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Hunting Partner

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I look for a hunting partner who enjoys the woods. I do mostly turkey hunting in TN, and go to MS to deer hunt. That said in the past two years I have called in more turkeys for others than I have killed. I am only in my mid-twenties, but enjoy helping others get thier animal. I sometimes do hunt for just horns, but mostly will ask whoever's land I am hunting on what they want shot off of it. If someone has a herd problem and just want does killed, fine by me. But if I have meat stored (and I normally do) then I will let them pass.

Anyway, you have to find someone that you can respect as a hunter and will respect you in turn.

P.S. if anyone knows of any clubs or good hunting land around the Knox/Sevier County area I would love a heads up about it. Thanks.

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I agree with what you said. Some of my issue is/was....if you shoot it, remove it! Don't let me find a deer that you shot, and took the antlers and backstraps and left the rest to rot. "It cost the young man a hunting spot, and he is never welcome back again". Just don't lie to me folks. A couple of people's actions always cost others....including me!

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Dang, am I that predictable? We will put the miles on this year guy. I added another 160 acres to the 2,200 (TN land) for pred hunting so pull out your good boots!

My new schedule may allow me to hunt more this year with you. I'm ready but it's been to hot.

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I'm game anytime.....but I would need to see a resume with at least three character references, urine samples (doe preferably) :confused:

No problem. As long as you don't require a reference from the wife, I'm in the doghouse presently. LOL

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

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Guest adamoxtwo

I'm going to go sight in my rifle this afternoon so I can morally select an animal to grace my table this thanksgiving! Robin you are more then welcome to come out and hunt with me, and wd-40 I am always looking for hunting partners with high moral character.

on a side note there is one other thing that I can't stand in a hunting partner. As an example, watching the T.V. last night the wife and I were watching a hunting show (OK it was against her will but she didn't get up and leave) and there was a guy just shooting at the deer without a clear shot. I was mad, because there folks were suppose to be professionals. If you don't have a clear shot don't take it! I feel like crap if I hit a deer and it lives. If you can't deliver a kill shot you should not attempt it. Sorry for the rant it's just a pet peeve of mine.

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I'm going to go sight in my rifle this afternoon so I can morally select an animal to grace my table this thanksgiving! Robin you are more then welcome to come out and hunt with me, and wd-40 I am always looking for hunting partners with high moral character.

on a side note there is one other thing that I can't stand in a hunting partner. As an example, watching the T.V. last night the wife and I were watching a hunting show (OK it was against her will but she didn't get up and leave) and there was a guy just shooting at the deer without a clear shot. I was mad, because there folks were suppose to be professionals. If you don't have a clear shot don't take it! I feel like crap if I hit a deer and it lives. If you can't deliver a kill shot you should not attempt it. Sorry for the rant it's just a pet peeve of mine.

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