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He would be a dead man

Il Duce

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Guest WyattEarp

I'd have to agree. i don't understand why the death penalty is not instituted for child molestors and rapists.

the damage that is done to the victims is as heinous if not worse than what is done to a murder victim. a murder victim is dead, they no longer have to suffer. a victim of molestation and/or rape, has to live with the fallout their entire lives. nightmares, they don't trust their significant other in relationships, depending on who the abuser was (if for instance they are a male and their abuser was a male) they may have doubts as to their sexuality, don't have any self-confidence or self-esteem, usually have to go through years of counseling/therapy.

whats even more sickening, is the offender usually gets light sentences, get out of jail and then go do it again. I'd have applauded the father if he'd have blown this piece of fecal matter to Hell where he belongs.

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I'd have to agree. i don't understand why the death penalty is not instituted for child molestors and rapists.

the damage that is done to the victims is as heinous if not worse than what is done to a murder victim. a murder victim is dead, they no longer have to suffer. a victim of molestation and/or rape, has to live with the fallout their entire lives. nightmares, they don't trust their significant other in relationships, depending on who the abuser was (if for instance they are a male and their abuser was a male) they may have doubts as to their sexuality, don't have any self-confidence or self-esteem, usually have to go through years of counseling/therapy.

whats even more sickening, is they usually get light sentences, get out of jail and then go do it again. I'd have applauded the father if he'd have blown this piece of fecal matter to Hell where he belongs.

Or at least stopped to trim the SOB's libido.

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Guest brandon_pitt
I have to agree.... my magazine holds 15 rounds, I'd have been hard pressed to not put all 15 of them into that scum...

I carry two magazines with a combined 25 rounds( with the one chambered), he would have had 25 holes in him but not after Ive beaten him until I can't lift my arms. It's not what's best for the child nor the situation, but logical rationale would be out the window.

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I wouldn't put them to death.

I would make it a mandatory life in prison without parole. That way they can spend every day of their life scared and wondering if today is the day the other inmates dole out a bit of inmate justice. Do not allow them to be placed in PC.

Life in prison for a child molester is far more punishing than being put to death. Being put to death is way to humane for some of these animals.


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Kill 'em all, I don't want my tax dollars supporting those animals.

Heck, if it were up to me I'd not even charge the father if he'd spent a few hours with some pliers and blowtorch before finishing the sack of crap of.

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Guest pfries
I wouldn't put them to death.

I would make it a mandatory life in prison without parole. That way they can spend every day of their life scared and wondering if today is the day the other inmates dole out a bit of inmate justice. Do not allow them to be placed in PC.

Life in prison for a child molester is far more punishing than being put to death. Being put to death is way to humane for some of these animals.



Kill 'em all, I don't want my tax dollars supporting those animals.

Be cheaper to pay for the short stay in General Population on a life sentence than the cost of putting an inmate on death row with all the appeals and average length of stay.

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Be cheaper to pay for the short stay in General Population on a life sentence than the cost of putting an inmate on death row with all the appeals and average length of stay.

Who said anything about death row and appeals?

That's one crime if you're found guilty of, especially in a case like this, I'd not care if the sentence was carried out the day he was found guilty.

Or you could give me a day or so with the aforementioned tools.

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