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Ranges Are Too Busy(whats up with that)

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So my son and I went to do a little shooting this AM and there was a waiting list of an hour,this is on a Thursday morning at 10:30AM,not only did we not wait but were a little dissapointed.This is the third time in a little over 2 months that it was so busy in the morning a person could'nt get in to shoot without being put on a wait list.now I could see it happening on a weekend but during the week?So any other ranges having the overly busy times.I only shoot during my days off during the week due to the Saturdays and Sundays are pretty wild in these places.I wont even attempt to go on a Saturday afternoon.Where does this leave us old guys that have been enjoying this hobby for better than 35 years to go.It seems that the influx of new shooters to the sport is pushing us not so new to the back of the lines.Just a little rant on my part,guess I will have to look for some land of my own.:D:rolleyes:

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what range may I ask?....maybe if it stays busy they will expand :D

Range USA in Bartlett,its already large enough but their classes use up the biggest side of the building.But whats weird is they will leave it closed even when there are no classes.

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Guest UberDuper

I need to find an outdoor range that's members only during the week. The Phoenix Rod & Gun Club was like that and it was great. Anytime during the week it was closed to the public. Only open to the public for about 7 hours on Saturday and Sunday.

I don't mind a lot of people. It's the idiots that I'm trying to avoid.

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I experienced the same thing at Range USA on Sunday afternoon, but it was a hour and half wait. I left and drove over to RangeMasters and was the only one using the lanes for almost an hour.

I have run into this several times in the past few months at Range USA, once like you, in the middle of the day during the week, like 2:30 pm on a Wednesday. Maybe they are just running too many classes, I dunno. Seems like the range is the bread and butter to me.

For what it's worth, if you are from Lakeland, you might consider the TWRA range over off of Hwy 64 and Brother Blvd. It's cheap and for the most part you'd probably have had the range to yourself today. They are open from 11am to 9pm on Thursdays. of course, like anyplace it has a couple of downsides. they are only open at odd hours during the week, the guy who usually runs the place has zero personality, they don't sell ammo, and last but not least, you have to pay in cash or write a check. no plastic. The good news is it's $8.50 for one person to shoot for a lane and that includes either one silhouette target or two bulls, or $12.50 for two shooters on a lane, and includes targets.

And that really wasn't a rant, it's certainly understandable. You might shoot the owner Scott an email on the Range USA website and let him know how disappointed you were. Couldn't hurt.

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Yup,I think I will have to give that range a try on my next Thursday off.The kicker is I only go to the range at the most usually once a month,sometimes maybe twice.In my last three tries it been two out of the three.One of my co-workers took a day off to shoot and we ended up waiting the hour and a half,on a Monday morning no less.Not gonna wait anymore.

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Guest WyattEarp

summer be causing e'eryone's Agent Orange to ack up, and then people git de urge to kill, so they go to de gun range to hone their skillz.


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That is why I like living in the country and having my own range. Too bad I wasn`t able to get my grandparents land near Murfreesboro after he died but he left it to my uncle and he sold it before I knew about it. It was about 6 milse out of town and a lot of timber to hide everything. Good Luck guys

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The range crowding is the reason I will not pay for a membership at RangeUSA. There are several other ranges I will use if RangeuSA has a long wait.

I was thinking about a yearly membership awhile back but it never came to be.I also have looked into MSSF but their initiation fee is just to steep.

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The range crowding is the reason I will not pay for a membership at RangeUSA. There are several other ranges I will use if RangeuSA has a long wait.
Top Brass is never crowded, but it seems that the ventilation and ac are never on.
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Guest mustangdave
Top Brass is never crowded, but it seems that the ventilation and ac are never on.

oh come on now... :)...they're just training you for REAL WORLD situations...its HOT and HUMID outside...not breezy and cool. ZOMBIES don't care about AC...LOL

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Guest db99wj

Yep, successful, good customer service, top notch facilities sucks! They have a great product, many are picking up shooting, they are having waiting lines. To me, that is a good problem to have, means I would be doing something right. It does suck to have to wait, but it is what it is. Hopefully, they will be able to expand one day, it would be awesome, if they could set up an affordable indoor/outdoor range not to far away. Maybe they will take note and try to rectify the situation somehow.

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