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Man, I'm dyin' here!

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I'd trade every calendar day over 90 degrees for 2 under 40 degrees in a hearbeat. Can't get naked enough to make a difference in this heat.

Besides, in the winter snuggling up to my wife to get lucky is easier. In this heat she says get the hell off me are you outta your mind?

I'm not alone!

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Hold the hate mail I'm just reporting it. ;)

We have a contractor installing new "energy efficiency" measures in our building. It includes new temp and moisture sensors and timers for the A/C. At present none of it works so all of the dampers are open all the way and the A/C is basically running on max. The ladies up front are wearing sweaters and opening the windows. My office is in interior of the bldg. and I'm having to go outside to warm up.

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Guest nicemac
Hold the hate mail I'm just reporting it. ;)

We have a contractor installing new "energy efficiency" measures in our building. It includes new temp and moisture sensors and timers for the A/C. At present none of it works so all of the dampers are open all the way and the A/C is basically running on max. The ladies up front are wearing sweaters and opening the windows. My office is in interior of the bldg. and I'm having to go outside to warm up.

My building is so cold in the summer that many of the ladies have ceramic heaters under their desks… I run a fan all winter because it is so hot.

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Makes ya wonder what your ancestors did before air conditioning...oh... hand fans...and people who had the sole job of waving those fans.

Our ancestors didn't have to deal with the "heat island" effect of our roads, buildings, etc. They had creeks to play in through the heat of the day. They got up at 4am and were done by 2pm. And since there was no air conditioning, they just got used to the heat.

My little one has a nasty case of eczema, the heat makes it worse. It's been pretty frustrating feeling somewhat home-bound because we don't want to take him out in the heat. Even his older brother (who loves playing outside) walked out on our screen porch in the afternoon, piddled around for a minute or two and said "Daddy, lets go back inside. It's hot out here."

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Guest nicemac
Our ancestors didn't have to deal with the "heat island" effect of our roads, buildings, etc. They had creeks to play in through the heat of the day. They got up at 4am and were done by 2pm. And since there was no air conditioning, they just got used to the heat.

My little one has a nasty case of eczema, the heat makes it worse. It's been pretty frustrating feeling somewhat home-bound because we don't want to take him out in the heat. Even his older brother (who loves playing outside) walked out on our screen porch in the afternoon, piddled around for a minute or two and said "Daddy, lets go back inside. It's hot out here."

They also built their houses accordingly. Nowadays, the first thing a builder does before building a house is to strip the lot of trees–there went the shade that really keeps a house cool. Site selection? Build near the creek–lots of cool air in a holler near a spring. Screen doors? Haven't seen one on a new house for years.

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Guest GunTroll
It's hot outside...but in my mouth it's much much cooler! Sorry just had to say it.

Why, you drinking from the glass lined tanks of old number 33 or something?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The over-achieving a$$ holes at work today, thought it would be a great idea to conduct a fire drill at 2:30 in the afternoon. To make matters worse, we had to stay out there around 30 minutes too.

I know I sound like a cry-baby, considering some folks have outside jobs, but I ain't used to it at all. Plus, 'business casual' and a 105 degree heat index do not work well together.

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I feel everyone's pain that works outside, since I do also. Fresh concrete slabs for the new parking garage on the afternoon of the pour are 130-140 degrees. Layout for control lines and columns is like having a faucet over your head, and everywhere else for that matter!

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Guest GunTroll

I have a new weight loss program that I am on.... Do hot salt bluing in the early am to avoid the intense TN mid day heat. Its only about 130F in the bluing room. I'm thinking at this current rate of sweating I should drop at least a few pounds each time I blue.

It horrible!!!! 130F at 8am

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Since I have opted to return to the remodeling/repair biz....working outside is just part of it. HOWEVER, after having an inside desk job for over 30 years, returning to the great outdoors is a bear!!!! I sweat like crazy and the heat is murder. I must be getting old. But as most of you have said, it is somewhat hotter than normal and yes Al Gore has something to do with it.

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