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The Vote

Guest nicemac

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Guest nicemac

The U.S. Senate has just crossed the 60-vote threshold needed to pass the last-minute compromise plan to raise the nation's debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. As soon as voting ends, it will head to Dear Leader for him to sign.

We are screwed.

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Guest Miracle

What's wrong.... don't want to give an administration that has already blew through more than 5 trillion bucks, another 2 trillion to go through before the next election? Why so unamerican? Don't you know we have to pay off union bosses and make more regulations that cost more to implement than they will generate? Also we have GOT to provide money, food stamps and a home to the nations "downtrodden" and unwilling to find a job.

Gah... think man think.... you tea party terrorist!!!

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk.

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What's wrong.... don't want to give an administration that has already blew through more than 5 trillion bucks, another 2 trillion to go through before the next election? Why so unamerican? Don't you know we have to pay off union bosses and make more regulations that cost more to implement than they will generate? Also we have GOT to provide money, food stamps and a home to the nations "downtrodden" and unwilling to find a job.

Gah... think man think.... you tea party terrorist!!!

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk.


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Guest TresOsos

Don't just concentrate on our illustrious Senators, Diane Black of the 6th District in the house voted for this, and my **** mistake was I voted for her, not again. That is if we even get a chance to vote again. This "Super Congress" committee of 13 looks bad and I mean really bad.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I know how you feel Mike, but it would have made a huge difference if the repubs

would have stood their ground and pushed back. They were the last line of defense

against socialism, and they opted for socialism. They turned their backs on us.

Things are going to get real ugly, now.

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Guest bkelm18
what difference does it all make anyway? Seriously, pass it don't pass it, none of it matters.

I agree totally.

They were the last line of defense

against socialism, and they opted for socialism. They turned their backs on us.

:screwy: Our elected officials turning their backs on us? Haha, surely this has never happened before? If you honestly think the repubs were truly on our side, you sir have much more confidence in our government than I do.

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The people don't have the nerve to vote them all out. Some people trust their politicians.

I would also add that a lot of people support their politician, because it is that politician that is helping them stay on the government tit.

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Guest Lester Weevils

It does look like a steamy load.

Was googling around and it looks like the left-wing-nut "ordinary members" at places like Democratic Underground don't like the super congress any better than do right-wing-nuts. Something people can agree on!

Some people are talking like this thing is "here to stay." Does this committee sunset after giving Obama the right to borrow his full two trillion, or did the congresscritters create something that will just stay around forever?

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Guest 6.8 AR
It does look like a steamy load.

Was googling around and it looks like the left-wing-nut "ordinary members" at places like Democratic Underground don't like the super congress any better than do right-wing-nuts. Something people can agree on!

Some people are talking like this thing is "here to stay." Does this committee sunset after giving Obama the right to borrow his full two trillion, or did the congresscritters create something that will just stay around forever?

There aren't too many laws that couldn't be undone or annulled. They just have to do the right

thing and annull them. There's not much evidence of that happening, though. Before long, we may

need to "annull" our government, if it doesn't morph itself into a monarchy.

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Guest nicemac

Just got this from Lamar:

Thanks very much for getting in touch with me and for letting me know what's on your mind regarding the budget and the debt limit.

On August 2, 2011, I supported the debt reduction agreement, formally known as the Budget Control Act, because at a time when the federal government is borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends, this is a welcome change in behavior that I am glad to support. Make no mistake, this is a change in behavior-from spend, spend, spend to cut, cut, cut.

For the first time, for every dollar we are raising the debt ceiling, we are reducing spending by a dollar-not adding to it. This reduction in spending is about $2.4 trillion over ten years. If Congress did this kind of dollar-for-dollar reduction in spending every time a president asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling, we'd balance the budget in ten years. And balancing the budget is exactly what our goal should be. That's what I did every year as governor of Tennessee. Families in America do it every day.

It is time to balance the government's books and live within our means. These spending reductions are an important step-but they are just one step-and no one should underestimate how difficult the next steps will be. These spending cuts do almost nothing to restructure Medicare and Social Security so that seniors and future generations can count on them and taxpayers can afford them. This problem wasn't created overnight, and it won't be solved overnight. This was an opportunity to take an important step in the right direction-toward stopping Washington from spending money it doesn't have.

I'm grateful you took the time to let me know where you stand. I'll be sure to keep your comments in mind as the debt limit and spending issues are discussed and debated in Washington and in Tennessee.



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