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What is your SHTF plan?

Guest nysos

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Forgive my ignorance, but armories don't sound much like an armory. Sounds more like a storage building with electricity.

Why in the world would ANY military installation NOT have ammunition? Maybe I'm too simple minded, but it sounds backwards to me.

Then again, so I understand, troops are not issued ammunition until right before it's (in the high brass's opinion) needed. It's pitiful and a sign of how pathetic our country has become when you can't trust a soldier with ammo for his gun.

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Well, I'm going to lowe's. I always have enough ammo for intial outbreak and can raid gun stores on the way or after. Why Lowe's you ask, well because there entrances are easily fortified, there outside area is fenced and has enough area to start growing your own crops. Needless to say there enormous amount of materials and tools. Plus You can get a large size truck in there loading areas to "Prepare".

And they have big bags of beef jerky by the registers. Bonus if they've just received fresh jugs of water used in the Culligan cooler by the Pro desk. Oh...and the Blue Rhino propane tanks out front with all the gear you need in the grill section to convert those generators on Aisle 14 to run on that propane....

Don't forget the hidden power-up... vending machines in a lot of the employee break rooms.

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Forgive my ignorance, but armories don't sound much like an armory. Sounds more like a storage building with electricity.

Why in the world would ANY military installation NOT have ammunition? Maybe I'm too simple minded, but it sounds backwards to me.

Then again, so I understand, troops are not issued ammunition until right before it's (in the high brass's opinion) needed. It's pitiful and a sign of how pathetic our country has become when you can't trust a soldier with ammo for his gun.

Yeah. I'm not speaking for all units here, but the three I was a part of in my military career all had the same standards. I think the military understands if there is an absence of ammo there should be an equal absence of accidents. We had to either shoot all of the ammo we check out from HQ and prove it with the spent casings being turned in and weighed or we had to turn in the leftover ammo. It was actually a pain to turn in the leftover ammo, so we would have some privates load all the leftovers in some mags and select 3 M16s to dump the mags in. The upside was shooting 3 round bursts as fast as you could load the mags. Downside was whoever did the shooting had to clean that weapon.

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Guest GunTroll

I have read books about SHTF scenarios. The consensus is definitely not in but I'm leaning small group vs. loner. I too have a family. Four of us so the lone wolf scenario is much, much harder. I'm thinking the first thing I do is cut down my damn road sign and pull the sign off of my building so not to advertise my expertise and contents. The next part of the plan is to not have a plan but being able to adapt to any situation. I hope to meet like minded decent folks and participate in the effort to reinstate order any means necessary.

If I come to Lowes to get some jerky don't be too stingy :) . Oh yeah gold will be worthless. It does not replenish itself and someone out there will undoubtedly have more than you and will want yours and can pay in gold to get it. I'm betting on ammo as currency and barter and trade.

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Actually, with all due respect nysos, you'd be a fool to even consider it. Please don't.

Survivors may or may not be cut throats like a pirate, but I'll bet you a days worth of grain that they'll be the hardest folk out there. Cold on the surface if not to the core. Kindness will not quality that will get you far during the turmoil.

Even good men; When a man sees his wife and child are hungry, sick or on the edge of being so, that man becomes INFINITELY more dangerous than anything most of us can fathom (given the man loves his family like a real man should) It's a heartbreaking truth that a good man can and does have the propensity to commit the most heinous of acts to save his family. It's scary to know a man that really loves his family would sacrifice his very soul to see them taken care of.

To add prospective to this, I ask every one of you a question, and I ask that you don't answer it aloud, just be honest with yourself. What would you be capable of? You can see the ribs poking out of your 5 yr old sons sides because he hasn't had a REAL meal in months. Your wife has ________(insert pandemic affliction) and across the way a man has food and medicine. Despite your pleading begging and offering him your life, he will not help you. You rifle is loaded, and then....your son starts to cry.

These are the days foretold when men will beg for death and it will come not. I'm certain no one really appreciates me bringing this kind of thing up, but think on it. GOD help us. Ya'll be safe and pay attention.

Anyone messes with me or mine and my means to take care of them you are dead if I have any say over it. You will become food for my dog. Your wife and kids are next on the doggy diner menu. They will need to move on before Sunshine needs more than your bones provide.

As for God, your God let you get in this situation, expect what you will from him.

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Guest GunTroll

Try finding your answer in the Bible that is in your truck or in your house and then you tell me what you think it is. I'm thinking you should start looking in chapters Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21 for a good start on a solid foundation. Any good story in any book (as in other than the Bible) of morals will suffice as well.

Do upon others that which you would have them do onto you (or something in that nature). If others wish you harm due onto them as you wish :) .

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Try finding your answer in the Bible that is in your truck or in your house and then you tell me what you think it is. I'm thinking you should start looking in chapters Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21 for a good start on a solid foundation. Any good story in any book (as in other than the Bible) of morals will suffice as well.

Do upon others that which you would have them do onto you (or something in that nature). If others wish you harm due onto them as you wish :) .

Well, that is true...under the law of Moses, not the changed law of Jesus Christ.

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Anyone messes with me or mine and my means to take care of them you are dead if I have any say over it. You will become food for my dog. Your wife and kids are next on the doggy diner menu. They will need to move on before Sunshine needs more than your bones provide.

As for God, your God let you get in this situation, expect what you will from him.

That's harsh, but understandable. I'm not inclined to feed human to my dogs, I actually love my dogs and would rather feed them something good :)

As for God, from your point of view I suppose so, But I don't think God let anyone "GET" in this predicament unless you blame him for giving us free will to screw ourselves. Everything man gets, man deserves because we've all brought it on ourselves. I see God like the parent who looks at their kid and says, "You want to stick a penny in a light socket? Sure...OUCH, bet that hurt!"

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Great. Zombies to God. I'm not sure which one is more dangerous. :)

Neither, humans have them both beat. The wrath of God being the most powerful of any force, it's a given. It's also known and predictable. Zombies want to eat you. They're not biased or prejudiced, they are an equal opportunity menace.

Humans on the other hand, are unpredictable, Human reasoning rarely follows a reasonable pattern. You can always count on humans to do what they believe would be in their own best interest and seeing as how no one ever knows what another person thinks is in their own best interest, humans are not trustworthy. A human that has never told a lie, is still not trustworthy.

Zombies are TOTALLY trustworthy. People don't trust lion, tigers and bears for fear they will be eaten, but they're looking at it all wrong. I trust them, humans, not so much. You can trust a zombie is going to eat you if given an opportunity. It's 100%. When's the last time you could count on another human being 100%?

...And God, well, he's God. If he decides to be dangerous one day just what exactly do you expect to do about it?

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Guest GunTroll
I have a hard time using fiction to base my actions on. But I have no problem putting a lot of harm on those I am thinking are fixing to put harm on mine.

Ok, fine with me. I was more pointing out that whatever source you get your morals from should guild your decision in what you do. Spotting a Godless man would be based off of his actions, and not so much a badge or uniform and thats why I pointed out the commandments. For a man of God would follow them *ETA* and not come to you with an attempt to steal from you. So I also feel it would be just to protect what you have by any means necessary.

The day a Zombie walks the Earth is the day God will become very popular and known to those that never thought to give him the time of day. But be that as it may, I was merely pointing out a moral compass so to speak. Call it God, or whatever, you will need to be guided in some way about the decisions you will make to end lives and feed them to a dog.

I suspect I will not be looking for any assistance from you in any way. As I said, I will be seeking like minded people to surround myself with. And I don't much care for dogs any longer, so ending up as dog feed would be ironic and horrible.

Good day.

Edited by GunTroll
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Guest GunTroll
Great. Zombies to God. I'm not sure which one is more dangerous. :)

You have a freedom OF religion.

Not a freedom FROM religion.

Before we got too big for our britches and decided to go at it on our own we turned to God or whatever higher power you feel inclined to call it, to set a standard of morals. That's what I attempted to say, but failed to, in reference to the "feed you to the dog" and somewhat anti God comment made by our friend Mike357.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Be careful how you treat "fiction". Unless you

just osmosed all that intelligence, some of

that "fiction" might have aided and abetted

your thoughts and actions.

Disrespecting the Bible doesn't add to your

credentials for life or survival. It does show

rejection of something, however. But it isn't

my place to judge.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest HvyMtl

Wow. Religion in a zombie thread?

I like the Lowe's idea. Got one within walking distance... One issue tho - people would swarm a Lowe's, to get building supplies to fortify their home (just like a hurricane...) So, you might have to clear it when you take it over. Bonus is - you have a huge roof space to use. You could even use the inside aisles and be up top...

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I think Lowe's type stores would be swarmed indeed. Best bet would be a smaller hardware store or just raid an abandoned house nearby. Personally I will be pulling down the older parts of one of our barns and using that to fortify. That and gathering up barbed wire once we round up the horses...not much point in a few strands covering the whole area...consolidation is your friend :D

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I couldn't care less if others believe in God or not. I do think more people will start during ANY catastrophe. People seem to gravitate toward something higher than them in times of uncertainty. Whether to share the stress load or to find strength and companionship. Most of the time it helps them through, so I'd say it would be a good thing. Plus if we fall into a state of lawlessness, biblical law wouldn't be a bad place to start. I'd MUCH rather surround myself with religious zombies bent on doing good, helping eachother, and protecting what they value than a horde of people wanting to take, kill, etc....

Religious debates bore me. It's the same stuff over and over.....

Anytime someone says things like "your wife and child are next on the doggy diner menu" just sound ignorant. We all know we must protect ourselves and loved ones, but throwing it out there like that is childish. To take a human life must be a heavy load, one I hope to never bare. If that day comes I believe I have prepared myself the best I can to defend me and mine at whatever cost, but to pretend it would be of no emotional consequence is once again ignorant. If you are able to kill children as easy as you make it sound, you not human anyway and are already gone....

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