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2011 NFL Season

Guest WyattEarp

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Guest adamoxtwo
that 2 yards might have made the difference in the kick being good or not good. Maybe he misses right or left from 54. who knows, who's to say? :clap: Orton would have fumbled when trying to hand off, lol. But they did it as a team with Tebow at the helm, OT would have never happened had Orton been under center. We'd have lost. Defense did their part, Offense did their part, and the kicker did his job, and the coaching staff gets credit for a win (a sloppy, poorly played one, but a win nonetheless).

Against Miami Orton could have thrown for 300 and 2 TD's. Just sayin Orton isn't that teams problem. The Entire Team is the problem. This is what happens what you have a short off season and a new coach and scheme. New with no practice = The Bronco's and Eagles.

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Guest Victor9er
I'm just saying Tebow is Tebow. He isn't a great QB, but he deserves a shot for how hard he works, and Orton (who is a better QB at the moment) can't seem to put anything together this season. It doesn't help that they keep shipping off their WR's. I hope Tebow learns from this. And the Folks on ESPN did not praise him one bit by what I saw. They Rated him honestly. He was able to run effectively, but is inaccurate. The only praise he was given was on his spin move and his lack of INT's. Godd for Tebow a win is a win. Even if against Miami.

I never said they praised him, just that they couldn't stop talking about him. I agree with you for the most part, I just feel enough is enough at some point. There are other games they can talk about also.

As for Brees vs the Colts...That was pathetic how they continued to run up the score. That is an opportunity to pull your starters and let the other folks get a look against a terrible defense. I never agree with running up the score, but you can't' lay down either. Just try to have a little class that's all. Did think it was interesting that NO didn't have a 100 yard WR or RB during that game.

The Saints rarely have a 100 yard reciever or runner because they spread the ball around so much and have three RBs that split the carries. But if numbers are that important to you Colston had 98 yards recieving to go with his 2 TDs and Ingram had 91 yards rushing on 14 carries. While Sproles had 88 yards rushing on 12 carries.

And they pulled Brees early in the 4th quarter, I think there was a good 12 minutes left in the game, despite him being only 25 yards short of 350 passing yards which would have given him some sort of record for most consecutive games with at least 350 passing yards.

They never even threw the ball after that, scoring a TD with the backup QB handing the ball off to the RBs the entire drive. Then the Defense scored the final TD off an INT return.

Edited by Victor9er
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Guest WyattEarp
I'm just saying Tebow is Tebow. He isn't a great QB, but he deserves a shot for how hard he works, and Orton (who is a better QB at the moment) can't seem to put anything together this season. It doesn't help that they keep shipping off their WR's. I hope Tebow learns from this. And the Folks on ESPN did not praise him one bit by what I saw. They Rated him honestly. He was able to run effectively, but is inaccurate. The only praise he was given was on his spin move and his lack of INT's. Godd for Tebow a win is a win. Even if against Miami.

As for Brees vs the Colts...That was pathetic how they continued to run up the score. That is an opportunity to pull your starters and let the other folks get a look against a terrible defense. I never agree with running up the score, but you can't' lay down either. Just try to have a little class that's all. Did think it was interesting that NO didn't have a 100 yard WR or RB during that game.

he's only made 4 starts, of course he's not great. In essence he's still a rookie. He lost valuable off season workout time and OTA time because of the lockout, and with that he lost out on valuable practice time, learning the new scheme, and such. He's a QB making his 4th start. Not everyone can come in a be Tom Brady or Ben Roethlisberger in their first year. The media needs to get off his back and his critics need to stick a sock in it. Did anyone criticize Joe Flacco, Matt Ryan, Peyton Manning, Mark Sanchez, Phillip Rivers, or Eli Manning like this in their first 4 starts? I think not. The expectation of him is ridiculously higher for him than it is anyone else only because he's Tim Tebow. He was terrible to start, but finished nicely with 9/13 and 2 TD's. he's a work in progress. He's gonna have ups and downs, wins and losses, great brilliant plays, and stupid head scratching mistakes. But one thing I do like...15 TD's (rushing and passing combined) to 3 turnovers. He's 2-2 as a starter, and so far he's blowing Elways first 4 game stats out of the water. The kid has promise. We shall see what happens.

Against Miami Orton could have thrown for 300 and 2 TD's. Just sayin Orton isn't that teams problem. The Entire Team is the problem. This is what happens what you have a short off season and a new coach and scheme. New with no practice = The Bronco's and Eagles.

nah, orton would have gone 27/44 for 330 yards, 1 TD, and 2 INT'S, a Fumble when no one was even around him, and taken 4 sacks on 3rd down, had a 3rd down conversion rate of 47%, and failed to convert in the red zone and the game would have been 21-0 Dolphins.

If the short offseason and new coaching staff is the excuse for the Broncos and Eagles doing so poorly...then why are the San Francisco 49'ers 5-1, leading the NFC West, with a new coach and ALEX SMITH? Sorry I don't buy that excuse. Every team had the same amount of time to prepare, even the one's who got new coaching staffs.

The Eagles dont even have a new coaching staff or new QB. I think all that money went Michael vick's head again, and all that dream team talk about being a lock for the Super Bowl, overinflated some ego's in Philly.

Denver's just young and rebuilding. To be expected.

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Guest Victor9er

nah, orton would have gone 27/44 for 330 yards, 1 TD, and 2 INT'S, a Fumble when no one was even around him, and taken 4 sacks on 3rd down, had a 3rd down conversion rate of 47%, and failed to convert in the red zone and the game would have been 21-0 Dolphins.

Wow.... 27/44 for 330 yards, 1 TD and 2 INTs and they'd still lose 21-0?

That's something I'd like to see, a QB throwing for a TD pass in a game and they still have zero points at the end of the game! LOL

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Guest WyattEarp
Wow.... 27/44 for 330 yards, 1 TD and 2 INTs and they'd still lose 21-0?

That's something I'd like to see, a QB throwing for a TD pass in a game and they still have zero points at the end of the game! LOL

Lol that was a typo. Supposed to be a zero. But honestly it would be a td for the other team because it would be a pick 6 :rolleyes:

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Guest adamoxtwo

Tebow looked like everything the critics summed up in the beginning of the year. He has two strikes against him now. One his isn't that good.....two his team around him is falling apart or getting traded. What a better time to enter the "Luck" Sweepstakes!

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Guest WyattEarp
I see where Tebo "superman" threw a 100 yard touchdown pass yesterday

Oh sorry :up: He threw to a Detroit player.

i forgot, Aikman, Marino, Elway, Manning, Kelly, Brady, Romo, Rivers, Favre, Young, Montana, and Kurt Warner never threw any picks in their rookie seasons and were all instants stars, and won every game they ever started in their rookie seasons.

I swear, some fans (regardless of team) have no idea what it means to develop a qb, much less what rebuilding means.

But with Tebow, this whole thing is even worse. The fans in Denver, are spoiled. They cried and yelled and begged for Orton to be benched for 5 weeks, then they got want they wanted, and now half of them are already calling for Denver to cut the kid. really? He's had 2 bad games, one of which he won by pulling a rabbit out of the hat.

But 5 starts, and they're already wanting to dump him, and draft Andrew Luck. the problems this team has go beyond the QB position. They could bring in Andrew Luck, they could bring in Brett Favre, or Donovan McNabb, or Peyton Manning, and the team would still lose because it has glaring deficiencies at CB, Safety, DL, OL, and RB.

It's my opinion you can't throw a kid in there for a 2 or 3 games, and figure out he can't do it and say you really gave him a fair chance. If that was the case, Aikman, Elway, Kelly, Favre and Young would have never made it.

Aikman started 11 games in 1989 as a rookie, he had a 52.7% completion rate, threw for 1700 yards, 9 TD's, and 18 INT's. He lost all 11 games. 4 seasons later, he was a Super Bowl Champion. But it wasn't Aikman alone that did that, the Cowboys drafted Emmett Smith, Michael Irvin, they fortified their Oline, and solidified their defense, and went on a championship blitzkrieg over the next 7 years, winning 3 titles in 4 years.

Is Tim Tebow the second coming of Troy Aikman? I doubt it, but even the crappy qb's get 2 years to prove themselves, about 26-32 games to show if they have the ability, and if they can improve upon their deficiencies to be consistent qb's who produce game in and game out.

But never before has there been a QB who has been loathed and loved, idolized and despised, put on a pedestal and thrown under the bus all at the same time like Tebow has been. But it seems all the fans, the media, and analysts (especially that washed up, concussion suffering toad, Merrill Hoge and that balding interception throwing machine Trent Dilfer ) want to hold Tebow to a different standard just because he looks like crap in his first couple of games.

Nevermind he missed all of the OFF SEASON OTA's because of the lockout, nevermind he was barred from working closely with his coaches in the offseason to work on his flaws and improve his mechanics because of the lockout, and get some timing with his receivers because of the lockout, nevermind the front office screwed the pooch on the Orton trade after saying Tebow would start, and then turning around giving the starting job to Orton, and giving Orton the majority of the snaps with the starters, while Tim got all the work with the 2nd and 3rd team offense.

Tebow looked like everything the critics summed up in the beginning of the year. He has two strikes against him now. One his isn't that good.....two his team around him is falling apart or getting traded. What a better time to enter the "Luck" Sweepstakes!

essentially he's a rookie, he's had 3 games last season, and 2 games this season. Denver won't be in the Luck sweepstakes. Miami and Indy are in the running for him. Orton is a FA in March, so is Quinn. neither one will be resigned. Tebow and Weber (the kid on the practice squad) will be the 2 guys going head to head for the starting job next year, and I'm sure they'll either bring an FA qb or or undrafted free agent as a 3rd source of competition.

They're gonna give him all 11 games, and I expect he'll get all 16 games next year, but if at the end of next year, he's not improved and he's not winning games, he'll be gone.

But I really hope they at least give him a fair shake, just like Aikman, and Elway and Marino got. I'm not saying he will be Elway or Aikman, or Marino. Nor am I comparing him to Aikman, Elway or Marino, but I think he has the potential to be an above average QB (a Steve DeBerg, a Doug Flutie) but not an elite pocket passer or a Hall of Famer, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Denver is in full blown rebuild mode. They need serious help at RB, the Oline needs a lot of work (Tebow has taken 14 sacks in 2 weeks!), we need DB's badly, a SS, and some more Dline help. Granted some of the sacks are because he held the ball too long, and was indecisive with where he wanted to go with the football.

He needs to slow down though, I think the game is a bit fast for him right now, which is contributing to his inaccuracy problems, his holding onto the football too long, his indecisiveness. Once he can slow the game down a bit, go through his progressions, check down to his receivers, and step up in the pocket, plant BOTH feet, and throw the football, I think he'll be ok and I'm sure he'll adapt and get a better feel for the game.

I want to see him after a full offeason workout program, time with his coaches working on the fundamentals and mechanics, a better understanding of the offense, time in OTA's, and with a solid power RB to take some of the pressure off of him. Moreno isn't getting it done. McGahee was ok until he broke his hand, but he's not a long term solution because of his age.

But all this talk about cutting him, or benching him after only his 2nd start, it's just ridiculous. Orton isn't coming back, Quinn is gone (if he plays too much we give up a 3rd round pick to Cleveland, and the front office doesn't want to do that), and I just don't see them using a pick on another QB, when this team has so many other glaring needs.

Yes, he looks terrible, he's raw, and even though it's his second year in the league, he pretty much sat all year except the final 3 games. I expect this from him. He's not going to be an efficient passer overnight, but he needs a fair chance to prove whether or not he has the ability to play the QB position in this league, and be successful. That remains to be seen, and that's not something that's going to show it self next week, or in week 16, or 17. I expect about week 5 or 6 of next year, he'll get it, but I hope we see improvement before then, and he develops into the role. I saw a flash of brilliance with the TD pass to Decker that got called out of bounds because Decker didn't get both feet in, but that ball was thrown on a rope and perfectly placed, it was beautiful! But we need to see that consistently.

we'll see what happens. I'm not ready to throw the kid under the bus because of a few bad outings. 11 games this year, 16 next year. If he can't do it by week 17 of next year, cut him or trade him, and move on.

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Guest mustangdave

How about the Tebow LOVE for a 45-10 LOSS...my poor wife was cringing during the game...and this was the DETROIT Lions...imagine a better team shelacking the Bronco's?

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In the case of Tebow, anyone could see after last week's "miracle" anything short of that this week would be considered a step backwards for him. Now while I am not a Tebow fan I do like to keep an open mind about new players and let their on field actions convince me of what kind of player they are rather than listening to old washed up players turned commentators tell me what they think. It's just hard to do that though when so much preseason discussion had Tebow placed on a forecasted pedestal much higher than I think the best of players could achieve right out of the gate. I won't cut him slack for not being prepared. He is getting paid big money to perform and shouldn't have anything else to focus on but that job.

IMHO, Cam Newton shared some of the same preseason hype coming into the NFL but I imagine hestarted preparing long before the first real game hike was given to him and that now shows on the field.

Fans of Tebow can thank themselves for him being dragged through the mud over his terrible play. It's hard to watch someone you like fail so terribly. But I do agree he needs more time. Whether he uses it properly will be entirely up to him.

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Guest adamoxtwo

I had him as the Best QB in this last draft. I think he is better then Luck. Mostly because of everything he can do. People forget Luck has two O-Linemen who are projected in the 1st or 2nd rd Makes your job easier. Not taking anything away from him, but it's the Jason Campbell Theory. We will never know how good he could have been if he had even a mediocre line in Washington. Now he is just trashed and will never reach his potential. If Luck goes to Miami he is in trouble....and that's because they have no line.

And Red Dalton continues to fly under the radar.

Tebow has less then Miami does. Miami should have won at least two games already. Coaching is the main problem there. Tebow could possibly turn into an average QB becasue of the huge heart that he has and his work ethic. The main thing he needs to do is work on his accuracy. But I will say that his decision making (not perfect) still isn't that bad. He is doing what the coaches are asking him to do. He should have had a nice TD on that first drive against Detroit, but his WR couldn't stay in bounds (which was 100% on the WR) then the game plan changed and they started to hand the ball off. He can make most of the throws, but he needs a couple things to happen.

1. More time (he needs to work more with the 1's and get comfortable).

2. Some help on Offense (no WR's worth a crap, and so so RB's)

3. A quality QB Coach! He needs to learn what it means to be a QB at this Level. Bring in a Vet to mentor him and a coach that is capable of teaching him.

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