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Shoot Yourself After You're Dead!

Oh Shoot

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There was a guy at Knob Creek one year long ago selling something similar. He would load your cremated remains into a howitzer shell and blast you into the side of the Rocky Mountains.

I'd rather parcel myself out so lots more folks can personally commemorate. :hiding:

- OS

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I've already got my cremation paid for. No ceremony or death notice (not that I will know or care). If my wife out lives me she'll probably stick me on a shelf somewhere, but I have been trying to convince her to be a little more creative.

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Hmmm, this is getting interesting to think about. How about loading your loved ones ashes in a belt of 5,56 and carrying it to Kob Creek for one of the guys to pump through an M249! What a way to go; Slicing through an old junk Honda on the firing line in Bullit County. ;)

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Guest Bluemax

I have instructed a couple of close friends that; for whatever reason I meet my demise unexpectedly that I be cremated and a very small service held. After the service they gather the retrobates that I have claimed my mates for years and head directly to the nearest" gentleman's" club. There they will pick out the two sexiest, most well endowed perfomers; pay them repeatedly for table dances, and just when the sweat is dripping from every curve of their body...whip out a Scoal can of my ashes..upend it and BLOW !!!! AHH!! :poop:

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