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I really need to stay out of gun stores....

Guest HexHead

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Guest HexHead
Nice gun! You wont regret it. I some how manages to walk out with only a belly band today.

Yesterday was just a sling and a sandbag. :confused:

Picked it up at Nashville Sporting Arms on Charlotte Pike.

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Guest darkstar

Gun Stores are evil pure and simple, I don't think I have ever walked out of one without at least some kind of purchase...be it a cleaning brush, ammo, or yet another new gun.

Nice wheel gun there by the way

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Guest gcrookston

Let's see... Been to Rabbi's store 3 times.... 2 guns... Been to Guns and leather 3 times... 4 guns.... been to Coal Creek 2 times... 1 gun... been to Hero Gear 4 times, 3 guns, been to Specialty Arms II 4 times, 2 guns, been to On Target..... 1 gun, 1 CCW class, 1 suppressor...

Yep, I need to stay out of gunstores, too:eek::eek::eek:. "hi, my name's Glen, and I'm a gunaholic"....

Edited by gcrookston
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Let's see... Been to Rabbi's store 3 times.... 2 guns... Been to Guns and leather 3 times... 4 guns.... been to Coal Creek 2 times... 1 gun... been to Hero Gear 4 times, 3 guns, been to Specialty Arms II 4 times, 2 guns, been to On Target..... 1 gun, 1 CCW class, 1 suppressor...

Yep, I need to stay out of gunstores, too:eek::shake::eek:. "hi, my name's Glen, and I'm a gunaholic"....

And we love you for it.... :D

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Excellent choice, I have its stainless cousin. Everyone should have a snubbie in their collection. (And in their pocket!)

As for gun stores, I know the feeling. Must... stay... away....

But they keep pulling me back in!

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Let's see... Been to Rabbi's store 3 times.... 2 guns... Been to Guns and leather 3 times... 4 guns.... been to Coal Creek 2 times... 1 gun... been to Hero Gear 4 times, 3 guns, been to Specialty Arms II 4 times, 2 guns, been to On Target..... 1 gun, 1 CCW class, 1 suppressor...

Yep, I need to stay out of gunstores, too:eek::koolaid::eek:. "hi, my name's Glen, and I'm a gunaholic"....

...aholics go to meetings to get rid of there habit.We go to meetings to get a worse habit.Kinda like alcoholic going to a bar :bowrofl:

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I just joined the club today....Bought a 638 from the Rabbi. Went to sell him something and he sold me...go figure! Second purchase from him. Super nice guy (dont let his forum persona fool you). Great selection of nice firearms (sorry no Low-Points) at incredible prices. I actually spotted a few I might need to come back for....

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Guest Phantom6
Let's see... Been to Rabbi's store 3 times.... 2 guns... Been to Guns and leather 3 times... 4 guns.... been to Coal Creek 2 times... 1 gun... been to Hero Gear 4 times, 3 guns, been to Specialty Arms II 4 times, 2 guns, been to On Target..... 1 gun, 1 CCW class, 1 suppressor...

Yep, I need to stay out of gunstores, too:eek::eek::eek:. "hi, my name's Glen, and I'm a gunaholic"....

Hey gcrookston, if I forget to send you an invitation to the grand opening of the new gun counter at our school (as soon as we get our FFL) I hope someone kicks my butt. Hint- it's about 40 days away now so mark your calendar. :D

BTW, nice choice in pistols.

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Guest BigBoostDSM

Cool gun! I've had my eye on one of those for a back up/summer carry gun.

If you don't mind me askin, how much did it run you?

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Guest kdgreen23

I have been leavin the Glock, The Kahr, and The Walther at home and carrying a Stainless J Frame .38 snub with rosewood grips in my

leather holster for about 2 weeks now. I just can't seem to leave it

at home. Its comfortable, very concealed even at work:rolleyes: and I don't

even know its on me. The speedloader thing kind of screws me up,

but I have been practicing. Good choice of pistol. I am even contemplating

a set of lasergrips for mine.

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