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Hunter friendly campgrounds near Catoosa

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Up until recently I had been planning on going to Virginia to visit my grandmother and hunt on her property, but now it looks like she won't be home the week that I plan to go hunting. Since Granny wont be home for me to visit with I was thinking about going hunting somewhere closer to home. I'm wanting to camp somewhere around Catoosa but it seems like all the campgrounds I have found online don't allow gun possession on their property or look like retirement villages . I was wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to camp, that would allow me to skin my deer, and wouldn't throw a fit about me starting my truck early in the morning. I'm not going to raise hell or cause trouble but there is a good chance that someone would complain about the truck. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.

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I read about the new hog regulations and the closing of catoosa shortly after posting this. I was kind of hoping for a chance at a hog while hunting somewhere in Tennessee but since that's not the case I'll probably end up in Virginia because I will have nearly 400 acres to myself up there and the deer are more than plentiful. Thanks for the advice though.

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