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GOP debate this evening in Iowa. Any comments?

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....I still think there's something wrong with the dude [Romney] but can't put my finger on it.

He's just the epitome of slick politician. He's like a bionic compilation of traits and looks, the Universal Pol.

On the converse, I get sort of a queasy feeling listening to Rick Perry. I hear him, but see Dubya, and bible thumping to boot.

- OS

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Hey Lester

I like the Patriot Channel on there, too. Whenever I get in my wife's car, that's where it goes.

I've felt that way about Romney all along although I would vote for him against Obama or

even Hillary. I definitely would take anyone else at that debate over Romney, otherwise.

I can't wait for the crowd to thin out, way too congested right now, but that's the process.

I would vote for Obama before Romney. At least i know Obama will not screw me behind my back.

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I would vote for Obama before Romney. At least i know Obama will not screw me behind my back.

That would be a mistake and apparently you haven't noticed that Oblameo is also, screwing us behind our backs.

Romney is not my pick either but we have to get this disaster out of office.

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I'm interested in Perry because he hasn't ruined Texas. And, he's been there since Little George left. I'm interested in someone who has actually done the job well. Chest thumping about abortion and homos may get the base, but won't win over folks that just want somebody to run the government. Besides, our biggest problems got nothing to do with homos.

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Chest thumping about abortion and homos may get the base, but won't win over folks that just want somebody to run the government. Besides, our biggest problems got nothing to do with homos.

If the republicans would lay off that irrelevant :) they could go all the way and might actually have a greater percentage of the people take them seriously.

Stay out of social issues! Run the goverment. Why is that so hard for them to do?

Same for the Dems.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I don't care what book people thump as long as they don't force everyone else to thump along.

When it comes to mixing politics and religion-- If a politician spends a lot of time talking religion, then some possibilities include--

a) The politician is unfocused and can't stay on topic.

:D The politician intends to force everyone to thump along to whatever degree possible.

c) The politician is wooing a special interest group with empty promises which the politician has no intention of honoring.

It is equally uncool if our "lesser of two evils" candidate may be some combination of-- a) scatter-brained B) intolerant bigot or c) sociopathic liar.

Maybe the republicans gain more voters than they lose by talking religion? Or maybe not? Dunno.

The democrats talk a lot of religion too when it suits their purposes.

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People that focus on hot button social issues are the ones that can't deal with the real issues. When I hire somebody to do a job, I don't care about their religion, or their views on other social issues. I care about their ability to do the job. I care about their history that convices me that they can do the job. And yes, I care about their character, but it's limited to what's necessary for the job.

Folks that use cheap tricks to win votes is one of our biggest problems. We need to deal with abortion when it get on the top ten list of threats. Right now, it ain't even close.

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I don't understand why you guys get so frustrated with Republican candidates talking about their religion. Would it not be foolish for a candidate that calls himself as a Christian not to identify himself as such considering the very large percentage of Christians and evangelicals within the party? They are appealing to their base. In regards to the sincerity of the candidate, that can be easily researched. As a side note, I used the term Christian because that is what the argument is about. A lot of people use the generic term religion, but in reality they are talking about Christianity whether they will admit it or not.

As far as focusing on the hot button issues such as abortion, gay marriage, etc..., why blame the candidate? If you are looking for someone to blame, the blame lies with the media. They are the ones that are setting the narrative. During these debates, is it not the media that decides which questions will be asked? It is the media that keeps bringing up these hot button topics primarily to try to characterize as candidate, oftentimes, in an unfavorable light.

Personally, I do not mind when a candidate identifies himself as a Christian. It lets me know a little bit about them. Now, if they try and out-God other candidates as Huckabee did in 2008, then they become anathema to me. I have somewhat of an aversion towards zealotry mainly because I more than likely will not accept all of the tenets of their doctrinal belief, nor will I share their worldview, and they tend to be a bit pushy. I do not want to establish a theocracy in this country. On the other hand, I do not want a completely secularized nation either. I believe both are equally dangerous.

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I don't understand why you guys get so frustrated with Republican candidates talking about their religion. Would it not be foolish for a candidate that calls himself as a Christian not to identify himself as such considering the very large percentage of Christians and evangelicals within the party? ...

Most don't lead a 7 hour prayer rally with 30,000 in attendance, and do a tent revival oratory, asking God to solve America's problems.

A really "sacrilegious" blend of politics and religion -- hearkens back to the Tricky Dick/Billy Graham travesty in Neyland Stadium in 1970.

I prefer that we rely as little as possible on supernatural intercession in these matters, myself.

- OS

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Most don't lead a 7 hour prayer rally with 30,000 in attendance, and do a tent revival oratory, asking God to solve America's problems.

A really "sacrilegious" blend of politics and religion -- hearkens back to the Tricky Dick/Billy Graham travesty in Neyland Stadium in 1970.

I prefer that we rely as little as possible on supernatural intercession in these matters, myself.

- OS

Amen! As far as Ron Paul, I think that he would make an excellent president. His problem is that he is not going around attempting to scare people and using hot button issues to play to clueless voters. After Paul no one else appeals to me.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Hi Mav

Religion shouldn't matter in politics. Religion is used to justify any side of a political position. If a politician wants to disclose his religion then it is his own business, as long as it remains clear that it has nothing to do with the politician's policies.

European Christian Democrat parties often endorse repressive personal freedom policies similar to USA "conservative christians", but they also believe that Jesus wants Caesar to tax the people and give to the poor. It is just as easy to have personally-repressive christian socialist regimes, as to have personally-repressive christian capitalist regimes. Similarly in the Muslim world there are personally-repressive socialist regimes versus personally-repressive capitalist or oligarchist regimes.

For every person who wants to ban abortion there is a person who wants to enable abortion. Regardless whether we ban abortion we are going broke. If you have a political movement with a party plank against abortion then you lose half the voters who might help you on fixing the budget. If you have a political movement with a party plank against gay marriage then you lose half the voters who might help on fixing the budget.

Every once in awhile I will contribute what to me are "large sums" to political campaigns, but I'll be damned if I'll contribute to a campaign promising to infringe personal freedoms. Maybe I'll vote for em if the other side is even worse, but damned if I will pay or campaign in an effort to abridge personal freedoms.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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After Paul no one else appeals to me.

I am right there with you. I snookered myself in 2008 to vote for Romney in the primary because Thompson dropped out. Never again. Paul is my guy. I could vote for Bachmann if Paul exits the race, but after Bachmann, I think rest of them suck.

On other threads there is talk about Perry. OhShoot claims that he hears GW when listens to Perry. I am not surprised by this since they are pretty much cut from the same cloth. I am afraid, however, that a lot of Christians will be deluded by his religious rhetoric and will not look into his record. The last time I checked, 47% of those that label themselves Tea Partiers also label themselves as Christian/evangelical. That makes me nervous. I wish people would do their homework. Perry sucks.

As far as the Texas economy goes, all one has to do is look at the industries in Texas and see why they did not suffer like most other states. Lets see, the major industries in Texas are energy, argiculture, healthcare, computer technology, exports, defense, etc... All of those industries are basic, meaning we have to have them, so they weren't really affected by the downturn in the economy. It had nothing to do with Perry.

Some of you do realize that Perry was Al Gore's Texas Campaign Manager in 1988, right?

Edited by mav
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Guest Lester Weevils
Hey Lester

I like the Patriot Channel on there, too. Whenever I get in my wife's car, that's where it goes.

I've felt that way about Romney all along although I would vote for him against Obama or

even Hillary. I definitely would take anyone else at that debate over Romney, otherwise.

I can't wait for the crowd to thin out, way too congested right now, but that's the process.

Hi 6.8 AR

Yes we need media attention for as many voices possible rather than the media acting as kindergarten teacher for us simpletons. O'Reilly wants to "look out for the folks" and prevent confusion in our tiny brains by only covering "worthy" candidates.

I would have never gone shopping to buy a Sirius radio but the last vehicle came with a 1 year subscription. I like Sirius enough that maybe will buy a livingroom receiver. They could never have run a big enough ad campaign to sell me a subscription without that "first one is free" automobile receiver marketing tactic. I hate driving but the Sirius makes it almost tolerable. Sometimes will get to a destination then sit in the truck a few minutes to hear the tail-end of a show.

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I am right there with you. I snookered myself in 2008 to vote for Romney in the primary because Thompson dropped out. Never again. Paul is my guy. I could vote for Bachmann if Paul exits the race, but after Bachmann, I think rest of them suck.

On other threads there is talk about Perry. OhShoot claims that he hears GW when listens to Perry. I am not surprised by this since they are pretty much cut from the same cloth. I am afraid, however, that a lot of Christians will be deluded by his religious rhetoric and will not look into his record. The last time I checked, 47% of those that label themselves Tea Partiers also label themselves as Christian/evangelical. That makes me nervous. I wish people would do their homework. Perry sucks.

As far as the Texas economy goes, all one has to do is look at the industries in Texas and see why they did not suffer like most other states. Lets see, the major industries in Texas are energy, argiculture, healthcare, computer technology, exports, defense, etc... All of those industries are basic, meaning we have to have them, so they weren't really affected by the downturn in the economy. It had nothing to do with Perry.

Some of you do realize that Perry was Al Gore's Texas Campaign Manager in 1988, right?

Talking about religion and gays always gets the conservative vote out. You don't need to have a real platform when you are just playing on peoples emotions.

Edited by LINKS2K
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Amen! As far as Ron Paul, I think that he would make an excellent president. His problem is that he is not going around attempting to scare people and using hot button issues to play to clueless voters. After Paul no one else appeals to me.

The people of the US don't want an excellent president. They want someone that tells them what they want to hear.

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The people of the US don't want an excellent president. They want someone that tells them what they want to hear.

Only the idiotic people want that, and this thread is proof enough that the United States is coming out of its long idiotic coma, the recession helped that along greatly.

Paul has a chance and im spreading the word every day, he's the best man for the job.

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Only the idiotic people want that, and this thread is proof enough that the United States is coming out of its long idiotic coma, the recession helped that along greatly.

Paul has a chance and im spreading the word every day, he's the best man for the job.

Spend 30 minutes on the interstate... any interstate, and report back :stare:. We're breeding idiots like flies these days.

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That would be a mistake and apparently you haven't noticed that Oblameo is also, screwing us behind our backs.

Romney is not my pick either but we have to get this disaster out of office.

Sorry but it feels like he's screwing me right to my face.

I'm actually starting to think Obama's Commie ass should get another term! I don't think folks are awake enough to realize what is really at stake here. Another term MIGHT just get them angry enough to get up and finally get pissed off enough to get involved and take this country back! This back and forth crap between the Dems and Repubs (lesser of two evils excuse) has gotten this country in enough trouble. Something sooner or later has got to get people off the couch and away from the idiot box!

I saw someone's signature on another forum and it said " If the founding father's were still alive,the shooting would have already begun!" I like the sound of it.

I'm just trying to figure out when the American Sheeple are going to get tired of this game? The polls show Ron Paul in the lead or right below it and the media is already attacking him. WTF are they scared of? REAL CHANGE for once?

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I lived in Corrupticut for 6 years.It's close enough to Taxachussetts they we cought wind of all the shinnannigans going on up there. Romney is NOT what this country needs. I can promise you that. Do some research on the man instead of letting the "fair and balanced " news tell you what he's about.

As for Box News, 'ol Rupert Murdock is a member of the Bilderberger group. His attendance has been documented.

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