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Upcoming County election Aug. 4 2011

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Received my official "sample ballot" for Davidson County's general election in the mail today.

Can anyone vouch for any of these clowns running?

I hate relying on their websites and the usual BS that goes along with the process. Word of mouth and talk radio usually reveals their true colors.


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Take a look at who the Tennessean is endorsing. And then vote the opposite way...

For State and Federal races, your suggestion works. Unfortunately in the local races we are generally left without any acceptable option. I usually have to write someone in.

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Guest midnitelamp

Ronnie Stein,who was arrested twice for shoplifting.This shows the absolute stupidity of the voting public[and these same people serve on juries]. Would you pit a sex offender in charge of a day care?

Ronnie is part of the Bredeson machine.

So in short don't vote for Stein.

For a vote of no confidence vote for any of the three opponents of Dean.

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Tygard was the guy trying to violate state law by passing a beer ordinance requiring restaurants to post... So he is NOT pro-2nd

The wife will vouch Tim Garrett and Charlie Tygard.

Jerry Maynard and Donald McFolin would be BAD choices.

+1 on a someone else besides Dean.

NO vote for Bruce Casper - Campaign For Liberty — Davidson GOP Chair Supports Gay Libertarian Candidate for Mayor

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Got a post card from the Ken Jakes campaign.

Why do I have a hard time believing his claims?

The SEIU - derided by conservatives as one of the more liberal labor unions - endorses a number of conservatives for Metro Council, including Eric Crafton, Ken Jakes and Robert Duvall.

I've also read that the fire fighters union now endorses Jakes.

All the Unions that I'm aware of have supported democrats, verbally and financially, don't see why that would change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still weeding them out

Got Keeton for mayor and S. Glover for my councilman.

Any more input may help us in the future :D

Tennessee House Members Vote On Debt Deal

(Washington, DC) -- Most of Tennessee's House members are backing the federal debt deal. Democratic Representative Jim Cooper joined Republicans Marsha Blackburn, Diane Black, Stephen Fincher, Josh Duncan and Phil Roe in passing the bill yesterday. They all agreed much more needs to be done, but Congress needed to take action and raise the debt ceiling or the country would default. Republicans Scott DesJarlais and Chuck Fleischmann voted no, along with Democrat Steve Cohen, saying it doesn't go far enough.

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Guest HvyMtl

Vote for the fairgrounds - one of the very few places gun shows can happen. And sends a message to the Mayor, you are no Daley, you dont get to make unilateral decisions. You have to listen to the people.

Make sure to vote Anti-Dean - in your council picks - including the "at large."

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