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People that can't control their children and lack of respect in public, by the public

Guest WyattEarp

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Guest bkelm18

You're way calmer than I woulda been. First time, ok kids will be kids, still would have been angry the dad did and said nothing. Second time I would have lost my mind at the dad, most likely. In this day and age I'm hesitant to have kids because they would be brought up properly, and in this day and age, properly equates to child abuse.

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Guest db99wj

He will realize what a bad father he is when he is sitting in the front row of the court room at his kids arraignment.

It is hard raising kids, and it is not always because of "lack of....parenting skills, desire, etc". Kids are around other kids and they act like those kids, there-lies the problem. You have more parents like the one in the OP, those kids are around your kids, your kids pick up on how those kids act and counteract what you teach them. This is nothing new of course, but it seems there are more of these type of situations out there. What to do, you got to be consistent with your teaching and punish consistently, reward consistently the behaviors. As I have eluded too, there have always been those parents, those kids, but they were the exception to the rule, it seems that this type is increasing and the good type is decreasing, which is, in my opinion, going to lead to the continued downfall of our society. Kids and parents can be friends, when the kids are adults, your main priority in life, your main job, your responsibility is to teach, care, nurture, mold your kids so that they are ready for the world, to be able to be a contributing member of society when they become adults. This is where many are failing, as mentioned in other posts, they want to be friends, they want to be cool, they want to....well they don't want anything unless it benefits themselves.

There are a few things that I would have done if these were my kids, first of all, I would have torn into them sternly explaining what they did wrong followed by a spanking, grounding, something depending on the age of the kid, then secondly I would have apologized to the you, thirdly, the kids would have apologized to you, and after that, they would be on warning that if I heard another word from them the rest of the trip, all hell would break loose.

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I'm surprised no one has pointed out that you would have leverage against the store in removing the man and kids due to your being able to sue. As long as you got to a walk in clinic and got it documented . You could also ask the parent for his name and address for the purpose of litigation. If he refused call the cops and tell them they should bring along someone from children services.

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Guest bkelm18
I'm surprised no one has pointed out that you would have leverage against the store in removing the man and kids due to your being able to sue. As long as you got to a walk in clinic and got it documented . You could also ask the parent for his name and address for the purpose of litigation. If he refused call the cops and tell them they should bring along someone from children services.

We're certainly a sue-happy nation.

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Guest bkelm18
Kudoes to the store manager.

Pen is mightier than the sword. You lose when you punch him. You can do more damage, and more effectively, with the lawsuit.

If no permanent damage is done, why waste everyone's time and money with a lawsuit?

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If no permanent damage is done, why waste everyone's time and money with a lawsuit?

Give him something to remember every morning when he's looking in the mirror. Bills get paid and forgotten, scars tell the same stories for years to come.

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Guest db99wj

Sue? Seriously? We really are a litigation happy society since the thought of suing has even come up in this conversation. This, in my opinion, would be as bad over suing McDonalds for the burns I received from their hot coffee. :palmtoforehead:

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I hate when these things happen. I can proudly say that would never happen if I were around with my children. My brats are polite to a fault sometimes. What I don't like is when people compliment me on my kids behavior as if it's abnormal. Looks like parenting is becoming a lost art.

Proper parenting is a lost art. I get the same thing from many people on my 5yr old daughter.

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I agree, we sometimes revert too quickly to lawsuits. And yet, we are a nation of laws, and they do tend to effectively restrain us.

The threat of a suit, the potential for a suit, is almost as sobering as the suit itself, and much less costly. The POSSIBILITY of legal liability for a customer's injury (in addition to doing the right thing) surely was part of the store manager's motivation in this situation.

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QuietDan got it. I never advocated suing merely threatening it to get the manager do do what you want. 25 Years ago I probably would have barked at the kids and told them to get away from me. then if the father gave me any guff I would have scared the crap out of him. I am a lot more mellow now and in exchange for leaving idiots like that alone I use the system they understand. And as far as fearing anything from the father. A man that lets his kids behave that way has already surrendered his cajones.

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Guest nicemac
The POSSIBILITY of legal liability for a customer's injury (in addition to doing the right thing) surely was part of the store manager's motivation in this situation.

Yeah, but what if the (bad parent) guy gets home and thinks about the humiliation he endured for being asked to leave? HE may bring suit against Kroger. He is so embarrassed he can't show his face in public, he can't work now, his children are scarred for life, yada…yada…yada…

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Regarding: "Yeah, but what if the (bad parent) guy gets home and thinks about the humiliation he endured for being asked to leave? HE may bring suit against Kroger. He is so embarrassed he can't show his face in public, he can't work now, his children are scarred for life, yada…yada…yada… "

You are absolutely right! However, Kroger has a high powered legal team that can nip that in the bud. I imagine that they have legal techniques, born of constant re-use, that would make the guy wish he had never been born.

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I'm glad my parents whipped my ass into being a decent person and I'll do the same to my kids. By the time I have kids I will probably be put in jail for child abuse when it's actually discipline. Nothing makes sense anymore.

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Guest Anadais
I'm glad my parents whipped my ass into being a decent person and I'll do the same to my kids. By the time I have kids I will probably be put in jail for child abuse when it's actually discipline. Nothing makes sense anymore.

The only thing I do different than my parents is I actually TALK to my son about his actions and the rewards and consequences for them... My parents were a lot faster to just grab the belt or send me out for a switch.

Just have the good sense to save discipline for when you are at home and don't lose your cool in public.

I have "the look" that lets my son know if he doesn't mellow out he is in for it as soon as we get home. 9/10 this works and I don't even have to say anything else. I wish I had it as perfected as my Dad though... his works 100% of the time.

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Guest WyattEarp
Sue? Seriously? We really are a litigation happy society since the thought of suing has even come up in this conversation. This, in my opinion, would be as bad over suing McDonalds for the burns I received from their hot coffee. :palmtoforehead:

suing someone doesn't always have to mean you're seeking financial damages. I've seen some cases (and I couldn't name them if I wanted to) where people have sued just to prove someone wrong and receive an apology and to have the person they sued take accountability for their actions and own up to it.

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spare the rod, spoil the child. IT STILL HOLDS TRUE, lol.

I agree. I'm the bad guy because I don't let my kids run my house and disrespect me. My daughter tells me that ......... mom let's her curse as long as she does not curse her? What? Billy doen't do chores. Why do we have to do chores? So on and so on. It all starts with the parents.

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I'm glad my parents whipped my ass into being a decent person and I'll do the same to my kids. By the time I have kids I will probably be put in jail for child abuse when it's actually discipline. Nothing makes sense anymore.

My 24 year old has moved and my twins will be 16 soon so I have not had to spank (whip ass) in a long time. I remember administering a butt whipping years ago and the child goes PBS on me and starts talking about reporting me. I told him no problem,but I hope that you enjoy living in a foster home where you will really be loved. Never heard that crap again. I agree with a earlier poster that you need to communicate with the kids also and not just thrash them.

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