation seem obviously ludicrous.

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It's all about jobs, jobs and jobs. Everyone knows this. Obama knows it. Gun control is a non-issue over the next 15 months, probably for longer.

If the President has a secret plan for gun control, what's he been waiting for? For unemployment to go above 10%? Another round of government asset purchases? Perhaps a default on U.S. treasuries? We'll see at least one of those three before we see any federal attempt at gun legislation. And if you're thinking of an executive order...please. That would be legal Armegeddon for the White House.

Also, don't forget that gun rights supporters are 2-0 in the Supreme Court. Obama isn't touching gun control, just like he didn't in 2009. The issues that were so pressing then are even more so now.

This! I knew that people would jump on this like flys on shyt. Our lame President has done nothing to show that he intends to attack our gun rights. But we can't let a good scare tactic go to waste can we?

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Guest ThePunisher

If you think this anti-America president doesn't have an agenda of gun control and eventually gun confiscation, then you are drinking the liberal kool-aid. The liberal/socialist agenda for around hundred years has been implemented incrementally and slow. Now with their election of a messiah, they see the opportunity for an all out assault or blitzkrieg to destroy America and the values that have made our country the greatest the world has ever known. First on Obama's agenda to start America's destruction was national healthcare, then second on the agenda is to have an economic collapse, and third on the agenda is gun control and eventually gun confiscation with a lot of blood shed across America. Finally after destroying America, our country will join the new world order.

Any way you look at it, this commie president is all about destroying America.

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If what you say is true he had better get busy, because his behind is gone in 16 months.

when the economy finally goes up in a ball of flame and there is no food in your grocery store and you need food, I promise one thing you will have to do to get food is turn them in.

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Guest ThePunisher
If what you say is true he had better get busy, because his behind is gone in 16 months.

This country can't last another year of the messiah.

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The comment as he ran about clinging to guns and bibles... odd for a pro gunner, and odd for a supposed christian, all in all a very odd statement. I cannot help but think the gun-runner project was to enable fearmongers to produce anti gun bills. I cannot help but think if he could get away with it he would sign the UN anti gun treatys. I think the 9-11 pro gun trends have the anti gunners hiding, waiting for their chance to raise the issue again. So far, its political suicide to make an issue of gun ownership outside state office, and even that only works in a couple of states.

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It's just more scare tactics and the noise will get louder the closer we get to the elections. The lobbyist and career politicians will never allow it. Someone has been screaming that they are coming for our guns since the founding of this country.

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I don't care to have long drawn out debates about something that I don't believe. I support the NRA and other causes because I believe that they are necessary. Someone may eventually come for our guns, but it won't be this President.It's very convenient that this comes up now leading up to the elections. Next thing you know gun and ammo prices will be shooting thru the roof again. This is not a defense of Obama, but a criticism of how stuff like this and gay rights become hot button issues prior to elections. If we don't get a handle on the economy and start creating more jobs soon no one will be able to buy a gun.

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Guest ThePunisher
I don't care to have long drawn out debates about something that I don't believe. I support the NRA and other causes because I believe that they are necessary. Someone may eventually come for our guns, but it won't be this President.It's very convenient that this comes up now leading up to the elections. Next thing you know gun and ammo prices will be shooting thru the roof again. This is not a defense of Obama, but a criticism of how stuff like this and gay rights become hot button issues prior to elections. If we don't get a handle on the economy and start creating more jobs soon no one will be able to buy a gun.

Yeh, I couldn't believe the American people's minds were blinded that they elected this commie fraud as president. Sometimes the truth hurts, but we have also have to face the truth. The liberals are still pinching themselves to remind them of what they have pulled off over the American people. Now that they have power, presently their only goal is to collapse the economy to create chaos and fear, and then declare martial law to confiscate your guns. There will be a lot of blood shed across America, but in the end the liberal commies will prevail because the American people have become fat and weak. And stupid has become the norm for the American people.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Wow! I would like to see that work of art on the big screen. It's amazing the kind of b.s. that can be sold to liberals and conservatives. I guess after you get too old to believe in the boogeyman you start to create your own.

Edited by LINKS2K
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