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Trophy hunters

Guest GunTroll

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I say this about trophy hunters and meat hunters. I as a "Meat Hunter", Hereby do promise, that I will drag my "Meat Deer" out of the woods with his antlers attached. You Trophy hunters must promise to drag your "Antlers" out of the woods with your "Deer Attached"...how's that for a truce? Since I don't care to find dead animal parts or carcusses laying around, I rarely let anyone hunt my property.

Edited by wd-40
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Guest GunTroll

Deal. What sort of bunch did you run with at one time or another? From your stories past experiences with hunting "partners" have been less than desirable!

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Sometimes, you find out things the hardway. When I see things that I don't care a hoot about, I part ways with it. If I don't like something, don't care for something.....I part ways with it. I have a deer, turkey and coyote problem on the property that I manage. I've given permission three different times to allow 4 people to hunt the property.

Hunter Number 1: "Told me he shot at a buck and missed". Ok, that's cool, it happens. Later that day, I find a doe about 30 yards from his stand with her backstraps missing. He admitted the next day, that he shot the doe, but didn't want to tell me, because he didn't know what I would think about him killing a doe. Hunter number 1 G-O-N-E!!!

Hunter Number 2: Hunter number two (my hunter friend) entered into an agreement to help me make repairs and help me out if I would let him hunt. OK, deal. He came out, put up his stand hunted two days, when I asked him if he wouldn't mind giving me a hand fixing barbed wire fences and putting signs up. His answer? Well, I really really wanted to watch that Florida state game, so, I can't help you that day. I said, how about the next day? He said he didn't know what his wife had planned. Hunter number 2 G-O-N-E!!

Hunters Number 3-4: This two man team wanted to Coyote hunt. OK cool, I do have a Coyote problem, this works for me. I told them my rules of hunting. Just like I do everyone. "You shoot it, you take it with you!" So, I'm on the tractor 2 days later, and I find 3 coyotes layed out like trophies on the edge of one of my fields....Bloting in the heat....G-O-N-E!!

I guess I expect too much from people.....

So now ask me where "I come from?"


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Dave people like that make it harder for responsible hunters to hunt other peoples land. I have asked countless of land owners if I could coyote hunt their own land and they have said no because of previous bad experiences with other peoples hunters.

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I know, and it's not fair. Same thing happens to me. This property I manage for the landowner, took me about four months of talking to get. Until 2 years ago, he hasn't allowed ANYONE to hunt it since 1999. He give me a chance (after endless begging) and I took it. There are guys at the Fire Dept. (the land owner is our Mechanic) who constantly ask him if they can hunt his farm. His answer? Ask Dave, him and his son manage the farm, and I trust his decision. My son and myself were invited in for dinner with his family last year after a cold wet day of deer hunting. He and his wife said.."Dave, Rob, (my son), we can't think of anyone better, that we could have let hunt our farm than you two. Then the man handed me keys to all the gates, his tractor, a Ford F250 (in case we needed it) and his 4 car shop with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of mechanic tools and equipment. Folks, that's a trust beyond compare! And I'm not willing to give that all up for some YA'HOO that can't follow rules or that doesn't have good moral charactor. There are people on here (TGO) that I will invite out for a hunt, whatever it may be. Right now, it's me, my son, and grandbabies that hunt. Call me a hardass if you want.....I've too much at stake not to be!

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Guest adamoxtwo


I have a place to hunt right next to my house. If you need help doing some work around the place I'm local and if I can get away I am more them willing. Like I said I don't need a place to hunt but like to help good people when it comes down to it. Let me know if you need anything.


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I consider myself a trophy hunter I greatly enjoy shooting big mature bucks but, I dont eat alot of the buck meat this is why I shoot a couple of does every year, does taste better. With that said I dont leave them in the woods to rot either, seeing others who do this makes me sick. I donate most if not all of the meat from a buck to the "Hunters For the Hungry" to me this is right, granted the antlers will be on my wall but the meat doesn't go to waste.

For some reason my friend, When I cook venison, I cannot tell the differance between buck or doe. Am I cooking it wrong? Any that I cook can be cut with a fork, is not tough and is as tender as can be. What is the difference? And you're right....don't leave a deer in the woods! Too many hungry people around!

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The 200 acre farm I have in Milton the owner is the same way. He let's me drive his truck,his gator heck he even doesn't mind if I ride his horses. I have gained his trust and friendship. The man is 77 years old but he doesn't act like it. He has been a great friend to me.

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Same here Shaun (sp)....my land owner is only 50, and I'm 56. He puts the world in my hands. Sometimes I don't like it. Oh well...his family trust me, and I will not do anything to ruin the good thing I have going. The owner (Rick) and I talk all the time. We both have agreed that "Does and Coyotes" have to go this year. That's what we have to concentrate on. Just the way it is. But I have to choose carefully.... The land owner raises Blue Berries, and him and his wife always complain about does, fawns and "scrub" bucks eating the berries. They say "I want them gone"! So, there you have it. QDM is out the door! If they don't have spots, they all taste the same to me! It's a bad situation to be in the position that I'm in!

Edited by wd-40
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Yeah the land owner will not let me kill bobcats. I have called in several but just had to watch them. Sure I could have taken them and got away with it but I couldn't do it to my friend. As far as deer go he really doesn't care how many stickers it has, he just let's me shoot what I want.

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It's all good. If the landowner is happy, I'm happy. I took it upon myself to plow, till and plant a big garden for his family this year. He thanks me every day that I'm there. His family is full of graditude. It's no big deal to them if I hunt or not. To me, it is a biggy to have such a property to hunt on. The garden is a big deal to them, nothing to me...see how it goes? I get everything I sak for. He says "Dave, you manage this property, you don't have to ask me anything. You call the shots!". Mine and Whiskey's Game Warden friend is moving to Florida, Jason wanted to bring his little boy "Cody" (5) on his first squirrel hunt. I says, OK, we can do that. So out of respect for the landowner, I called him and told him that I would have the GW and his son with me on opening day of squirrel season. So Rick (landowner) says, "why are you telling me?" that's your call Dave! But we had a great time while at Rick's. Rick loaded Jason up with bags of tomatoes, cuccumbers and Okra from the garden. It was awesome! Rick even laughed when little cody stripped down on the front porch to get all the seed ticks off! Priceless indeed! You can't ask for anything better! If I see things on the farm that need done, me and my son deal with it! The landowner appreciates it! Just the way it is!

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In relation to my above post, I will just say, don't never be afraid to help or offer help to the man that lets you hunt. Alot of times I do things (fix fence, buy gate hinges and fix gates ect., ect.) to help him out. It's a big deal to him, and he makes a big deal out of it. To me...it's nothing! He doesn't see it all that way. So I have to protect what I have going. I'll keep a good hunter around to help with the coyote, deer and turkey population. Riff Raff has to go! For the most part, I don't invite folks much anymore, unless I feel I really know them, and that's a shame!

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You are right. You'd be surprised what a little help can get you! People at work (I'm retired but people I used to work with) at the Fire Department always ask Rick if they can hunt his farm. Rick tells them to call Dave (me). They say, he'll say no, but why is he saying who can and cannot hunt on your property? He simply says, "I trust Dave and his Son, and he runs the place. Talk to him". And of course....I say no. Personal reasons of course. I cannot stand arogant and cocky YA'HOOS! Nuff' said!

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Guest adamoxtwo

WD,101, Troll have you guys thought any more about hunting show? I think we could really do something there. Teach'um young teach'um right. I think that has Merritt and there are plenty of ethical hunters. PM me if you guys think that is something anyone wants to talk more about.

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I say this about trophy hunters and meat hunters. I as a "Meat Hunter", Hereby do promise, that I will drag my "Meat Deer" out of the woods with his antlers attached. You Trophy hunters must promise to drag your "Antlers" out of the woods with your "Deer Attached"...how's that for a truce? Since I don't care to find dead animal parts or carcusses laying around, I rarely let anyone hunt my property.

I always drag out the whole deer. I've been a trophy deer hunter for a while, but I eat them too. I don't agree with hunters killing and then "trashing" the meat.

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Guest GunTroll
WD,101, Troll have you guys thought any more about hunting show? I think we could really do something there. Teach'um young teach'um right. I think that has Merritt and there are plenty of ethical hunters. PM me if you guys think that is something anyone wants to talk more about.

I'll have to pass. My hunting is not a spectator sport. Its very personal to me.

Besides I'm too arrogant,cocky, and definitely a YAHOO ;) to be on film.

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Personally, I don't have a problem with trophy hunting. I figure the state sets management limits for a reason, and as far as I am concerned - I don't care WHY you are killing those deer, but if you've got the slots to fill, fill them. I've looked over the number of deer taken every year in TN, and it doesn't even put a dent in the population.

Since my family isn't all that into deer meat, I simply put the word out at church and some other places and put together a 'will call" list. I let them all know that as soon as I take a deer I won't be using, I will be calling the next person on that list - and if they want it, I will either drop it off at the local processor for them to pick up and pay the fee later, or they can come get the unprocessed carcass and do it themselves or take it to a place they prefer. Several people who like the meat but can't get out and hunt are able to benefit... win/win.

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Personally, I don't have a problem with trophy hunting. I figure the state sets management limits for a reason, and as far as I am concerned - I don't care WHY you are killing those deer, but if you've got the slots to fill, fill them. I've looked over the number of deer taken every year in TN, and it doesn't even put a dent in the population.

Since my family isn't all that into deer meat, I simply put the word out at church and some other places and put together a 'will call" list. I let them all know that as soon as I take a deer I won't be using, I will be calling the next person on that list - and if they want it, I will either drop it off at the local processor for them to pick up and pay the fee later, or they can come get the unprocessed carcass and do it themselves or take it to a place they prefer. Several people who like the meat but can't get out and hunt are able to benefit... win/win.

Hats off to you! The way it should be. Most every church will know who is "in need". Always a good place to start.

Edited by wd-40
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Guest GunTroll

^ thats probably what I meant to say. Friends & family and even some of you :) I think it would be fine and fun. I just have no desire to film or be filmed for a national audience. As if anyone would want to watch me anyways.

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