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Mil Spec 1911A1 vs Glock .45


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  Caster said:
Well, The H&K would certainly be a candidate were it not for that dang polygonal rifling!

And if it wern't so big, clumsy, unwieldy, and heavy...not to mention ugly. :D:D:hiding:

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Ive had 3 1911s and had to have a trigger job on all of em. I sold them not by choice enjoyed all 3 of em. But when crap hits the fan no thinking bout it the glock is what i would grab

  PC7 said:
Let me help to end this argument by introducing you to the pistol that surpasses them both….

I had an HK45, purchased from TGO David, actually...it was a great gun but far to damn big to carry and I didn't need a safe queen or to have that much $$$ wrapped up in a nightstand gun so in the end, I sold it. I've moved to Glocks for my every day/SHTF weapons (at least as far as pistols go).

  East_TN_Patriot said:
Why? Because I am right? Glock fanatics talk like their handguns are the end-all be-all of firearms perfection, yet they almost always alter them in some manner or form that includes the grip, trigger, barrel, or even frame. Now they even make aluminum or stainless steel frames (with a 1911 grip angle no less). Sorry if you don't like the truth, but the Glock fanatics out there are thoroughly lacking in perspective on many occasions. One can't have it both ways. Either the Glock is firearms perfection, or it isn't and you take it for what it is: a firearm that has its strengths and its weaknesses, one that suits some and not others.

I'd say most people modify their firearms in one way or another and even sometimes to the extreme (or if they have the cash they order them custom made to their specifications to start with)...I don't think "Glock" owners are substantially different in that regard the owners of any other pistol type. :pleased:

All my Glocks have some sort of night sight because they are better than the stock Glock sights...almost all of my 1911s either had night sights put on or were ordered that way...same thing as far as mag releases...I've never done or felt the need to do a trigger job on a Glock; one of my 1911s has a GREAT trigger job.

As far as modifications go, I don't see that what people do with their Glocks to be substantially different than what people do with any pistol be it a 1911 or of some other configuration - I don't think modifying any weapon automatically signifies a weakness with the platform as much as simply a desire of the person to have "their" weapon "their way.

  RobertNashville said:
I'd say most people modify their firearms in one way or another and even sometimes to the extreme (or if they have the cash they order them custom made to their specifications to start with)...I don't think "Glock" owners are substantially different in that regard the owners of any other pistol type. :eek:....As far as modifications go, I don't see that what people do with their Glocks to be substantially different than what people do with any pistol be it a 1911 or of some other configuration - I don't think modifying any weapon automatically signifies a weakness with the platform as much as simply a desire of the person to have "their" weapon "their way.

I've found pistols with the features I wanted or ordered them, but the only change after purchase I've made to them is the grips.

  tnhawk said:
I've found pistols with the features I wanted or ordered them, but the only change after purchase I've made to them is the grips.

Funny...the only time I've changed grips on a pistol was really for cosmetic reasons. :eek:

With the Glocks I have, I like a particular type of sight which does not come on any Glock from the factory...I also usually add an extended mag release although that isn't a big deal for me...I guess I've never felt I needed to change the grips because they feel "right" for me.


Excellent post. I agree 100%

It's 2011 not 1911.


If I decide to make any modifications on any of my 1911s, the first will be the removal of the ambidextrous safety.

Guest TresOsos

Your right, it’s 2011 not 1911 and I’m so glad that you can remember “Gabe’s†catch phrase used to sell and promote the TDS Glocks and parts. First off I’m sure that Suarez training is top notch, but when the owner engages in making a profit off of mods and parts for a particular brand, it ruins his credibility with me. See I don’t know how much of the BS is honest opinion based on experience or pontification for profit.

Yes the 1911 is 100 years old, steeped in history and proven in combat, it’s been getting the job done for 100 years .Through World War 1, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and many minor engagements in between. Has the Glock proven itself in actually use and combat to this extent? Considering the number of current 1911 manufacturers and custom and semi-custom builders as well as demand for the product after 100 years, JMB must have done something right.


I love that, "its 2011 not 1911". Then why are you using a Glock big dog?

Its 2011 not 1982. See how that works?

Guest Glocks-R-Us

I really like this thread. Not just because I'm a glock owner/carrier either. I have a kimber 1911 along with my colt 1911. But the only carry gun i use is my glock 27,30, and 36. I'm not dogging either weapon. I love them both but a glock is what I'm most comfortable with, used to, and precise with. That's just me though. to each his own.

  TresOsos said:
Yes the 1911 is 100 years old, steeped in history and proven in combat, it’s been getting the job done for 100 years .Through World War 1, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and many minor engagements in between. Has the Glock proven itself in actually use and combat to this extent? Considering the number of current 1911 manufacturers and custom and semi-custom builders as well as demand for the product after 100 years, JMB must have done something right.

JMB Did do something right and have been around 100 years. But according to how many LEO's, Millitary police, and security have gone from 1911's to glocks it looks like glock must've done something right too huh? Glocks haven't been around for 100yrs.......Yet.


Jeeeez.... The 1911 is nice weapon if properly put together, maintained and trained with. The only guy I know who uses one as a 24/7 duty weapon is the best handgun shooter I have ever met. He is very good with the 1911 and says he especially likes it when he issues Federal warrants. However, he tells me he thinks the G19 is the finest fighting handgun ever made bar none. So there is the conundrum.

Therefore it appears to me, and through many other experiences, that there should be no naysayers towards either gun. I think just be pleased that the Glock "guy" is as ardent a gunonwer/carrier as the 1911 "guy" and vice versa. In the big picture both camps should be supporting one another against the anti's and only like tight-knit brothers and sisters, goodnaturedly rib each other about our favorite bullet launchers. Divisions can be created by the anti's on many levels.

Guest TresOsos
  graycrait said:
Jeeeez.... The 1911 is nice weapon if properly put together, maintained and trained with. The only guy I know who uses one as a 24/7 duty weapon is the best handgun shooter I have ever met. He is very good with the 1911 and says he especially likes it when he issues Federal warrants. However, he tells me he thinks the G19 is the finest fighting handgun ever made bar none. So there is the conundrum.

Therefore it appears to me, and through many other experiences, that there should be no naysayers towards either gun. I think just be pleased that the Glock "guy" is as ardent a gunonwer/carrier as the 1911 "guy" and vice versa. In the big picture both camps should be supporting one another against the anti's and only like tight-knit brothers and sisters, goodnaturedly rib each other about our favorite bullet launchers. Divisions can be created by the anti's on many levels.

So you start this thread to basically get a reaction out of the 1911 crowd and you get that reaction, now we are all suppose to place nice and kiss and make up.

I swear the fumes from the plastic used in Glocks causes pyschosis in their owners.......

Guest drv2fst
  PC7 said:
Let me help to end this argument by introducing you to the pistol that surpasses them both….


yep. Love Glocks for their simplicity. Love 1911's even more. I've tried to not love 1911's but I can't. The HK is about the perfect combination. I have 2 full size HK45's. I need a couple of their compacts to be easier to carry.

Guest drv2fst
  Glocks-R-Us said:
JMB Did do something right and have been around 100 years. But according to how many LEO's, Millitary police, and security have gone from 1911's to glocks it looks like glock must've done something right too huh? Glocks haven't been around for 100yrs.......Yet.

Many law enforcement divisions are going back to 1911's according to all the new 1911's that have come out in the last 5-10 years to fill some LEO department specs.

Still, both are great. I own Glocks and 1911's. Can't really see speaking out against either.

Guest Victor9er
  TresOsos said:
As said earlier...........................HK because you suck. And we hate you.

Funny as.....well worth rereading.

HK. Because you suck. And we hate you. « Monster Hunter Nation

Funny read. I think he best sums it up here...

One of the most frustrating things about dealing with gun people on the interweb is that folks tend to pick a brand, and then base some of their self-esteem on that brand. Kind of like rabid sports fans who feel the need to burn cars if their team wins, or loses, or they just felt like burning stuff. Say something negative about that team to one of those rabid fans, and you’re probably going to get beat up. Likewise, if you say anything negative about the Teutonic superiority of HK, people get mad at you

And you could insert pretty much any brand in place of "HK" there as well.


Im not sure law enforcement or military use count. The masses use them because a few made that choce FOR them. If I were a LEO I would probably have to carry a glock too, and they are one of the gun types that I like least yet I would be sitting there as a "glock user" statistic. Yes, it says a lot that these guns were selected for duty service, but how much of that is economics or lack of options (was the military married to the 1911 because it was one of 4 or 5 options in 1912 and did they stick with it because they had millions of parts and guns up until 1970?) Or do LEO departments pick glocks because they are fairly cheap with very good reliability? If a LEO department could spend $5k on each unit, would they still buy glocks? I do not know, but the point is that large groups forced to use these weapons do not prove all that much to me. Reading the thread really does make one think about it though. Rethinking it, while I hate them, if my choice were a standard 1911 vs a glock, the glock would win for the capacity. If I could have a high cap modern 1911, that would win over the glock. It really depends on what the gun was for, no glock is suitable for me as a CCW, and only the most modern bastard children of the 1911 would work for ccw for me.

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