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No biggie but at a indoor range I use those 3" round orange stick-on dots. I stick them in a triangle shape on a regular 2'x3' target. I then fire three rounds each at each dot and fast as I can. Move the target out as you get better.

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What are some good challenging shots? Or good drills to run? I've heard shooting the screw cap off a soda bottle with a .22 is a fun one... what else do you all got?

Not only this but my dad used to shoot them off by hitting them on the side to unscrew them. They would jump straight up in the air (stabalized from the spinning from being unscrewed, I guess) when he did it right and was pretty cool to watch. That was bench rested with a 22 rifle.

I am pretty boring, I suppose, and am happy to just shoot at whatever small sized target. I often just shoot at the repair stickers that come with targets (1/2 inch to 1 inch circles). Most of the places I shoot are paper only.

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Something I used to do a lot with my BB/pellet gun when I was younger and still try to do, occasionally, with a .22:

If in an area where it can be safely done, choose a single leaf a good distance up in a tree and try to shoot the leaf out of the tree. Try not to hit the body of the leaf, itself and see how many shots it takes you to sever the leaf's stem and make it fall. At least I find that to be challenging (even more now that I am not as steady as I used to be.)

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