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Well the "belt clip" or paddle holster won't work in my situation, I now have a holster to put it in if I have to disarm in the future.

This is where my man purse comes in handy. I have a Jansport shoulder bag similiar to the Maxpedition bags but a little less tactical, (other than it's OD green and has 2 pockets on the strap that fit magazines). I actually used Gorilla Glue to install one of the Glock sport/combat holsters on the inside. That way, I always have a secure, fitted holster to slip my edc in if I need to...

Thanks for having the courage to post your story. Everyone needs reminders to be super-duper-friggin careful with firearms.

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Guest bkelm18
LMAO Sorry Ima going to chalk that one up to playing stupid games..... But seriously chances of a 1911 discharging from car trash getting in a trgger guard are wayyyy wwwaayyyy lower than any other handgun design in the last 100 yrs.

Possibly, but mainly due to the grip safety, which in and of itself does nothing except prevent the trigger from being pulled. The gun can still go off even if you don't pull the trigger with the thumb safety disengaged. In that respect, I'd say it is less safe than most guns these days that have drop safeties. Disengage the thumb safety on a 1911 and drop the gun so that it lands on the hammer and there's a chance that it will go off. I prefer passive safeties because they don't rely on me to do their job.

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Disengage the thumb safety on a 1911 and drop the gun so that it lands on the hammer and there's a chance that it will go off. I prefer passive safeties because they don't rely on me to do their job.


To me the drop safety is the most important. I'll admit that I'm afraid of 1911s for this very reason.

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