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I didn't know what to do.

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Today, while at a gunshop, three young men came into the shop and were looking for magazines for a couple of semi automatic pistols. The part I didn't know what to do about was when one of men, although I'd be inclined to call him a boy, took his pistol out of his waistband and handed it to one of the older men. I got very nervous. The youngest probably was too young to buy and I doubt had a permit. What should I have done.

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Guest bkelm18
What do you do whenyou see other people breaking unconstitutional laws? Or legitimate laws likesomeone driving five miles over the speed limit. Unless someone’s life is indanger, getting raped, or robbed it’s none of my business.

Unconstitutional law... legitimate law... A law is a law. Personally I wouldn't have done anything. They could have been 100% legit and calling the cops on them would be just like someone calling the cops on you. If they're not legit, I'm sure they'll die in a gang shootout sooner or later.

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Unconstitutional law... legitimate law... A law is a law. Personally I wouldn't have done anything. They could have been 100% legit and calling the cops on them would be just like someone calling the cops on you. If they're not legit, I'm sure they'll die in a gang shootout sooner or later.

This. But I'll also add some kids do look young for their age too. I dated a girl who was older than me, but getting her into clubs sometimes was asinine because she was small and looked young.

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Guest clownsdd

Mind your own business


Thirded.......seeing as how you were in a gunshop, I believe they had the situation under control. It's good you were aware of it though. You don't go looking for trouble, you watch out for it and are prepared

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I started using my father's handguns at around age 15, and as he really did not like them (was all about rifles), I soon found myself in the yard blasting away on my own (this is where it became illegal), and I usually did that when no one else was home (common courtesy). The law is stupid -- besides, its already illegal for the kid to shoot anyone, rob, rape, carry the gun without permit (here I agree with the age law, that is different and requires maturity), and so on. The age law simply prevents youngsters from learning to shoot and enjoy the sport. That said, since the kid was carrying the gun around, there is a new problem (this would be the same if he were your age and you knew he didnt have a permit, its not his age, its the lack of permit and carry that are a problem). At this point you may have done something, if you felt the need, such as get the clerk's attention, write down their plate number and call the cops (hoping that after they left the store the kid had the gun again?), or whatever. Confrontation is pointless, it becomes a you said they said argument.

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Ummm, this talk of legalities...If the gun was unloaded, what laws did they break? It's perfectly legal to take a pistol to a gunshop as long as the owner is OK with it. If it was loaded, then it's carrying, but if it was unloaded it was just transporting. People take guns to gunshows all the time so they can "Try On" different things.

As to what you should have done...if you were truly uncomfortable, leave. Otherwise, nothing.

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Guest GunTroll

While I just looked up on my wall to read the ATF's youth handgun safety act (again) that I must abide by as far as transferring handguns and all, I'm left wondering what law is being referenced that a minor can not shoot a handgun with an "adult" around like the post above referenced. Is it a TN thing?

I hope I'm not being stupid by asking. Just its news to me if there is such a law to owning, shooting, or simply possessing a handgun on private land. I assume possessing a handgun in public is a no go for minors...I guess. While I should be very versed in firearm laws or better put restrictions, I can learn something new everyday. Guess I'm lucky I don't care for handguns that much and don't deal with them very often other than repairs...which "adults" bring to me ;) . Also I'm not a minor so I'm somewhat detached.

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Unless someone puts you in a situation where you must act just be a good witness. Or you could always remove yourself from the situation.


This is always my first plan. Lay low and try to soak up as much information as possible for LE when they arrive. I will only get involved if it looks like someone is going to get hurt.


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Guest Victor9er

A lot of talk about law and what's legal concerning minors on here...

At what point did anyone say the person in question was actually a minor? All the OP said was that he "looked" young. Last time I checked, looking young wasn't a crime. Just because the OP felt "more inclined to call him a kid" it doesn't mean that he was actually underage. He very well could have been 21 and still looked like he was 17 or 18.

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Ummm, this talk of legalities...If the gun was unloaded, what laws did they break? It's perfectly legal to take a pistol to a gunshop as long as the owner is OK with it. If it was loaded, then it's carrying, but if it was unloaded it was just transporting. People take guns to gunshows all the time so they can "Try On" different things.

As to what you should have done...if you were truly uncomfortable, leave. Otherwise, nothing.

Its not legal to carry it concealed, even unloaded. Has to be openly displayed, with no ammo that can be quickly put to use, without a HCP. Handing it off and having it carried the way he did is a problem, whether ignorance or up to no good, hard to say. Depending on how they behaved if I bothered to report it or not, they would have to be very "thuggish" in behavior for me to bother.

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What I did do was wander around a bit...wandered outside...wandered the parking lot and looked at the license plate of the car they came in. This was fairly easy to figure out since it was a smaller car with BIG wheels and skinny tires...and I knew the rest of the cars belonged either to my ride or employees.

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Guest nysos

Put on your mall ninja sash, present your HCP badge and walk over to him saying "EXCUSE ME SAR, MAY I INSPECT YOUR HCP LICENSE!?"

And if they start to get too close, use your CCW bayonet to drive them back..


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What I did do was wander around a bit...wandered outside...wandered the parking lot and looked at the license plate of the car they came in. This was fairly easy to figure out since it was a smaller car with BIG wheels and skinny tires...and I knew the rest of the cars belonged either to my ride or employees.

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What I did do was wander around a bit...wandered outside...wandered the parking lot and looked at the license plate of the car they came in. This was fairly easy to figure out since it was a smaller car with BIG wheels and skinny tires...and I knew the rest of the cars belonged either to my ride or employees.

Isn't that profiling? All he did was look young, dressed differently from you and drove a vehicle that may not be age appropriate for you.

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Guest bkelm18
Isn't that profiling?

Does that matter? What if he saw on the news they robbed the place or shot someone after he left and were looking for info? Oops sorry, I didn't want to be racist so I didn't bother to take down the tag number of the car that was obviously theirs. :screwy: There's a HUGE difference between sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and being cautious.

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I've been in this situation more than once...at my local gunshop one time 3 hoody looking types came in when I was ready to leave...since there was only one guy working at the shop, I hung around, just in case...profiling? yes. But I'd want similar if I was in the employees situation. None of my business perhaps, but I wasnt gonna leave him hanging...conversely...similar situation occured at the same gun shop when 2 hood y types came in but the owner was there and about 3 of his employees., all armed of course..I was ready to leave and I did, knowing full well that they could handle anything that developed.

I'm sick and tired of profiling being considered racist or a bad thing...look at who and where the most crimes are committed...it's the same at the airports with TSA...they search little old ladies, despite the profile of the average terrorist being not like her...ya cant JUST profile, but profiling is NOT a bad thing...JEEZ.

Edited by barewoolf
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