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Dear Marsha

Guest nicemac

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Guest nicemac

I would encourage everyone disappointed with Washington to make your voice heard. I have emailed Blackburn, Corker and Alexander each of the past three days. Marsha voted for the monstrosity yesterday. See how your representative voted here: House Vote 690

Ms Blackburn,

I am so disappointed in my government. I am so disappointed in my representative–you. You ran as a conservative. Not a RINO, not a lukewarm, middle of the road conservative, but a real conservative. I voted for you. Shoot, I put signs in my yard and campaigned for you.

Our country is in crisis. We are speeding toward a cliff and the vote that took place in the House yesterday guarantees that we will not only plummet over, but it will be a spectacular crash.

There is no defense for what Republicans did yesterday. I listened to FOX, Patriot, etc… and people are angry. I switched over to CNN and NPR. They were taking victory laps. The liberals are (sort of) moaning about how bad the deal is, but smirking the whole time. You helped them increase the size of government. You put us deeper in debt. You made it nearly impossible to dig out of the hole we are in. Obama got his victory yesterday and YOU helped him.

There are plenty of people like me (approximately 72% of the nation) that are very unhappy with this deal. We had them in a position where that had to deal. They had to cut. Radically cutting spending is the only way out of this crisis. And you helped them snatch victory front the jaws of defeat.

I don't want to hear you didn't like the deal either, how this is a first step, how we have to reach across the aisle, how this is the best we can do, etc… If this is the best we can do, America is doomed. If you didn't like, you could have said NO! like 22 other conservatives did.

The political elite think the American people are not nuanced enough to understand complex issues like budgets. I have a balanced budget at my house. I can't go rob my neighbor to get more money when I need it like my government can. I have no choice but to balance my budget. Washington (and Nashville, and Franklin et al.) should too.

Do you remember what happened in the 2010 election to the congressmen that weren't listening to their constituents? Wait until 2012. We may be more nuanced than you think.

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Well put. I heard Marsha on Delgeorno (or however he spells it) this morning. Just heard a minute since that guy annoys me. She said the same old crap. It's the best we could get, I didn't like it either, it's a stepping stone, blah, blah, blah.

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My rep voted no. I emailed him last week telling him about an online poll for TN residents I created which was showing that ~ 65% of those voting did not want a debt ceiling increase. I then, using all of the eloquence and logic I could muster (which isn't much), tried to explain to him why I was against the debt ceiling increase. Hopefully what I wrote made him think a little bit.

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Guest nicemac
My rep voted no. I emailed him last week telling him about an online poll for TN residents I created which was showing that ~ 65% of those voting did not want a debt ceiling increase. I then, using all of the eloquence and logic I could muster (which isn't much), tried to explain to him why I was against the debt ceiling increase. Hopefully what I wrote made him think a little bit.

Congratulations! I wish I could say the same.

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This is the first time I can remember being disappointed with Marsha Blackburn. Is this a big enough deal to start campaigning against her or does she deserve a second chance? There were only 22 Republicans to vote no in the house.

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Guest 6.8 AR
This is the first time I can remember being disappointed with Marsha Blackburn. Is this a big enough deal to start campaigning against her or does she deserve a second chance? There were only 22 Republicans to vote no in the house.

Yes, it is a good enough reason to replace her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest nicemac
Yes, it is a good enough reason to replace her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And I promised her in the messages I sent BEFORE the vote that I would work to do just that if she voted that way.

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+1 mav I'm glad he got the message. I emailed once about another vote he made that went along with the Dems--told him that was not why I voted for him and would be watching until his re-election. He should have learned from what happened to the guy he beat!

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Guest HvyMtl

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.

She is the epitome of a BUSH Republican. I did not vote for her, and did not bother contacting her, as I am not one of the lobbyists she listens to.

Your letter will be ignored. Expect a form letter response, and nothing more.

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Guest nicemac
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.

She is the epitome of a BUSH Republican. I did not vote for her, and did not bother contacting her, as I am not one of the lobbyists she listens to.

Your letter will be ignored. Expect a form letter response, and nothing more.

I have never gotten a form letter response from her. Actually, I have never gotten any kind of response from her. Ever. To anything I have ever sent her.

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Yep, I let Marsha know yesterday that between this and voting for the extension of the Patriot Act she had lost my vote in 2012. She's been there too long, she's sold out.

Of course, she ran unchallenged in 2010 and has gobs of cash, which is what wins elections.

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I would be curious to see the order votes were cast, and how many nays came after it was very apparent it was going to pass no matter what.

And of course even with that there sure was conspiring as to voting order so people could vote no to better getting reelected.

They are all whores.

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Guest 6.8 AR

"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

Food for thought.

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I would be curious to see the order votes were cast, and how many nays came after it was very apparent it was going to pass no matter what...

Every roll call vote I've ever sat through, state or Congress, was done alphabetically (by person's last name).

- OS

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Guest mikedwood

If you aren't a lobbiest or a large campain donor they don't care what you say. I'm getting over it.

As for the debt ceiling bill Rep. Chuck Fleischmann voted against it.

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