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Anyone able to do title search for me?

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Already been through all of that. Started with that about 3 weeks ago. Dozens of phone calls as well as a lot of rumors and chasing of my tail. Now I am pretty confident I know where it stands I just need to make sure it is being auctioned off without any encomberances.

He has several properties listing him as a trustee (he is a realtor). That is what has got me worried. If a realtor with additional properties let one go into foreclosure it makes me a bit leary. But the property is an amazing property even if it goes higher than I want to spend. The foreclosure price is about 1/4 what the property is realistically worth. He may have gotten behind on one payment and the bank latched on and didn't allow him to make it up because the bank knew they could easily make a profit.

Problem is if the residence being auctioned isn't his primary residence the auction winner will assume any and all debts on the property at the time of the same. That was told to me by the attorneys handling the sale as well as an independent attorney. If it was his primary residence it sells for the auction price with no encumberances.


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Call the Knox County Register of Deeds. They can tell you how to find out whether there are any liens on that property. In any case, I would request a guarantee from both the auctioneer and the property owner that transfer of title would be lien-free.

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You ought to be able to call the auction company and have them tell you as well. They'll need to have all the paperwork ready for whoever wins the property, and won't want to go to the time and expense of having to do it twice when someone doesn't realize what they're getting into.

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Already contacted those who are auctioning the property. It isn't an auction company, it is a law firm that is conducting the sale.They apparently handle foreclosure sales and similar stuff. They are based out of state and coming up to auction the property. I asked if there were any liens on the property and they said I needed to hire a lawyer and do a title search to find out. They did say that my bid would be paid to their law firm and that if there are any other liens that they would become my responsibility and the new owner.

There are no properties listed in the surounding counties for the owner other than him being a trustee for several properties. It is all really, really confusing for me as well as others who deal with stuff like this.

I will find out the week prior to the sale what the "starting bid" is going to be but without knowing about additional liens or encumberances it is hard to realistically figure out how much I could afford. My only hope is that is doesn't sell at the auction because at that point it becomes a bank owned property and life gets a lot easier for me to figure out.


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It has gottne worse since the last time I spoke about it.

A few months ago we had a anti gun neighbor show up as I was showing some kids basic firearms stuff. They were shooting some 22's and had just started shooting some skeet when he showed up. He was yelling about how could anybody afford to shoot as much as I do. I told him I reload and offered to let him shoot as well but his disgusted face showed his opinions of guns. At that point my wife walked out of the house because of all his yelling. She asked him to tone it down and that there was no need to yell. He got right in her face and yelled that he wasn't talking to her. At that point I also I told him he needed to calm down. He didn't so I told him he needed to leave and he said I don't give a **** what you want. I told him he didn't need to cuss in front of the kids that were there. He got even more upset began cussing even more about how we don't need to shoot up here. He said he was going to call the cops and we told him to. We told him go ahead they have been called before and they side with us. He then got really upset that we weren't going to follow his wishes. At that point I asked to come into the yard to talk to get him away from the guns because he was getting rather upset that we weren't going to stop shooting. I told him I would give him my number and he could call me and I would not shoot for the day he was going to be on his property. He didn't like that saying he shouldn't have to call and that I just don't need to be shooting. I told him that wasn't going to happen and he cussed a bit more and left.

After that we put a gate up to keep people from coming up. And since then he hasn't showed up but has honked his horn anytime he thinks we should stop shooting. We are safe in what we do so we don't stop.

After this he decided to take another approach. He contacted my parents which own the proerty between him and I. He told them that when I am shooting he can hear my bullets wizzing by his head all the time. He also told them there are bullets all over the road where he enters his property. He told them I am probably going to kill him or a kid with my shooting and is surprized I haven't yet.

My parents believed him and put up a sign saying not to shoot onto their proerty anymore. I went to talk to my mother about it and she said that my father put it up. I said that is fine I will just make sure to hit only the steel targets from now on. I said I have always yelled to make sure people weren't in any danger or anywhere down range. I told her that from now on I will not give any more warnings because I will be shooting at steel. I also told her that I will make sure my bullets do not pass over her property. She said she didn't want me shooting the steel targets either. I told her call the cops or sue me if you think I am doing something wrong. I told her realistically there is nothing she can do because what I am doing is perfectly legal and perfectly safe.

There have been a lot of problems for over 10 years now, basically since we moved up here. My drunk of a father tries to bully anyone and everyone he can but I won't have it. That makes him mad so he tries to instigate problems so he can claim to be the good guy. My mother would borrow money all the time and buy drugs for my brother with it. Then she would never pay it back and act all butt hurt when I told her I didn't more. We didn't talk for over a year when I told her no more cash for my brother's drugs. I told her I would buy her whatever she needs but no more cash. A few months later is when my brother tried to kill my family and I with an AK. He was able to claim his mental problem as an excuse and got released after a few weeks in Lake Shore. Even to this day he tells anyone who will listen he is going to finish what he started and kill my family and I. The reason? Because we wouldn't give him money for drugs anymore.

In short, yes we do need to move.

Anyways hate to rehash all this crap again but it is a bit of a stress relief.


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Call the attorneys office that is holding the sale. Ask them what their terms are, in most cases they give you 24 hours to make payment. If that is the case you can bid til you win, then pay to have a title search done before you transfer funds. If something is not right back out. I would suggest you have an attorney ready to do a tiltle search in one day. It can be done, but you will need to have all the players in place and ready to go.

The attorney holding the sale will not verify the title at the time of sale, if it is a true foreclosure. They are acting as a debt collector and will state this as they read the terms of the sale. They will read out loud everything they know about the title, but will not offer any kinda of verification. They will be selling the lein that is being foreclosed on and that is it. You will also be responsable for back taxes, and if it has a any Federal tax leins on it you will have to deal with that as well.

If they require full payment on the spot, and some do. It is up to you to do all the homework in advance. Once you pay for the lein they are selling it is yours. Good or bad, you could be buying a second which would not be good.

Edited by The One
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Guest Lester Weevils

Maybe this isn't possible in an auction but the few times I've bought property have an old friend who owns a title company. I called him and told him what I knew about the deal, then he looked up all the other details. It costs money but not near as much as buying a piece of property and then discovering that it ain't yours.

After positive findings by the title company, I just paid them to fill out all the papers and OF COURSE pay them for the title insurance.

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Title insurance is pricey, and may not be required if you're not financing.

Dolomite, if you want to talk to my girfriend, she's well versed in all the gory details. Her job now is closing forclosure properties for a HUD contractor. If she can't give you an immediate answer, she can most likely point you in the right direction. She has worked in every end of real estate. Hit me with a PM if you're interested.

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Guest Lester Weevils
Title insurance is pricey, and may not be required if you're not financing.

Agreed it is pricey. I'm a belt and suspenders guy. Real Estate is expensive enough that the "bells and whistles" getting the papers done right and insured, by a pro working for ME, seems well worth the money regardless whether one is financing.

If financing, the mortgage company will typically insist on a title search and insurance FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY'S BENEFIT, not the buyer. Though it benefits the buyer as well. If the mortgage company won't touch it or if the title company won't insure it, then the buyer would be nuts to pay his own cash for the property. ;) Just my opinion.

If people are expert on real estate, or have enough money to absorb an occasional loss, or just like to gamble, then more power to them. :)

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I am going to pass on the property on the day of the auction. Too much fishy sounding stuff going on and according to a few others it doesn't sound right. It may not even be an auction as it is being sold by an out of state law firm and not an auction company.

The owner, until the day of the auction, is an agent that buying and selling proerties for some time. He has a bunch of properties in his name right now. He has been in the busines for a while and knows what he is doing which is a red flag if it goes for less than he bought it for.

He is unwilling to discuss anything about the property, his attorneys are unwilling to discuss anything about the property, the bank(s) that hold the note is unwilling to discuss anything about the property.

Just to much for me to risk at the moment.

Thanks all


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I just wanted to say, that after reading this thread, you and your family are in my prayers and I wish nothing but the best for you!


I think I am finally washing my hands of them all. When I don't let them into my life or even talk to them everything is fine. I don't speak to my brother but the second I open my mouth to talk to my mother the drama starts again. She wants money and gets upset if I don't give it to her. She tries to guilt me into it. She still owes me money but to her she doesn't need to pay it back because she is my mother. Honestly i don;t care if she does or not but don't ask for more and then get upset when I say no. My father is the one who creates a lot of the drama. A few on here have seen his antics first hand.

I haven't said more than three words to my father in 2 years. He is a drunk and a bully to those he can bully. It all came to a head when he called one morning saying my brother went off the deep end and that my father was being held hostage. I contacted LE but they didn't want to respond based on my statement alone, they needed my father to call them. My father wouldn't call because my brother said he would kill anyone who called the cops. I asked how my brother would know I called and my father said he was going to tell my brother I called them. Later taht day I stopped to talk to my father and he got upset I had called the cops. I told my father I wasn't going to put up with my brother's antics and my father said if the cops showed up at his house he would "take care of me" while making a finger pistol at me. That was the last time we really spoke and I will never speak to him again. Hell, I won't even go to his funeral.

I ask about them through friends but I will never talk to them again. My life is better without their drama and it saves me money. I am honestly happier now than I have ever been now that they are no longer in my life. Sure they show their ass from time to time but at this point it is almost comical. What does worry me though is my brother because he has tried on two seperate occassions to kill us. Both times he was released from jail and all charges dropped. His drug use has screwed his mind up so bad he is diagnosed with a mental disorder and they use that diagnosis as the reason to drop the charges. Funny thing is he sells his prescription meds to fund his illegal drug habit. My brother steals checks and gets released when he gets caught doing that. He took out thousands of dollars in loans on my parents property but because he doesn't have a bank account the lenders can't get their money and can't take the property becaue my father said he didn't know about it. I seriously think my father is the one who put my brother up to it or at least knew about it.

My brother has assaulted our mother numerous times but my father threatens her if she says she is calling the cops. My brother has some diseases and had festering staph infections all over his body. He got upset at our mother and squeezed a bunch of puss into his hands and slapped her with it. He pushed her to the ground the day he tried to kill us. He has destroyed several cars during his fits of rage. He has gotten their cars impounded and got upset when they wouldn't give them back to him. He would sell all his stuff then threaten my mother if she didn't go get them out of pawn. And when she would he would take them right back. She racked up $50K worth of credit card debt because of my brother threatening her if she didn't give him money. At one point my mother stood up to him and he said he would kill himself if she didn't. He tried to run her off the road on 40.

I finally took my mother and got her to get a restraining order against my brother. My father tried to intervene but I amde sure my mother went through with it. When my mother got home she had to leave her house and live somewhere else. My father told her she had to because it was all her fault for getting the restraining order and that my brother wasn't going to just be put out on the streets. She lived with my sister for about 3 months until my brother finally did leave.

This is only a drop in the bucket of what all has happened in my family. The stuff my father and mother have done to their only grandson, my son, is absolutely miserable. My sister is the only decent one and we talk a couple of times a month. Her daughter used to come and visit us but since I won't speak to my father or mother that has pretty much stopped.

Anyways, I am done literally and figuratively.


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