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Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday...on the Anniversary of His Death

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It's because their speech writers are as ignorant as the mouthpiece.

Fact checking is really not a hard thing to do. It literally takes seconds on simple trivia such as this. And yes, as insignificant as it might seem it does matter in the overall scheme of things.

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I will never understand why a politician does this. They are trying to convence us they are the smartest in the race and then say something so off the wall.

I don't think that she was attempting to be smart. I think that it was an attempt to show that she is in touch with the common folk.

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I'm curious:

If anyone of you had to publicly speak, (if you could do that to begin with of course), as much as ANY politician that's on the grueling campaign trail while a crowd of reporters and cameras followed your every move then how many times do you think you'd say something stupid?

I know I have been known to think one thing while my mouth says something different from time to time. It happens.

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Guest Lester Weevils

It is the thought that counts. Elvis appreciates the gesture even if the date was wrong. A drug addled self-destructive singer is the perfect role model for the moral majority regardless of some slight error in birth date.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest Lester Weevils

I like Elvis fine. He had fabulous pipes and loads of talent. It just seems odd that he is a hero to folks who would never approve such behavior in an ordinary joe neighbor.

Had seen that Elvis movie but don't know movie star names and didn't remember Kurt Russell played that part. Pretty good acting. In a roundabout way Kurt did "Escape from Memphis" along with his other "Escape" films. :)

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Guest Lester Weevils

Everybody probably knows this, but there was a bizarre meeting between Elvis and Nixon in 1970. It is pretty funny.


This site appears to tell the tale relatively straight--

Elvis Presley Meets President Richard Nixon

On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley paid a visit to President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in Washington, D.C. The meeting was initiated by Presley, who wrote Nixon a six-page letter requesting a visit with the President and suggesting that he be made a 'Federal Agent-at-Large' in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. The events leading up to and after the meeting are detailed in the documentation and photographs included here, which include Presley's handwritten letter, memoranda from Nixon staff and aides, and the thank-you note from Nixon for the gifts (including a Colt 45 pistol and family photos) that Presley brought with him to the Oval Office.

Maybe it would be like Snoop Dog trying to get a Federal Agent badge from Obama, and bringing Obama a Glock for a gift. :)

Edited by Lester Weevils
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This is national news? This is what CNN has to talk about? All while more guns from Operation Fast and Furious are turning up on crime scenes, and the ATF supervisory agents directly involved have just been promoted.

Guns From 'Fast And Furious' Sting Linked To 11 More Violent Crimes | FoxNews.com

Senator Blasts ATF

I guess Bachmann mixing up her dates is more important, and I guess it is ok that the President doesn’t even know how many states are in the nation he is supposed to be leading…

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