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And we think we have it bad in Tennessee?

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Just pathetic. I was surprised recently when visiting a gun store here in Orlando. The employees said that around %60 of his range business comes from people from the UK. A few young guys were in there shopping. I think there were from Scotland. They told me the only thing they have for home defense is baseball bats and golf clubs.

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Guest bkelm18
I've read somewhere recently that since banning personal ownership of firearms haven't stopped crime the police are going after scissors next...can rubber bands and spit balls be next on the list of banned "weapons"?

I believe they were going after sharp tipped knives at one point as well. Even your kitchen knives would have to be blunt tipped.

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This is serious enough for Britain to trigger a backlash. Home defense shotguns would be a first. I wonder if the NRA is advising the brits on how to get back their lost rights?

Found this from a British newspaper, may it be the first of many such articles:


Edited by QuietDan
Found article
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The only shops in L.A. that were not looted and burned during the riots were the Viatnamese on their roof tops shooting anyone that stepped on to the blacktop of the parking lot. A single shot .22 is what my dad used to get some thugs out of our back yard and they even put out a fire they started. Both of those situations would have been very different if Louisville Sluggers were the weapon of choice.

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I believe they were going after sharp tipped knives at one point as well. Even your kitchen knives would have to be blunt tipped.

I also think I remember reading that they were considering laws banning pointy blades, including kitchen knives.

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Remember, in a "civilized society" it's best to let the un-civilized rape & pillage, and just keep a stiff upper lip, pip-pip, and such. You might lose everything, but at least you have your dignity. Well, unless you're dead.

Batter up!

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk Pro

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