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Another ND

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Well it finally happened to me. I was on my way to a job site this morning that just happes to be a school so I removed my gun from the holster, placed in the pocket on the door like I have done thousands of times before.

When..... BANG.

Through the plastic pocket, through the plastic trim on the door frame, through the weather seal, and into a section of the truck that is coverd by the door when closed.

Good news is no one was hurt, bad news I shot my truck.

Boy was the wife upset.

Now I haven't taken a picture of it but it cut a big gash in my truck. The bullet is still there, not hurting anything so no reason to do surgery.

And to dispellany rumors, I heard the gun go off but it was not nearly as loud as it is when I'm just shooting it.

Be careful out there, it can happen to anyone.

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I am glad that you were not injured. I have been married for over twenty years and I can imagine what you are getting from your wife right now. I am certain that she is grateful that you are safe.

Edited by LINKS2K
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Must've been a friggin' glock. :)

But please do tell...

Everyone knows Glocks shoot you in the butt, not the truck door pocket. Maybe that will be the M&P's stigma now, since it's happened to someone you know's brother-in-law's cousin's former employee's girlfriend's coworker.


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My first thought was cocked and locked and when forced in to the pocket the safety was moved. For that reason I never put one of mine in to one of the pockets or console (cramed with stuff) without de cocking. I've shot the concrete floor in my laundry room and a mulberry window sash in my kitchen due to operator error.

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Nope, S&W M&P40C with the apex tatical trigger parts.

It was totally my fault. I should have stopped the truck, took the gun off, secured it and then continued on.

My M&P has the Apex parts, and makes me a little nervous. It has the DCAEK kit, so the trigger spring is a little heavier than stock. The second stage is pretty light. I can see how you could hang the trigger on something and make it go.

Glad the bullet didn't find you.

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Guest Victor9er
Glad you are OK. Would be interesting to know what caused it, but the important thing is no one was hurt, a thankfully harmless reminder for everyone.


A good reminder that we should all consider keeping a cheap holster in our vehicles somewhere for such an occassion.

"A cheap holster is better than no holster."

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Sorry for your truck, buit I'm glad You're OK.

Did the gun actually go off at the school, or did it happen before you arrived? If at the school, did you have any 'splainin to do?

No I was driving down the road (hwy 30). I WON'T touch my gun once I cross that line designating school property.

And a holster might be a good idea. I'll look into that.

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My M&P has the Apex parts, and makes me a little nervous. It has the DCAEK kit, so the trigger spring is a little heavier than stock. The second stage is pretty light. I can see how you could hang the trigger on something and make it go.

Glad the bullet didn't find you.

Yea, me too. Talk about messing up your day, to see the damage on the truck I'd hate to see a wound from these 135 graig rangers.

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Glad you are OK. Would be interesting to know what caused it, but the important thing is no one was hurt, a thankfully harmless reminder for everyone.

What caused it was I was not pating enough attention to what I was doing and "stuffed" the gun in the door like I always do, something got into the trigger guard and the rest as they say is history.

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I use the map pocket on the back of the passenger seat.

I can guarantee you there is nothing in there, I even vacuum it weekly to make damn sure. But I still am extremely paranoid every time I put my gun in there...

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I use the map pocket on the back of the passenger seat.

I can guarantee you there is nothing in there, I even vacuum it weekly to make damn sure. But I still am extremely paranoid every time I put my gun in there...

I understand, the only thing in the pocket was my 6 pack of extra mags, I'm thinking it got hung on one of those.

I will be getting a holster to "mount" in there starting tomorrow.

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Some may say I'm a bit anal, but situations like this are why I LOVE my backstrap safety. A little extra help in the precaution dept. never hurts.

Oh.. My deepest condolences to your truck,:D but thankfully it wasn't your foot, leg or worse.

Yea, I just knew I was shot, hand was stinging, pinkie hurt like heck. Turns out the pinkie was hit by the slide trying to come back. Only damage to me is my pride.

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First, I'm thankful you are OK

Second, High five for not blaming anything other than what it was.

Third, Thanks for posting this, I was seriously considering a change of carry guns, now I think I'll just stick with my SP101. Negligent discharges can happen to anyone with any gun, but the double action revolver do make it hard.

Seriously, Glad you're OK.

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I'm a little paranoid about ND since my gun doesn't possess a mechanical safety so I don't ride with one in the chamber. I am gambling that like a pump shotgun hopefully the sound of racking a chamber will dispel someone's courage enough that I won't have to use. I have drilled to decrease the amount of time necessary to bring it to shot readiness and fully understand the circumstances where this practice could cost me a significant tactical advantage up to and including death but until I upgrade firearm I feel this to be the safest course of action to prevent ND.

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