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Ladies Stay ALERT

Guest capt usa

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Guest capt usa

Just a quick reminder to be on guard at all times. The other day my friend (in her early thirties) had to run an errand at a local Wally World during her lunch break. She parked next to the cart returns and when she came out there was a man "putting up a cart". She put her items in the back and as she was getting in her car the man came over and grabbed her door. He asked her how she was doing and she answered fine and slammed the door and hit the lock button. I think it caught him off guard because it jerked from his hand, when it did he went straight to the handle and tried to get in. Luckily she carries and had it in the console, she got it out and laid it in her lap and when he saw it he took off. She was a little shaken and regretts not calling the law at the time. Looking back she said she should have called and should have had her gun on her, not in the console. You can never be to careful, middle of the day, middle of the week and middle of a busy parking lot.

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You never know when or where a threat will present itself, that's a fact.

Hopefully, that incident will persuade her to carry on her person, not in the console.

If so, then it was really a blessing in disguise. ;)


Hate to point this out, but...

The perp now knows her vehicle, and what is in the console. Hopefully she follows up on her regrets, and changes her M.O. - where she carries, when and where she shops, etc.


I was in the Murfreesboro WalMart lot a few weeks back and saw a man on a bicycle riding around. He stopped and watched a woman loading her car, then started her way. I was watching him from the side of my car. He spoke to the lady who told him to get away from her. He then took her empty shopping cart and came my way. He saw me and commented to me that people leave these carts all over the place. I just gave him a stare from behind my sunglasses. He got on his bike and rode off. I reported him to WM security, who said they had been trying to catch him for a while now. Every time he sees security, he jumps on his bike and out runs them.

Be careful out there ladies!


I was loading groceries into my trunk at Walmart last week and a guy was begging a young couple two cars down from mine for some money. They told him they were in the same boat as him - broke. He then started walking my way and made eye contact with me.....I gave him the look that basically said "get away from me" and I shook my head "no" and he turned around and went the other direction. I kept my eyes out for him while I was finishing loading the bags into the trunk and noticed the Walmart manager and what appeared to be two security guys looking around the parking lot and talking on their walkie talkies. I guess someone reported the guy and they were trying to find him.

I think being very aware of your surroundings is the best way to avoid trouble in the first place. Making eye contact and letting the person know that you are already onto them seems to help too. :leaving: Criminals are looking for people that are oblivious to their surroundings. Always be aware of what's going on around you!


I carry 100% of the time. I carry two fullsize guns(not at the same time), one is an all steel 1911 and the other is a 16+1 9mm Taurus. It does get bothersome, especially when I am already having my problems. But I know that when I decide to give myself a break and stop carrying that Murphy is going step up. I received my HCP November of 2008 and have spent about 2 hours without carrying since. That two hours was when I sold my EDC gun but didn't have another with me.


I would have to say not just the ladies, but all of us! You don't necessarily need to have a gun to avoid becoming a victim.

How you carry yourself can prevent becoming a victim more so than carrying a firearm afteralla criminal probably won;t know you are carrying until you have to use it.

Something else, I have spoke to a lot of criminals over the years while in LE. And almost all of them said they would look for those who weren't confident or aware. In this case acting like a victim will probably make you a victim at some point.


Guest Anadais
I was loading groceries into my trunk at Walmart last week and a guy was begging a young couple two cars down from mine for some money. They told him they were in the same boat as him - broke. He then started walking my way and made eye contact with me.....I gave him the look that basically said "get away from me" and I shook my head "no" and he turned around and went the other direction....

I think being very aware of your surroundings is the best way to avoid trouble in the first place. Making eye contact and letting the person know that you are already onto them seems to help too. :2cents: Criminals are looking for people that are oblivious to their surroundings. Always be aware of what's going on around you!

It is all about presence and situational awareness. By being alert of your surroundings you were able to avoid interaction with that... person.

...They would look for those who weren't confident or aware. In this case acting like a victim will probably make you a victim at some point.

Again.. presence and situational awareness, ftw.

  • 2 months later...
Guest blackbeltchick

That is why I think our elderly get pick on as far as being victims. I've watched how so many of the elderly don't pay attention as they go to their cars when leaving the store they are in. It's really sad but true.


My wife thinks the color code system is silly, but at least she listened.

My daughter knows it well, she is less complacent about safety. I'll share this story with her, she'll appreciate it.


My son and I were at the Wally in Bristol VA exit 7, a guy came to us bumming money, said how him and his wife just bought a bunch of steaks and stuff can we give him a few dollars for gas, when my son told him maybe he could take something back the man got this look I did not like, then he saw a woman and little girl walking to the store and took off after them. I called Wally and reported him, I have often wondered about the woman and little girl

  • 9 months later...
Guest robin.kempton

If you get the chance....go to youtube and watch "Armed and Delicious". Its an excellent video for everyone to watch, especially women.


Carrying makes me more confident I think..

Quite possibly. If carrying a weapon makes you "carry yourself" more confidently, than a lot of the badguys can sort of tell and are less likely to pick you as their victim. It's a quiet "I can kick your ass if it comes to that" walk.


It's just like with predatory animals. I've heard with sharks actually making eye contact with them can discourage them from thinking of you as prey. Predators want to think they're getting the drop on their prey. They want an easy meal, without a fight. Situational awareness, and the proper body language to communicate that, can convince a predator that you're not worth the trouble.

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