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BEEF RECALL in TN and several other southeastern states. Aug 15th, 2011

Guest RobThatsMe

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Guest db99wj

Is this a growing problem of contamination or a growing problem of our systems getting weaker due to be "over clean"!

I think our systems are weaker. Food has always had these "things" and our system could handle it before we started killing off the bad and good bacteria.

I have no proof or links to studies, just what I think.

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Is this a growing problem of contamination or a growing problem of our systems getting weaker due to be "over clean"!

I think our systems are weaker. Food has always had these "things" and our system could handle it before we started killing off the bad and good bacteria.

I have no proof or links to studies, just what I think.

I agree with you on our systems getting weaker. Not mine have you, but people in general. The obsession with germs in this country is beyond comical and only serves to weaken immune systems.

All that being said, I also suspect that a lot of this contamination which seems to be getting more and more common is a result of just plain negligence on the part of suppliers in the food chain and/or lax attitudes by employees.

Just my 2 cents. I have no scientific knowledge of the field. :stare:

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I agree with you on our systems getting weaker. Not mine have you, but people in general. The obsession with germs in this country is beyond comical and only serves to weaken immune systems.

All that being said, I also suspect that a lot of this contamination which seems to be getting more and more common is a result of just plain negligence on the part of suppliers in the food chain and/or lax attitudes by employees.

Just my 2 cents. I have no scientific knowledge of the field. :stare:

Are you implying that there needs to be more regulation to insure that our food supply is safe or that the the problem is with workers?

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Guest TresOsos

I wonder too if some of it doesn't have to do with a lot of people not knowing how to cook and keep a clean prep area. Face it a lot of people only know how to order pizza and go out for fast food. Then when they are put in a situation were they have to cook, they just don't know the basics of cleanliness and cooking. I have to agree there have always been some contaminants in the food supply. Even E. Coli is not a problem if the meat is cooked properly.

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There is evidence that it has to do with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) and GM corn. Corn is not a natural food for cows and the GM corn is thought to be causing the e coli to evolve into new, more deadly strains.

Dodge City, where the suspect beef came from is knee deep cow crap as far as the eye can see. It has become such a problem that the top meat processors use ammonia to disinfect the beef after butchering. Mmm, mmm good.

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I agree with you on our systems getting weaker. Not mine have you, but people in general. The obsession with germs in this country is beyond comical and only serves to weaken immune systems.

Not only that but also I believe that the over-use of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers, just like the over-use of antibiotics, can result in germs that are simply more resilient and resistant to existing agents. The country's obsession with killing 99.9% of germs all the time, any time, anywhere they might exist will just lead to 'superbugs' and 'megagerms' that won't be killed by anything short of highly caustic chemicals.

I'm not saying that being sanitary isn't important - of course it is - but exposure to a few germs here or there is better than helping engineer the 'master race' of cooties. Heck, there are bacteria and micro-organisms that have evolved to be able to live in the hot, highly acidic pools in Yellowstone Park. If the little buggers can evolve to live there then they can eventually evolve to survive anything, including antibacterial soaps and cleaners, which will make it increasingly difficult to maintain a sanitized environment where it is really needed, such as in hospitals and similar locations. Throw in a general lack of immunity/resistance from living in such a sanitized world and you get a recipe for the same thing to happen to us that smallpox did to the Native Americans a few centuries ago. We won't need zombies or Al Queda to devastate the population - an overly sanitized lifestyle could do it just as well.

Edited by JAB
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