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Virginia Tech, yet again?


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Fox has picked it up...seems it's over.

Seems that way, it was probably a hoax, or saw something they didn't (which I'm glad to hear). Either way it took what 20 minutes to send out the alert? That's a lot of time to do damage before the alert is out.

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[update 3:07 p.m.] Virginia Tech has lifted an alert on campus hours after three youths reported that someone may have had a gun there, according to a post on the school's website."There will continue to be a large police presence on campus today," the announcement said. "Police

have not received nor discovered additional information about a person possibly carrying a weapon beyond that reported this morning.

"The university community may resume normal campus activity. Only Blacksburg campus classes have been cancelled today."

[update 11:16 a.m.] Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum warned students and others to continue to stay indoors as police search for a person who may be carrying a weapon on campus.

Several people have been questioned but police have not apprehended anyone, Flinchum said.

[update 11:09 a.m.] No one is in custody and the campus safety alert remains in effect, Virginia Tech's campus police chief says.

Looks like the witnesses saw something that wasn't there, it was a hoax, or somebody's plans were foiled.

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This was a non-event. If you read the live updates on Fox News, you'll see that the original call was made by three kids who were on campus for a summer camp: "The school says on its website that three young people attending a camp at the school reported seeing a man holding what may have been a handgun. They said it was covered by a cloth or covering of some sort, and that the man was walking in the direction of the volleyball courts... He’s described as wearing a blue and white vertically striped shirt and sandals, with a clean-shaven face."

Kids say they saw a man with a towel covering something that MAY have been a gun. In other words, it was nothing and the college and the media all over-reacted.

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i betcha there is mans with guns there daily, and none of them are causing any trouble.

I would also bet that the mainstream media and Brady's were very disappointed that there was not a massacre.

Yeah I'm sure they were pulling for something to happen. As stated glad it was nothing.

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Guest nicemac
This was a non-event. If you read the live updates on Fox News, you'll see that the original call was made by three kids who were on campus for a summer camp: "The school says on its website that three young people attending a camp at the school reported seeing a man holding what may have been a handgun. They said it was covered by a cloth or covering of some sort, and that the man was walking in the direction of the volleyball courts... He’s described as wearing a blue and white vertically striped shirt and sandals, with a clean-shaven face."

Kids say they saw a man with a towel covering something that MAY have been a gun. In other words, it was nothing and the college and the media all over-reacted.

And it took them FIVE HOURS To lift the lockdown after this non-event.

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