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2011 NFL Season

Guest WyattEarp

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Guest WyattEarp
Palmer will wear number 3, the number he wore in college at USC.

I agree he's the best player they've had at that position in a long time. Jason Campbell is an average QB at best. Palmer has been a Pro Bowl QB (winning the MVP at one of them I believe) and has played at a high level for several years. If he can get back to that form then the Raiders may be in for a hell of a ride these next few years. I think it was a signifigant upgrade for that team.

I know a lot of people are saying that they have such a strong running game that they don't need a top QB... I disagree. The passing game with Campbell has been serviceable but that's about it. With all of that speed that the Raiders have their passing game doesn't scare anyone. It's only a matter of time before they face a defense (like Pittsburg, Baltimore, Jets... all in the AFC) that has the ability to shut down their running game. If they don't have a QB that they can turn to and say "Go win this game for us" then you're looking at a one and done playoff team.

I'm a Raider fan so I'm hoping Palmer can get his feet back underneath him and really play well again. He's not quite 32 yet, so you figure there's a chance to get a good 5 or 6 years out of him still if he can stay healthy. If they win a Superbowl or two in that time then the "price" will have been worth it.

It's really not fair to say who got the better deal out of this yet, we probably won't know till 4 or 5 years from now. Like I said if the Raiders can get a Superbowl out of it then no one will second guess it. As for the Bengals, it looks like a great deal for them too, but we have to wait and see what they actually do with those draft picks. Their draft history hasn't always been the most rock solid, particuarly with first rounders.

Remember that Ricky Williams draft day trade... when Ditka gave away his entire draft plus picks in the following draft to the Redskins? What did they do with all those picks? How they didn't win a Superbowl with all of those picks is beyond me.... can anyone even name one player that they got from all of those picks? Note to Bengals: It's great to have them, but you gotta do something with them.

honestly the Bengals should fire Mike Brown and the entire coaching staff. Mike Brown is one of the reasons they Bungles are the Bungles, lol. His hard nosed, refuse to deal someone because they're unhappy, make poor draft picks/decisions incompetency is why they continue to stink. He has so far refused to hold Marv Lewis accountable for mediocrity. Injuries are no excuse either. The Packers had CRAZY injuries last year, and they won the Super Bowl. Lewis has has 7 seasons there, that's about 4 more than most other coaches in the NFL would get. You pretty much have 3 years to turn it around and do something, if you don't you're out the door.

Who got the better end of the deal? Honestly, I think it's a win-win for both teams. The Bengals got good value for Palmer and offloaded a guy who was not happy, and was content to stay away from the game of football forever if it came down to it. The Raiders got a franchise QB they have desperately needed. Even if the Bengals take 2 guys who end up being busts, they still come out looking good on this one because they did the right thing.

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Not sure how the the Bengals fire the owner of the team. Nice thought though.

Wasn't Marvin coach of the year in 09? He is not to blame. The guy plays the hand he is dealt. They have a solid coaching staff now. The Bengals have had incredible success since hiring Marvin compared to some of the years before him.

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Guest WyattEarp
Not sure how the the Bengals fire the owner of the team. Nice thought though.

Wasn't Marvin coach of the year in 09? He is not to blame. The guy plays the hand he is dealt. They have a solid coaching staff now. The Bengals have had incredible success since hiring Marvin compared to some of the years before him.

I didn't realize he was the owner of the team, I thought he was just the General Manager. Lewis was COTY in 09, and I really don't recall how that happened. There were so many other coaches who did a better job than he did, but it doesn't matter. He has virtually no influence or control over his players, his guys keep getting in trouble off the field.

3 losing seasons

3 seasons of .500

2 winning seasons

is incredible success? The standards in Cincy must not be too high. Denver fired Shanahan for a similar record from 2000-2008, and Shahanan had more winning seasons than Lewis in an 8 year period.

Since he's been there starting in 2003

03- 8-8

04 - 8-8

05 - 11-5

06 - 7-9

07 - 8-8

08 - 4-11-1

09 - 10-6

10 - 4-12

2 winning seasons in 8. not very good. If I were an NFL owner, I'd be furious about mediocrity. It's obvious that when Palmer said trade me or I'm not playing, that Mike Brown refused to look at the underlying issues with the team and make necessary changes. They might be 4-2 right now with a rookie QB, but unless that consistency is maintained throughout the rest of the season and carries over into next season, I don't possibly see how Lewis could keep his job, but then again it is Cincinnati afterall.

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Exactly it is the Bengals. Two division titles and the most wins as coach makes Marvin pretty secure. I am not sure how any NFL head coach controls players off the field so that crap is not Marvin's fault.

In 8the years he has two awful seasons, two titles, and four so-so seasons. Compare his 8 years to what went on there in the lost decade of the 90's and his record is pretty good.

Mike Brown is the problem. Not Marvin Lewis. Heck Marvin has worked miracles there.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest WyattEarp
Exactly it is the Bengals. Two division titles and the most wins as coach makes Marvin pretty secure. I am not sure how any NFL head coach controls players off the field so that crap is not Marvin's fault.

In 8the years he has two awful seasons, two titles, and four so-so seasons. Compare his 8 years to what went on there in the lost decade of the 90's and his record is pretty good.

Mike Brown is the problem. Not Marvin Lewis. Heck Marvin has worked miracles there.

it most certainly is Marvin's fault that his guys don't behave off the field. He's a poor judge of character. When you draft guys with character issues, this is the result. When you bring in Free Agents with character issues, this is the result. But it's also everyone in that front offices fault as well. He also doesn't hold his guys personally responsible when they get into off the field trouble. It's the coaches job to send a message when off the field stuff happens. Rarely does Lewis do that. Lewis is the Head Coach. he gets paid to keep these guys focused, conditioned, and make sure they have the preparation needed to go out and compete and win. That standard is held with every team, but more Bengals players the past 5 years have been in trouble off the field, than any other team in the league.

I'm not arguing he's been "more" successful than his predecessors, he's certainly changed the mindset of the attitude of the players and fans. Question is, is it good enough? And are fans just content with stepping up from "we suck" to "being mediocre/average"?

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Guest adamoxtwo

I have to say I think Tebow will infect the Offense in a positive way. It doesn't help that they shipped their #1 WR out of town, but I will say that Tebow has the ability to bring the best out in other players and can have a huge upside for that team. I love the move to bench Orton and start Tebow. He has a log way to go, but when you are a far behind as them WTF why not?

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Guest adamoxtwo
it most certainly is Marvin's fault that his guys don't behave off the field. He's a poor judge of character. When you draft guys with character issues, this is the result. When you bring in Free Agents with character issues, this is the result. But it's also everyone in that front offices fault as well. He also doesn't hold his guys personally responsible when they get into off the field trouble. It's the coaches job to send a message when off the field stuff happens. Rarely does Lewis do that. Lewis is the Head Coach. he gets paid to keep these guys focused, conditioned, and make sure they have the preparation needed to go out and compete and win. That standard is held with every team, but more Bengals players the past 5 years have been in trouble off the field, than any other team in the league.

I'm not arguing he's been "more" successful than his predecessors, he's certainly changed the mindset of the attitude of the players and fans. Question is, is it good enough? And are fans just content with stepping up from "we suck" to "being mediocre/average"?

I would argue that Marvin does not have the front office support he needs. Yes he can make some better draft choices, but I think he ruins that theory when he picked up Dalton (who I think was the Best player in the draft and has a record of being a good egg). Brown just bent the raiders over and rapped them. Two yes TWO 1st RD Draft picks for a QB not on your roster is amazing! Absolutely amazing! Brown is still terrible, but he just made one of this best choices ever has for that team. Cincy needs the front office to set the town by kicking the next person with off the field issues off the team no matter what and lobby for the NFL to make an example of them. That is the only way they will gain control of the locker room and completely fix that franchise.

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Marvin has very little input over player discipline. Thats all on Brown, all on him.

The team has no full time scouting department, the coaches do it all and Brown always has final say.

They are lucky to have Marvin Lewis.

You guys that do not follow the Bengals and read Cincinnati sports news every day for the last twenty or forty years really don't know.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest Victor9er
I would argue that Marvin does not have the front office support he needs. Yes he can make some better draft choices, but I think he ruins that theory when he picked up Dalton (who I think was the Best player in the draft and has a record of being a good egg). Brown just bent the raiders over and rapped them. Two yes TWO 1st RD Draft picks for a QB not on your roster is amazing! Absolutely amazing! Brown is still terrible, but he just made one of this best choices ever has for that team. Cincy needs the front office to set the town by kicking the next person with off the field issues off the team no matter what and lobby for the NFL to make an example of them. That is the only way they will gain control of the locker room and completely fix that franchise.

Actually, it's one yes ONE first and one second round draft pick. The second round pick only becomes another first round if the Raiders make it to the AFC championship game between now and then. If they're doing that well then you could make the argument that it was certainly worth it.

And like I mentioned before, the Bengals don't have the best track record with draft picks, it's nice to have those extra pick but they have to actually use them to get a player that won't be out of the league in 3 years otherwise it's a waste.

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Guest adamoxtwo
Actually, it's one yes ONE first and one second round draft pick. The second round pick only becomes another first round if the Raiders make it to the AFC championship game between now and then. If they're doing that well then you could make the argument that it was certainly worth it.

And like I mentioned before, the Bengals don't have the best track record with draft picks, it's nice to have those extra pick but they have to actually use them to get a player that won't be out of the league in 3 years otherwise it's a waste.

OK a 1 and a 2 still isn't bad for someone not playing on your team especially with the players they drafted this year. They have a better track record then you would believe. They drafted the likes of Palmer, Johnson, Hous, Henery, Joseph, just to name a few. Ok character flaws aside they all produced on the field, and if the environment was better they would have probably stayed. It is possible for a team to take a player (desean jackson who was considered a risk out of the draft) and make or break him. Which is what I think they have done in Cincy. Palmer and Johnson were a great combo and they have replaced them with a great duo as well with Dalton and Green. If Brown gets out of the way Lewis can run this team properly. Plus players like Johnson can separate a locker room with the best of them. TO didn't help them last year with that either. Luckily for them they have gotten "most" of the riffraff out of the locker room and can start to move forward.

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Guest Victor9er

In other news.... can one of you Dolphin fans please explain to me why in the hell are they having "Gator Day" in MIAMI this weekend!?!?!?


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Guest WyattEarp
In other news.... can one of you Dolphin fans please explain to me why in the hell are they having "Gator Day" in MIAMI this weekend!?!?!?


seems kinda weird doesn't it? You'd think it'd be Hurricanes day or something. But it should get ole Tebow fired up and ready to have a good showing.

My only concern is trap game for the Broncos. Dolphins haven't won a game yet this season, and I hope this won't be the game they decide to get fired up and come out with a lot of emotion, because so far they've been lifeless.

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Guest Victor9er
seems kinda weird doesn't it? You'd think it'd be Hurricanes day or something. But it should get ole Tebow fired up and ready to have a good showing.

My only concern is trap game for the Broncos. Dolphins haven't won a game yet this season, and I hope this won't be the game they decide to get fired up and come out with a lot of emotion, because so far they've been lifeless.

Yeah, aside from the Tebow connection it doesn't make any sense. The Jacksonville game would make more sense, it's closest to Gainesville and it's a primetime Monday Night game. But they're going to honor the Gators in the hometown of "The U" instead?


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Guest WyattEarp

Titans got their asses kicked today, 41-7. what the hell happened there?

Denver mostly looked inanimate for 3 1/2 quarters, but midway through the 4th decided they wanted to play football and made a game of it. Tebow with 2 drives, 2 TD's and a successful 2 pt conversion to tie it and send it OT. Tebow is sure exciting, craziest stuff I've ever seen with a rookie qb (last year) and a 2nd year QB this year.

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tebow does make the game exciting.

i don't blame tebow for the first 3 quarters ... The play calling was terrible. What 8 or so pass ATTEMPTS ??? It wasn't until he was given the green light that they started coming back.

they should start tebow the rest of the season, and put players around him to develop his strengths ;) my $.02 cents :)

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Guest Victor9er
Tebow gets his 2nd come from behind victory, got the Broncos in FG range and Prater kicked it through to give us the win in OT! :(

Tebow got them in FG range? Not so fast my friend.... that game winning FG was set up by a defensive fumble recovery. Tebow proceded to turn around and hand the ball off three straight times for a grand total of 2 yards gained before Prater kicked a 52 yard FG to win. I think it would be safe to say Williams & Prater bailed out the Broncos there.

Not taking anything away from his last 5 mins of regulation, where he made some plays that helped to tie the game, but let's keep a little perspective here. Tebow completed less than 50% of his passes against a winless team with a backup QB. And barely won the game in OT thanks to a defensive fumble recovery and a 52 yard FG.

Not trying to start yet another Tebow debate, but THIS is why people who don't like Tebow, don't like Tebow. Take what I just said into objective consideration, and yet for some reason Tebow is the only topic across the nation today. If I didn't know any better I'd swear that every other team was off this past weekend and the Denver game was the only game on the schedule.

Meanwhile, the Saints played a winless team with a backup QB also... they hung up 62 points on them. Before you go and say how much the Colts suck, this is a Colts team that has been competetive in every game they played this season with the exception of week 1. They lost to the Steelers by only 3 points. I'm not saying they don't have issues, but NO ONE in the NFL should be able to put up 62 points on you, and yet everyone keeps saying how bad the Colts are. Yes, they are bad... but more like 37-7 bad, not 62-7 bad.

That was probably the most complete game the Saints have ever played, EVER. Drew Brees had more TD passes (5) than he did incompletions (4) in the game. If that had been Brady or Rodgers ESPN would be all over that stat, praising them for such a remarkable performance. Instead, they talk about how bad the Colts must be, and of course Tebow's amazing performance.

Ponder seemed to play well, considering what he was going up against. I was certainly surprised to see the final score on that one.

Palmer didn't play well for the Raiders, but honestly what did they expect? Being down 21-0 before he came in didn't help either. I expected Boller to play a little better than he did, you'd think your backup could hold down the fort for a game or two, and it was encouraging after last week, but man that was bad. I'd expect Palmer to bounce back though, they get a week off this week so he'll have two full weeks to get more of the playbook and practice reps under his belt. He should be much more prepared for the next game.

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Guest WyattEarp

that 2 yards might have made the difference in the kick being good or not good. Maybe he misses right or left from 54. who knows, who's to say? :( Orton would have fumbled when trying to hand off, lol. But they did it as a team with Tebow at the helm, OT would have never happened had Orton been under center. We'd have lost. Defense did their part, Offense did their part, and the kicker did his job, and the coaching staff gets credit for a win (a sloppy, poorly played one, but a win nonetheless).

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Guest Victor9er
that 2 yards might have made the difference in the kick being good or not good. Maybe he misses right or left from 54. who knows, who's to say? :) Orton would have fumbled when trying to hand off, lol. But they did it as a team with Tebow at the helm, OT would have never happened had Orton been under center. We'd have lost. Defense did their part, Offense did their part, and the kicker did his job, and the coaching staff gets credit for a win (a sloppy, poorly played one, but a win nonetheless).

Keep drinking that kool-aid


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Guest adamoxtwo

I'm just saying Tebow is Tebow. He isn't a great QB, but he deserves a shot for how hard he works, and Orton (who is a better QB at the moment) can't seem to put anything together this season. It doesn't help that they keep shipping off their WR's. I hope Tebow learns from this. And the Folks on ESPN did not praise him one bit by what I saw. They Rated him honestly. He was able to run effectively, but is inaccurate. The only praise he was given was on his spin move and his lack of INT's. Godd for Tebow a win is a win. Even if against Miami.

As for Brees vs the Colts...That was pathetic how they continued to run up the score. That is an opportunity to pull your starters and let the other folks get a look against a terrible defense. I never agree with running up the score, but you can't' lay down either. Just try to have a little class that's all. Did think it was interesting that NO didn't have a 100 yard WR or RB during that game.

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