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2011 College Football Season

Guest WyattEarp

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UT is not afraid to drop a dime, look how much they spend on guys they fire.

Exactly. I have always thought it incredible if going with a new coach why they don't give about 25% tops of what they offer for a hungry coach unproven in the true big time, with all the big money dependent on improvement/performance.

- OS

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Guest ukhayes
basketball is not a real sport, it just kills time between football and baseball seasons.

You could say the same thing about football. When I played rugby I used to have a bumper sticker that read," Only Women Wear Pads".

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Congrats UK fans.

The streak was bound to end sometime. Tough loss but what can you do? They just played a bad game today. No excuses.

This time next year we will know if Dooley needs to be looking for a new job. Some (a lot) of UT fans are idiots. They came into this season expecting 10 wins and to be fighting for the east. And when that didn't happen they think firing Dooley is the best way to turn it around. Well guess what Billy-Bob, when you fire Dooley all those underclassmen who have been getting tons of playing time the last two years and are pretty talented will be gone. That top 15 recruiting class will be gone. UT will be starting all over. Again. The program will be set back 4-5 more years. Again. We will finish last in the east. Again.

As I've said before on this site, Dooley might not be the man for the job. But I don't think we will really know unless we see what he can do next year.

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Congrats UK fans.

The streak was bound to end sometime. Tough loss but what can you do? They just played a bad game today. No excuses.

This time next year we will know if Dooley needs to be looking for a new job. Some (a lot) of UT fans are idiots. They came into this season expecting 10 wins and to be fighting for the east. And when that didn't happen they think firing Dooley is the best way to turn it around. Well guess what Billy-Bob, when you fire Dooley all those underclassmen who have been getting tons of playing time the last two years and are pretty talented will be gone. That top 15 recruiting class will be gone. UT will be starting all over. Again. The program will be set back 4-5 more years. Again. We will finish last in the east. Again.

As I've said before on this site, Dooley might not be the man for the job. But I don't think we will really know unless we see what he can do next year.


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Embarrassing loss for sure, And this is a far worse Kenyucky team than we've seen in a while.

I blame the refs :) they blew the fumble call

I think they blew more than one call. But from I saw Tenn played about as bad as I've seen them play. Bray wasn't accurate, receivers dropping balls, bad communication. They just didn't look as good as they did earlier in the season. Agreed Dooley needs one more year aleast unless Jon Gruden changes his mind and thats not gonin' to happen.

Look at Muschamps season with all the tallent he had he already better be getting worried

As far as Kentucky football :D

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Tennessee has serious leadership issues - when your starting RB says:

Tauren Poole: "The whole game, no one wanted to be out there ... people were out of it."

you know there are a lot of serious issues that need to be addressed. Dooley has his work cut out for him...

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Tennessee has serious leadership issues - when your starting RB says:

Tauren Poole: "The whole game, no one wanted to be out there ... people were out of it."

you know there are a lot of serious issues that need to be addressed. Dooley has his work cut out for him...

I didn't hear the quote but it sure did look like what I saw on there also.

Maybe their heads were still swollen after The Vandy win .

I do hate that the few senoirs don't get to play in a bowl. After all its been a pretty rough 4 years for them, and they stuck with it..

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Guest Victor9er
Roll Tide!

Wonderful system we have in college football when a team like Alabama can lose (at home!) to LSU and still get rewarded with an extra week off before they (likely) get to play in the National Championship. Meanwhile, LSU goes undefeated, beats three teams that were ranked in the top 3 when they played (Oregon, Alabama, Arkansas) and what do they get as a reward? The get to go play another game against yet another top 25 ranked SEC opponent risking injuries to their players.

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Guest WyattEarp
I didn't hear the quote but it sure did look like what I saw on there also.

Maybe their heads were still swollen after The Vandy win .

I do hate that the few senoirs don't get to play in a bowl. After all its been a pretty rough 4 years for them, and they stuck with it..

not that the Vandy win was really anything to celebrate LOL! a win over Vandy should be something that is expected of UT and then dismissed as we did what we were expected. If UT is celebrating a close win over Vandy, you know they have serious issues. Then they drop it to Kentucky....yup, think it might be safe to say that Dooley might be going bye-bye pretty soon.

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Guest WyattEarp

$5 million is nothing, especially when you have the alumni and boosters all up in arms and wanting to win, they'll gladly dish out $5 million to get rid of him and bring in someone who's got the skills and experience to get the job done.

Who would they will have gotten who is better than Dooley?

if I were the A.D. I'd be calling Mike Leach before Kansas, (who just fired Turner Gill after going 2-10 in his season), can beat them to it. Mike Leach can recruit and he can coach, I believe he had pretty good success in the Big 12, and I think he could bring UT back to being relevant and make them a contender.

He took Texas Tech to a 11-1 or 12-1 Record in 2008, and only missed out on playing for the Big 12 Championship Game due to a BCS tie breeaker between Oklahoma, Texas and Texas Tech, that favored Oklahoma in the BCS rankings. If TT had gotten the nod, they'd have beaten Missouri and been in the NC Game against Florida that year instead of Oklahoma.

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$5 million is nothing, especially when you have the alumni and boosters all up in arms and wanting to win, they'll gladly dish out $5 million to get rid of him and bring in someone who's got the skills and experience to get the job done.

Fans say that all the time, but it's rarely the case. Those with money don't toss it around for football coaches, most of the time. I know a few 'big time' donors from the University of Alabama - they're RABID football fans but none of them are interested in donating more just for the football program. They give enough already. Now if they need a new library or want to rebuild a building for the actual student body, these guys line up.

Every SEC school has tons of big money donors - there's a reason they nearly always wait to replace these coaches.

That said, DD has at least another year - UT would be stupid to fire him now. What successful coach would want to go to a school that's on its third coaching search in four years?

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