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Virginia: Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

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Looked and didn't see this posted already, very surprised.

Didn't know if this should go here or in 2nd Amendment Issue, please move if it's more appropriate in there.


Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result – Patriot Update

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I sent the link for this to Gail Kerr today (Tennessean op-ed writer) along with a reminder about her "sky-is-falling" prediction last year that there would be blood in the streets and wild west shootouts in bars if the governor signed the restaurant carry bill into law.

Six months after it became law, I emailed her to find out if she was ready to retract her original statements based on the fact that there had not been a single incident where an innocent person was shot by someone legally carrying a firearm in a restaurant or bar. Needless to say, I got no reply.

Think I'll get a response this time?? :screwy:

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I sent the link for this to Gail Kerr today (Tennessean op-ed writer) along with a reminder about her "sky-is-falling" prediction last year that there would be blood in the streets and wild west shootouts in bars if the governor signed the restaurant carry bill into law.

Six months after it became law, I emailed her to find out if she was ready to retract her original statements based on the fact that there had not been a single incident where an innocent person was shot by someone legally carrying a firearm in a restaurant or bar. Needless to say, I got no reply.

Think I'll get a response this time?? :)

Take a full page ad calling her out and she'll have to reply. ;)

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I sent the link for this to Gail Kerr today (Tennessean op-ed writer) along with a reminder about her "sky-is-falling" prediction last year that there would be blood in the streets and wild west shootouts in bars if the governor signed the restaurant carry bill into law.

Six months after it became law, I emailed her to find out if she was ready to retract her original statements based on the fact that there had not been a single incident where an innocent person was shot by someone legally carrying a firearm in a restaurant or bar. Needless to say, I got no reply.

Think I'll get a response this time?? ;)

I for one think you'll get a reply.

Of course I believe in Santa Claus and unicorns too. Maybe I'm not the best judge?

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Guest pfries

I personally would like to see a more detailed breakdown of the offenses from the year prior,

how many offenses and of what nature were committed,

offenses by permit holders,

offenses by non-permit holders and so forth?

This would allow for a more specific comparison of the data relative to the arguments.

I for one doubt the law changed that number significantly.

Whether it is pre-law or post-law; bad judgment is bad judgment period.

A handful of permit holders and non-permit holders alike are more than likely guilty of carrying into these establishments prior to the law allowing it.

This type of comparison I believe would allow for a more substantiated argument in favor of the applicable laws.

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I for one think you'll get a reply.

Of course I believe in Santa Claus and unicorns too. Maybe I'm not the best judge?

Unicorns exist. They're fat, gray, can do upwards of 35mph and are mean as hell. Ceratotherium simum or more commonly referred to as rhinoceros. :rolleyes:

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Don't be too surprised. Here in Pennsylvania, you can carry (open or concealed) in a bar, you can have a drink or two, and gunbuster signs (about as common as unicorns) have no legal effect. It's been that way for decades, and the same is true in about half of the states. Nobody's breaking new ground here. What's happened? Nothing, and not even the antis are proposing new restrictions since there's just no valid argument.

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